Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 107 The Path [Truth]

Chapter 107 Path · [Truth]

"Look at all the food?"

When Arnan pushed open the door and walked into the "living room", he laughed softly.

The long tables that had been piled with clutter for a long time were put together, covered with a layer of tin foil, and piled with all kinds of food. Although most of them were fast food or pre-made products, the aroma after heating still made people salivate.

"Harold reprocessed some things, like that pot of canned stew." Not far away, Shanxing stretched lazily: "You know, this guy likes to make these. He specially adjusted the taste to ensure that you can eat it."

"Then I won't be polite later."

Instead of saying "Actually, you don't have to worry about my health", Arnan coughed a few times and smiled: "How can I miss the banquet before leaving."

Next to the weapon rack on the other side, Quemu was still carefully checking his weapon, the heavy Gauss sniper rifle named [Great War].

In a sense, when it comes to single-shot lethality, Quemu has the highest single-shot lethality among all the Enlightened Ones of Palose.

"Giant War" has two modes of use, one is portable and the other is positional. The former is the mode that Quemu usually uses, which is convenient for action and can be quickly folded up and moved to the blocking location.

For the second mode, the "Giant War" needs to be fully unfolded in advance, embedded in the ground with a bracket, and enhanced modules such as "power supply enhancement battery" and "secondary acceleration electromagnetic coil group" are installed at the same time, turning it into a terrifying war weapon with a total length of more than two meters.

One hit is enough to knock down a heavy armed shuttle.

As for individuals, unless they have specialized defense capabilities, a third-level unit will definitely not be able to resist a frontal hit - Dennis and his "light cone" will not be much stronger than paper in front of such an attack.

The disadvantage is that it only has one hit.

After being fully unfolded, it takes a long time for the "Giant War" to fire again or fold up and move - and this time is enough for the enemy to trace back and lock the position and launch a counterattack.

However, as a first-ring psychic of the path [Truth], Quemu's psychic skills can make up for this to a certain extent.

The path was not born out of thin air.

——It is said that the original [transcendence] originated from people's fear and desire for wild beasts.

Faced with the fierce teeth, strong muscles, and thick scales of wild beasts, most people are afraid and even regard them as so-called "totems", offering blood and sacrifices in an attempt to obtain the protection of the former.

But some people choose another way.

The claws of wild beasts are sharp, so we polish our teeth to be sharper than the former. The muscles of wild beasts are strong, so we temper ourselves day by day to be stronger than the former. The fur and scales of wild beasts are tough and thick, so we also temper our skin to be more indestructible than the former!

The eagle soars in the sky, so we will also grow wings. The giant whale swallows and spits in all directions and crosses the universe, so we will also become giants. Since the earth dragon can be split into two and not die, and the broken limbs can be regenerated, there is no reason why we can't do it!

Imitate, devour, evolve

-until the end, completely [surpass] the other party!

At first, it was an ordinary beast, then a psychic fantasy beast, and then, it was the fight between the transcendent and the transcendent, and between the transcendent and other Tao psychics, surpassing everything, climbing endlessly, standing at the top of this world.

[Truth] is the same.

This world has "innate spiritual power", just like some people are born to listen to the hearts of others, and some beasts are born to control extraordinary power far beyond their own kind, calling the wind and rain, and healing themselves with huge power.

The former is called "sensitive", and the latter is called "fantasy beast".

Of course, according to the current definition, if you don't enter the Tao, all of these are classified as "quasi-psychic abilities".

If a person can control the airflow and fly, then for him, this is an indisputable and very natural thing.

——You tell me that people can't fly? Am I wrong?

But at this moment, I am hanging in the sky, the breeze blowing past my ears is real, and the earth is in full view.


Maybe what they said is right, but it doesn't mean that I am wrong.

At least for me, it is an indisputable truth that people can fly.

This is the "truth of oneself".

Do not allow others to doubt it, and practice the truth that "oneself" firmly believes in.

If other paths are woven with spiritual skills as a thread.

Then the path of [Truth] is based on the "truth of oneself" as an axis, and their spiritual skills are all entangled on this axis, constantly enhancing the thickness and strength of this axis, and extending straight upward.

Maybe the field is single, but the effect limited to this field is definitely strong enough.

However, not all psychics on the Path of Truth are "sensitives" who have awakened psychic abilities. The two are intersecting, not overlapping.

Some sensitives have entered other paths, and some non-sensitives have entered the Path of Truth.

In history, there was a famous third-ring psychic who was not a sensitive person - "Windmill Knight", Don Quixote.

He was born a commoner, but he always believed that he was a "knight", awakened with this, and entered the Path of Truth.

Don Quixote's psychic skills can be summarized as "I am a knight".

A knight should have a fine horse, so he can summon a psychic life form named "Rochinanthu". A knight should have a complete set of spears and swords, so even if he holds a crudely made spear, he can use psychic skills to temporarily strengthen it into "psychic weapons" and cut through iron and rock. A knight should have outstanding martial arts and a strong physique, so he can use psychic skills to strengthen his physical strength.

Don Quixote's psychic power completely serves the concept of "knight", or his "truth of his own body".

And the end of Don Quixote was not long after he was promoted to the third ring.

At that time, the country where he was and the surrounding areas were divided by various lords and were in a long-term war.

When Don Quixote traveled to a city near the mountain, he accidentally discovered that the local lord had quietly resumed a large-scale human sacrifice ceremony-the situation was chaotic at the time, and the lord was the [transcendence] of the third ring. The other countries and forces either did not want to make enemies or could not spare the power, and silently watched all this happen.

So Don Quixote dismissed his follower Sancho, and at sunrise the next day, he attacked the lord's castle on the cliff alone. After a fierce battle, he killed the giant incarnated by the latter, but he was also seriously injured and died on the spot.

It is said that his follower and companion Sancho once said that on the night before that day, Don Quixote did not tell him what to do, but just said that he wanted to challenge the windmill.

As for the path of [truth], Quemu's "self-truth" is his eyes.

Before he became an adult, he was heavily addicted to simulated documentaries about natural scenery and wonders for a period of time. Most of these natural scenery and wonders were destroyed in the Seven Lands War. Now he can only feel the virtual modeling in the simulated documentaries-gradually, he is no longer satisfied with this and wants to see the real scenery with his own eyes.

This requires a pair of eyes that transcend the mundane and even unreasonable.

Of course, as the first ring, he can't do anything particularly incredible and incomprehensible.

The first ring of Quemu's psychic skills, in general, are "locking" and "pulling". He can use his eyes as a medium to achieve the effect of "locking the enemy with qi" and exerting an invisible traction force similar to the martial arts works to restrict the movement of others.

Relying on psychic skills and the restricted weapon "Giant War" from [Southern Heavy Industry], Quemu can bring great threats.

At this time, Song Shi also came out.

"The action will officially begin the day after tomorrow"

Seeing this scene in front of him, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly and smiled: "Is this the last supper?"

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