Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 105 Preparation

".Someone quit?"

Flashing Star leaned against the wall, stretched out his index finger, slid on the image directly projected on the retina of the prosthetic eye, and played an unknown click game while asking.


Arnan nodded slightly, his expression unchanged: "Understandable."

"The risks of this operation are too high, and not everyone is willing to risk their lives."

"Humph, I understand."

Flashing Star snorted and popped another 'golden star' casually. The points on the screen instantly increased by a thousand: "It's better to fight for yourself now than to die inexplicably at the hands of the company in the future - this time it's" The target audience of the Sanxiangji Plan is unknown, but in other plans planned by the company in the future, they may be the unknowing people.”

"Don't say such things."

Arnan shook his head and said seriously: "Do you want us to force them to go to the battlefield in the name of 'ideal'? Then what is the difference between us and Jade Pharmaceutical?"

"Don't hate your companions because of this kind of thing." The man's tone was gentle, but with a hint of warning: "Don't have the idea of ​​'looking down' on them because of this. It's good that some people are willing to sacrifice their lives. But that doesn’t mean the remaining people are cowards.”

"Okay, okay--"

Suddenly, my hand accidentally clicked on a 'bomb', and the screen exploded into pixel blocks all over the sky, and all the points were cleared.

Flashing Star turned off the game, straightened her back, and separated herself from the wall. She sighed: "I just complain casually, so there's no need to say this."

"You've been complaining like this while Cornelia was still here."

As he spoke, Arnan coughed a few times, then smiled and said softly: "Palosene, you are at the top of the Enlightenment threat list drawn up by Emerald Pharmaceutical. The so-called commander can be replaced. , but your importance is irreplaceable, that’s why I say this.”

Hearing the name "Cornelia", Flashing Star couldn't help but be in a trance for a moment.

"It's been a year."

She murmured, but quickly adjusted her mood and spread her hands: "You have said so, so what else can I do besides accepting this good intention?"

"By the way, where did Nan Dou and Song Shi go?"

"He said that before the official start of Operation Moth, the 'refining of weapons into the body' needs to be completed."

Arnan paused and said with some uncertainty: "It seems... some kind of project to turn weapons into spiritual powers?"




"——Finally done."

Song Shi slowly opened his eyes.

The location he was in at the moment was not in the bedroom or bathroom.

You can see cables bundled into bundles and hung from the ceiling, as well as robotic arms, CNC punches, and 3D printers. The place is filled with all kinds of equipment. On the other side, a small room separated by high-strength plastic boards was filled with the strong smell of disinfectant. There was an integrated implant operating table, and the table next to it was filled with parts and bottles. Can.

As the machinist, engineer, and prosthetist of the Palother Enlightenment, this is Tabitha's workshop.

When he heard Song Shi's voice, there was a loud knock on the door outside the workshop.

"Song Shi! Are you done? Hurry! Let me see!"

When the door opened, Tabitha looked excited and circled around the person in front of her. Under the latter's subtle gaze, she finally calmed down a bit.

Song Shi stretched out his right hand, and red-gold flames emerged silently.

And then, just like the boiling iron slurry being poured gradually solidified, these flames emerged with specific outlines - it was the fine single-molecule knife [Steel Crow].

"This is 'refining weapons into the body'. Of course, you can also call it 'spiritualization of weapons', 'control of weapons', 'alchemical reconstruction', etc., but they are all the same concept."

"Haos, what is the principle behind the free transformation of matter and energy?"

Tabitha opened her eyes and swore, looking at Steel Crow carefully.

"The steel crow is impregnated and recast through the forging characteristics of the 'Forging Flame', giving it a certain 'spiritual weapon' property." Song Shi replied without hesitation. He pointed around: "The second ring wants to do this. It’s actually very troublesome, so I recast it in your workshop.”

"Because to a certain extent, your machine shop is the modern 'blacksmith shop', 'forge', and 'hammer felt'. I need to use a certain amount of environmental resonance to improve the success rate. It seems that I am lucky, and I am the third The recast was successful the first time.”

Then, Tabitha spat out a few words: "This is, the principle?"

".Did I not explain it clearly enough?"

Song Shi was a little confused. He glanced at the other party, nodded and said, "It doesn't matter. Let me tell you again. The 'Forging Flame' represents forging."

Tabitha was silent for a moment.

She grabbed her hair hard, her tone sounded quite irritated, and she gritted her teeth and said, "OK, no need to explain anymore. I, completely, understand, understand!"

Song Shi flipped his right hand, and the steel crow turned into flames again, and then overflowed into dots of flame stars and poured into his body.

"That's good, we can start the disguise work."

——There is still one week left until the official start of [Codename: Operation Moth].

Using the "trial" of Kland as a deterrent, and before the impact of this deterrent has completely dissipated, Arnan has ordered the entire enlightened people in Paloser to enter a state of full lurking in the past half month. They all thought they would continue to disappear for a long time.

Even the few members who knew the inside story, except for the first action group, the rest only knew that there would be a "big move" next and were collecting action lists.

Everyone was preparing.

Alnan began to secretly withdraw most of the funds, while analyzing various data and intelligence day and night, formulating tactics and strategies, and polishing and considering specific details.

Tabitha was responsible for maintaining and transforming a batch of equipment from [Southern Heavy Industry] - this was also known by Song Shicai.

Five years ago, in order to compete for the right to develop the mineral veins in the suburbs, [Southern Heavy Industry] and [Time Sequence] used Palose as the battlefield and launched a local small-scale company war.

In the past, in Thousand Star City, Tom listed this "company war" with the "big explosion in the old industrial area" and "the Enlightened One suffered a heavy blow" as the three major events in Palose in recent years.

When this "corporate war" broke out, the last commander of the Enlightened, the one before "Cornelia Campbell", led his men to fish in troubled waters and personally hijacked a batch of support equipment belonging to [Southern Heavy Industry].

After being used over the past few years, most of this batch of equipment has been consumed. Alnan made a decision to activate the remaining parts and serve the "Moth Operation".

——As for myself.

After being promoted to the second ring for so long, with the efforts of daily practice, the upper limit of "Spark" has finally increased by one, and the number of holdings has increased from six to seven. And just completed "Weapon Refining into the Body", which is convenient for future infiltration operations to hold Steel Raven and avoid the weapons review of the Institute.

But the preparations for infiltration are obviously more than that.

Next, it's Tabitha's part.

She will implant certain implants into herself through surgery. The only two effects of these implants are "making herself look like an ordinary cyborg" and dealing with "various internal reviews of the Institute".

"Why don't you just use your fire to make yourself some more implants."

Tabitha muttered and sighed deeply.

"Come on. By the way, do you want to take anesthesia?"

"No, this thing may affect the nerves if you take too much."

"That's what you say, okay, whatever you want."

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