Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 104 Black Skull Jane Jumps Out and the Undead

".Stop it."

"Sir, I've got the clue! Give me another week, no, four days! I can dig out all this smuggling route by myself!"

"Stop investigating."

"This is not a discussion, but an order. Second-level agent 'Jian Yue', stop your actions immediately and hand over the relevant work."


"I can only tell you that it's not too late to stop now. Let me give you a week's paid leave, that's fine."

"Someone asked you to be a lobbyist? The leader of the group of organ smugglers? Or their behind-the-scenes supporter?"

"Jian Yue! Watch your words!"

"It's you who should pay attention! Cliff! Look at the police inspector badge on your body! How many people in the Deep Moss District have their organs hollowed out and their bodies thrown into the trash can every month? Don't you know! It's just because someone is willing Spending a lot of money to buy it is why gangs keep doing this kind of thing! That’s why people keep taking risks and smuggling!”

"Why do you have to focus on the Deep Moss District? Can't you pay attention to our efforts in the Gog District and Rota District?"

"Damn it. Why don't you just talk about the Baimen District again?"

"Well, the Security Bureau is only responsible for the periphery of Baimen District. Each community has its own armed security team to serve."

"That's enough, I'm not here to hear your cerebral palsy jokes."

"Jane is out! Think through the consequences! How righteous do you really think you are? Don't forget who is paying your salary!"

"Your father is not just at all. Now your father just wants to blow the heads of those smugglers and let them see with their own eyes how their brains are stuffed into their mouths."

".I order you in the name of the Inspector of the Palother Security Bureau, Jane jump out! Now! Immediately! Immediately-"

"——If you want to stop me, you can, unless I die!"

When the electronic clock beside the bed started to ring.

The man slowly opened his prosthetic eyes, and a scarlet light flickered in the depths of his pupils.

He lifted the blanket and sat up.

Even though it had been reinforced once, when the man turned over and got out of bed, the whole bed still made an overwhelming creaking sound.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, a tall silhouette was reflected in the mirror.

At nearly 1.9 meters tall, the man's physique was burly, as if it were made of cast steel—perhaps not "just like". You can see that almost all vital parts have obvious traces of "subcutaneous armor" implants.

These "subcutaneous armors", which are mainly made of lightweight titanium alloy and rigid Kevlar fabric, are enough to withstand most light firearms fire.

What is also eye-catching are the man's two prosthetic arms that almost burst his sleeves.

"Big Break", produced by [Southern Region Heavy Industry], is a combat prosthetic body that is completely specialized in combat. Each one is priced at up to 300,000 credit points.

High-strength carbon muscle bundles, hydraulic power units, full nerve connections, special alloy materials, automatic ballistic aiming, and each prosthetic limb has three built-in thermal melt bombs, which can collapse the building with one shot after finding the stress point. Roast the people inside to a crisp.

The man looked in the mirror for a while, put on the vest next to him, put on his coat and went out.

As soon as I opened the door, the pungent smell of low-quality industrial alcohol and the strong smell of undried condoms hit my face. Not far away, in the corridor covered with all kinds of graffiti and slogans, several young people with oil paint on their faces were leaning against each other. , facing the white powder on a piece of paper spread out, each person carefully sipped it in small sips.

When one of the young men heard the noise, he subconsciously raised his head and narrowed his eyes.

Perhaps due to excessive sugar consumption, the young man's body was twitching slightly, and his face also had an abnormal blush.


Under the astonished gaze of his companions, he swayed and stood in front of the man with a chuckle.

"Hey, isn't this, our respected police officer Jane Leap?"

He twirled his powder-stained fingers, sniffed at the tip of his nose, took a deep breath, and grinned at the latter:

"Hey, we're just doing candy. Why don't you arrest us?"

While wandering around, he chuckled and said: "Oh, blame me, blame me, I almost forgot, you seem to have been fired from the Security Bureau a long time ago, and now you are..."

The cold touch suddenly hit the young man's mouth.


