Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 118 Bio-Cosmetic Suit

"The first tactical goal was successful! The attention of the Security Bureau and Jade Pharmaceuticals has been pinned down by Alnan!"

"Great! Great!"

In the temporary network, a series of data turned into silver fish shuttled quickly, conveying messages - the visual structure of this temporary network is a palace located in a fluorescent ocean.

By hacking into the cameras in the streets and alleys near the city government, it can be seen that with the sharp sirens ringing, a number of police cars of the Security Bureau were parked, and a large number of police forces had completely surrounded the vicinity of the city government building. At the same time, a series of armed drones with the "Jade Pharmaceuticals" logo were hanging high, blocking the sky.

The ground forces of Jade Pharmaceuticals also stepped into the central hall, and even several heavy mechas with fully armed modules were dropped from high altitude. The dazzling scarlet light in the eyepieces, ready to crash into the building and defeat the enemy at any time.

This is an absolute "blockade" that encompasses the sky and the earth - in the hacker group's investigation, Jade Pharmaceuticals has poured small reconnaissance robots and toxic gases into the sewers within a radius of two miles.

But after the initial joy, someone suddenly realized something.

"In that case, what should we do about Alnan?"

This level of blockade and siege, even for the previous commander, "Cornelia Campbell", who was rated as a fourth-level unit, it would cost a lot to break through, and "single-soldier breakthrough" and "team breakthrough" are two completely different concepts!

With the armed forces carried by Alnan, even with the remote network support of the hacker group led by Flash Star, I am afraid that

What's more, with the joint network offensive of Emerald Pharmaceuticals and the Security Bureau, the pressure on this temporary network domain is increasing at a visible speed.

"What do you mean, are you going to give up the commander directly?"

"This is not a question of whether you want to give up or not, we have no choice at all! Even now"


At this moment, the voice of Flash Star suddenly sounded.

"Alnan has his own reasons for doing this. Don't forget, this is a plan he made himself."

"Everyone, start the second phase of the original plan. Except for the computing power to maintain the live broadcast, the rest of the execution focus will be shifted to the First Research Institute area to fully assist the ground-based Enlightened Ones' attack!"

A member of the hacker group was slightly stunned. Shifting the focus at this time was tantamount to giving up Alnan's team.

As a senior member of the hacker group, he knew that as early as when Alnan was still a tactical analyst, Shanxing had maintained a partnership with the other party as a member of the first action team, but at this moment she actually...

Shanxing closed her eyes and opened them suddenly.

She said word by word:

"——Don't let Alnan and his sacrifice be meaningless."



When the armed shuttle of Emerald Pharmaceuticals just emerged from the end of the sky, a series of rockets with flames towing rose into the sky and shot wildly.

But Gabey didn't need to signal.

The anti-aircraft missiles of this armed shuttle were fired rapidly. At the same time, someone opened the hatch and picked up a carefully customized weapon to fire wildly in the air. Under the interception fire network formed by the two, all the incoming rockets were detonated in advance, and a large area of ​​gorgeous fireworks was decorated in the air.

Gabey came to the edge of the open hatch step by step.

With each step, the man's exposed skin began to wriggle, as if something was waking up under this body.

A silver-gray carapace with a metallic luster emerged, covering the original skin, and the chest suddenly bulged and shrank. A spiral of light burst out from the gap between the overlapping armor plates, and then closed up in the next moment.

The original outline quickly faded, and was replaced by a non-human thing with a humanoid shape.

——Biological Colonization Suit · [Hundred Feet Xie]

One of the technological crystallizations that Jade Pharmaceuticals is proud of, a masterpiece in the field of bioengineering, in the absence of the same level of extraordinary units blocking, it is enough for the "adapter" to control a medium-to-low intensity war alone.

And at this moment, its adaptor is the third ring [Transcendence] named "Gaboyi Fell".

Gaboy looked down at the earth.

With the help of the four biological prosthetic eyes cultivated by Jade Pharmaceuticals and then fused with the psychic skill [Fly Eyes], everything below is in sight.

In the First Research Institute, the alarm sounded sharply and the violent gunfire roared continuously.

An armed drone was hacked remotely as soon as it took off, and it attacked the institute in turn, or blocked the rest of the drones. Both sides were forced to switch to ground warfare, using cover to shoot at each other, and even bombarded with howitzers and individual rocket launchers.


Although they were in the First Research Institute as their home field, at this moment, it was the security forces of the First Research Institute that were at a disadvantage!

Because a monster made of steel was charging into the hail of bullets, wantonly exerting its power.

——The first action group of the Parloser Enlightener, "Fighter".

Not far away, a "giant" four-legged spider robot collapsed in place, with a crackling arc of electricity, and a nearly one-meter-long wound that looked like a melt, almost splitting it in two.

That was the blow made by the fighter with the electric halberd in his hand.

At the same time, a light white spherical cover appeared around him. With the abundant energy of the micro nuclear fission engine located in his chest, the "repulsion field generator" was always kept running, intercepting most of the kinetic energy bullets that attacked.

The few that broke through the repulsion field also greatly reduced their kinetic energy, making it difficult to penetrate his exoskeleton armor.

The next moment, his shoulder armor snapped open, and a series of self-locking rockets were fired, blasting down at the distant target.

When it comes to frontal assaults and heavy firepower, the current Enlightened Warrior, the Fighter is the undisputed number one!

Then, in the sudden surprise of everyone, a loud noise suddenly exploded from the sky.


The dome made of steel and special cement was like a biscuit. Under the kinetic energy of the airdrop from high altitude and its own terrifying power, it was instantly shattered into layers of powder, and instantly broke through!

And then fell.


The ground cracked instantly.

A large amount of dust was raised high, turning into a turbid curtain. In a trance, there seemed to be a deep whale cry spreading, tearing all the airflow.

So, the curtain of dust was violently torn apart!

In the ruins of broken walls, Gabey's outline slowly emerged, and then stepped out step by step.

An enlightened person fired without hesitation, and first a tongue of fire spurted out of the muzzle with a "bang", but when it was about to hit Gabey, the bullet was instantly knocked out - and then there was a belated "clang".

But Gabey's hands did not move.

With him as the center, it was as if something was invisible to protect him, and even the bullets shot at high speed could be easily stopped and knocked away at will.

"—— Fighter?"

Ignoring the rest of the people around him, Gabey looked at the fighter not far away, because the latter was nearly two and a half meters tall, he needed to raise his head slightly.

"Last time, Cornelia was the last one to let you survive by chance"

Gabey disappeared on the spot, and his words were seriously distorted by the tearing of the airflow.

But no one had time to care.

Because the next moment, Gabey's figure reappeared, like a knight who fought against giants in mythology, punching the fighter in the abdomen!

"——This time, who else can save you?"

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