Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 106: Disguise and Surveillance

"How do you feel about moving around?"

Tabitha rubbed her forehead and sank into the chair beside her.

In front of her, Song Shi stood up from the operating bed, rolled over, and casually clasped his palms.


In the rotating plane mirror, Song Shi's appearance had undergone some changes.

The palm of his left hand was covered by a large piece of "simulated artificial skin", with two silver-white etched circuits across it, and underneath, a special sensor chip was buried deep - this was the secret to sneaking into the First Research Institute Finally, faced with the "electronic identification" of various review devices.

And Song Shi's entire face was completely different.

At this moment, he looked like a middle-aged man with short light gray hair, not handsome but not ugly either, with the characteristic of staying up late for a long time.

For an operation of the level of "infiltrating the First Research Institute", conventional silicone human skin masks or makeup are definitely not enough, and more sophisticated disguises must be used.

——But this is not a direct change of face.

Although with current technology, whether it is integrating the human body through "biological replacement" and "gene directional adjustment", or directly replacing a person's body parts with customized makeup prosthetics, it is possible to realize the "pinch" in the simulation game in reality. "People", these are not difficult.

But Song Shi refused.

It is true that I do not reject implants, and I must pursue a completely "natural person", but if I just change my face, I might as well forget it.

So Tabitha took another approach.

She completely covered Song Shi's face with some kind of plastic molecular membrane material, soaked into the deep skin, and stuck together tightly.

Then, just like a clay sculptor kneading a doll, she used these overlapping molecular membranes as clay, and with the help of micro-printing equipment, she sculpted the desired look bit by bit - which is the current face.

Unless special chemicals are used to decompose it, this "mask" soaked deep into the skin is enough to last for a month, and it cannot be damaged by high temperature, washing, and rubbing in the conventional sense.

"In addition, I have overhauled your 'Black Powder' and 'Nugget Ax'. I have slightly replaced some parts, and their performance has probably been enhanced by 10% or 20%."

Tabitha snapped her fingers, and the drawer on the side opened automatically, revealing two pistols lying quietly inside.

"Speaking of which, why are they all kinetic energy weapons? Why don't you consider energy pistols?"

"That's not necessary for the time being."

Song Shi picked up the gun, looked at it, and put it back on his waist: "Limited by battery capacity and component loss, the power of beam pistols is generally not high, and at most it can melt through the human body. As for plasma cannons, plasma machine guns, etc. It’s too inconvenient to carry around, and I’m not [Transcending].”

"Refining weapons into the body?" Tabitha raised her eyebrows.

"There are restrictions, at least it can't be done in the second ring."

Song Shi shook his head slightly: "With such a complex structure, the difficulty of 'refining weapons into the body' will be greatly increased."

"Moreover." He paused: "When powerful long-range strikes are definitely needed, I can also fill in the 'fire'."


Song Shi stretched his body and said, "As for identification, what do Quemu and Shanxing say?"

"Everything is progressing steadily, and they are almost done. They are determining the specific time to start." Tabitha yawned: "Anyway, you and Harold can have a good rest in the next few days - the whole Action, you two have the heaviest task.”




"——Sir, do you want to continue monitoring?"

In the low-rent house, the heavily armed men raised their heads slightly, looking through the gaps in the metal shutters at the building more than 200 meters away.

"It has been seventeen days, and the target has not appeared at all. The other party has most likely abandoned this safe house."

He shifted into a more comfortable position, feeling guilty.

It's been half a month since the "trial", how could anyone still come to this safe house in the Deep Moss District? That Song Shi didn't have cerebral palsy.

The other end of the communication.

After giving the order to "continue to monitor" and hanging up the communication, the man sighed deeply.

As a middle-level manager in the security department, he was having a hard time these days.

The impact of the "trial" was so bad that the public relations department and the government of Jade Pharmaceuticals were so worried that they stayed up all night to suppress public opinion - but the recording and broadcast of the "trial" are still all over the Internet.

Even the other forces in Palother have become a little bit ready to take action.

Fortunately, his immediate boss, Gaboy, came to the door one by one according to the list drawn up by the intelligence department. After suppressing and killing a large number of unsettled elements, he finally made the others come to their senses and kept silent. It became clear whose city Palother belonged to.

What is this called?

The man thought.

After arresting a lot of COS Enlightenment anchors, enthusiastic imitators, people who planned to pull O in front of the Jade Pharmaceutical Building and emergency production lines to secretly sell pirated Enlightenment peripherals - [Enlightenment] is officially A large number of official and derivative trademarks have been registered, and the arbitration institution passed the review in the name of "free market".

The last one, after the actuary calculated and compared "bringing a certain amount of publicity" and "being unable to obtain economic benefits from piracy" and determined that the benefits to the enlightened people from "selling pirated peripherals" were greater than the losses, they sent people to pay all the money and arrest.

Anyway, after these things.

Fourteen days ago, several executive officers of the Ministry of Security actually caught the traces of two official members of the Enlightenment and successfully blocked each other. However, after a firefight, they accidentally missed and killed the two members on the spot. .

——The original plan of capturing the opponent alive in order to force out the other hiding enlightened people was stillborn.

Then, people like themselves suffered.

The remaining enlightened ones disappeared overnight, and they could not be caught after several attempts at baiting.

These days, under Gabriel's will, they live in fear, fearing that if they accidentally do something wrong, they will be incorporated into the company's armed forces and transferred to other high-intensity battlefields to serve as front-line cannon fodder - just like those few Like the hapless executive.

Although in theory, this punishment does not conform to the system and is a bit too severe.

But at this time, no one dared to raise objections or plead for these guys in front of Gabriel.


The man sighed again.

If something as big as a "trial" happens, the Enlightened Ones of Palother will definitely have to stop for a long time. If they still want to arrest people at this time, isn't this embarrassing them?

Those who didn't know how to hide themselves and were easy to catch were all wiped out a year ago.

What's more, haven't you already killed two of them?

It's enough to cope with the above. At most, all the performance bonuses for this year will be deducted - but every year, the superiors issue a bunch of "vouchers", "low-interest loan quotas", and "consumer coupons" to replace most of the performance bonuses. .

"The person who died was Kelland and not Gaboyi's biological father. Why did he work so hard?"

Of course, I dare not really say these words.

During this special period, every word you say will be recorded and uploaded to the company's cloud server.

"Forget it, let's take some time to go to 'Qian Le Fang' tonight. I haven't ordered 'A Lian' for a long time."

The man rubbed his brows and made a decision in his mind.

As for the enlightened ones.

——No matter how conservative you estimate, you can still live a stable life for another month, right?

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