Amidst the blood flowing from several broken teeth, Jian jumped out, twisted his neck, and turned off the safety of the "Purgatory" heavy shotgun in his hand.

"——Keep talking, little bastard."

Jian Yue showed a ferocious smile, and the huge gun muzzle pressed against the young man's mouth.

The latter seemed to have suddenly pulled away from his sleep, and suddenly realized what he had just done. His eyes instantly became frightened, and he begged for mercy in a vague manner.

"Are you scared now? Why didn't you beg for mercy when you were high?"

Jian Yueyue let out a deep laugh, and then looked at the other people who were frozen in place, not daring to make a sound: "I'm going to smash your teeth one by one in front of your 'brothers'"

But then, as if he suddenly heard someone's words, Jian Yuechu slowly frowned and said a little irritably: "Okay! I understand, I'll do as you say."

He suddenly pulled out "Purgatory", and before the young man could show his happy eyes, he grabbed the other man's head, pressed him against the railing next to him, and looked down from the fifth floor.

"Don't let me see you eating sugar again, or I'll drag you here and throw you away - now get out!"

Looking at the burly man who took a step back, several other people quickly stepped forward, helped the young man who was still shaking, and quickly disappeared into the corridor.


Jian Yue stepped out and looked at everyone coldly. After they disappeared completely, he stuffed "Purgatory" back into his coat, turned into the elevator nearby, and pressed the first floor.

after an hour.

After paying an extra load maintenance fee because "Sorry, your quality is beyond the standard range", Jian jumped out of the unmanned taxi at [Cumvance Travel], put on his hood and entered an alley ahead. .

After a series of twists and turns, Jane jumped out and stopped, knocking on the alloy door in front of her.

Above the alloy door, the camera rotated to inform the owner of the visitor's appearance - and then, the alloy door silently unfolded.

"Old rules, Lemartin."

Passing through the aisle filled with sundries and boxes, Jane jumped out and took off her coat, walked into the deep room with familiarity, and lay down on the operating bed that was still stained with some blood.

"Hey! I haven't finished cleaning yet!"

"Then let's wash it together after I finish it. It will also save you some disinfectant."

"You are provoking a physician's principles."

Not far away, a man who looked to be in his early fifties and was qualified to be called "old man" muttered. He sighed helplessly, pulled up the shadowless lamp above the operating bed, and pulled off the auxiliary electronic mirror on his head. Come down and start checking.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, there are such dense craters on the carapace under the skin, are you going to demolish Mang Xue's lair?"

"Do you think it's realistic?"


"Let me take a look at the implanted gland pump. Are the stimulants and neurostimulants used up? Don't blame me for not reminding you, too much of this stuff can cause brain damage."

"Then please change the model this time. Don't you have a 'Xunlong'? Just use this one."

"Are you crazy? This extreme stimulant, 'Xunlong', is likely to cause sudden death with one shot! Paloser is not a high-intensity battlefield. What are you using this for?"

"Don't worry, I will pay for it."



"Ha, okay, I am the one making money anyway. If you insist on seeking death, I won't stop you."


"Close your eyes and relax for a while. Next, I want to do an in-depth examination. For the sake of doctors, I still ask you, will you use anesthesia this time?"

"Do not hit."

"as you like."


"——Okay, get up."

Not knowing how much time had passed, Jian jumped out and opened her eyes again.

LeMartin unbuttoned his doctor's uniform and sat down on a chair nearby, with an obvious look of exhaustion on his face.

"I replaced the severely damaged subcutaneous armor with new ones. There is nothing wrong with the alloy power skeleton. I only changed the parameters slightly. Several parts of the 'Big Smash' prosthetic arm were broken, and they were repaired for you. "

"The degree of prostheticization of your two legs is too high, and the nerve connection may occasionally have problems. I can't help it. You should pay attention to it."

"In addition, I have blocked part of your prosthetic body link protocol and added a security qualification certification. It will be no problem for general inspections in public places, but you remember."

Jian Yue came out and sat on the operating bed, listening quietly.

After the other party finished the last sentence, he nodded slightly, stood up, and put on his vest and coat again.

"Thank you. I'll put the money into your account the day after tomorrow at the latest."

As he spoke, he picked up the packed bag and walked out the door.

".Wait a moment."

Watching the other person's figure about to step out the door, LeMartin suddenly spoke.

Jian Yue stopped and turned his head: "What's wrong? Are you still worried that I will default on my debt?"

"You know that's not what I mean, Jane."

LeMartin stood up, rubbing his eyebrows: "Your condition is getting worse and worse."

"Really?" Jian Yue tilted his head and said with a smile: "It's just been a comprehensive maintenance, why do I feel that I am in better condition? LeMartin, are you so unsure of your craftsmanship?"

"I am very confident in my eating skills, and the prosthetic bodies I have adjusted are absolutely top-notch."

But LeMartin didn't smile. He stared at the man in front of him and said word by word: "But my scalpel can't do anything to a person's brain."


Jane jumped out and turned completely, and he frowned.

"LeMartin, do you also think that I have a problem with my 'brain' and that's why I was kicked out by the Security Bureau? Do you also think that I should just watch those bastards continue to smuggle organs?!"

"If I thought so, I would never have implanted you! At that time, the Security Bureau had most of your prosthetic body removed, your position was removed, your authority was locked, and you were thrown to the streets to kill yourself like a dog!"

LeMartin was furious when he heard this, and said loudly: "If you hadn't saved me! Who would have helped you, a bastard like you? The source and channels of your special prosthetic body are the accumulation of half a lifetime! Without me, you would have been killed long ago. Those enemies skinned people and sent them to the Children’s Palace as art exhibits!”

"Then why do you say there's something wrong with my brain?"

"Come! Come here! Take a good look with your prosthetic eyes!"

LeMartin stepped forward suddenly and thrust a data tablet into the opponent's arms.

The picture on the data tablet comes from the monitoring in the clinic.

Looking at this scene, Jian Yue was slightly startled.

Through the surveillance camera, the man lying flat on the operating bed had his eyes closed and spoke from time to time to talk to the busy LeMartin - but in addition, the man occasionally turned his head to the other side and spoke with a smile.

As if talking to someone else.

But there was no one there.

"Jane, listen to me."

Lemartin's tone was obviously relaxed, and he whispered: "Your current state is too bad, no, it's better to say that this is normal. In less than a year, you have directly increased your prosthetic degree from 17% to 39%. It would be strange if there were no problems."

"Split personality and cognitive hallucinations are typical "cyberpsychosis", and they begin to affect the patient's reality. You are at least in the middle stage."

Jane jumped out with a gloomy look and did not speak.

"But it's not too late now." Lemartin said: "Slowly remove part of the prosthesis, accept mental adjustment at the same time, take medicine regularly, and then"


Jane jumped out and spit out two words and shook his head.


Lemartin was silent for a while, and then suddenly laughed.

"That's right. I'm too talkative."

He stepped back a few steps, slowly sat back in his chair, and said softly:

"Well, take care, Jane, and your partner, Agent Maury Guest."


Jane jumped out and exhaled, nodded: "Then we'll go, goodbye, Lemartin."

After that, he strode out of the clinic without stopping.

After a long time.

From the retina, a pop-up window of secret communication interrupted the silence of the man at the dock.

He put out his cigarette, connected to the communication, and said:

"--How is the matter going?"

"Almost done! It's just that there are not enough people for the implant surgery, and the rest are still waiting in line."

"Oh, by the way, let me ask you a question."

"Ah? Oh, oh, go ahead and tell me."

"Do you regret it? You are different from those people. You should know what you will face."

"Oh, this, how could I regret it? Compared to being a salesman relying on the 'consensus' psychic power, this is obviously more meaningful!"

"It is my honor to join the undead in the old industrial area! What's more, if I really have to say I am afraid, you, as the founder, should be more worried."

"--Commander [Black Skull]."

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