Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 98: The Enlightened One's Base (Part 1)

Faced with almost ravaging use, the motorcycle finally lost its support and leaned against the wall of the alley. A large amount of steam erupted with a "pop" sound, and the hood trembled, spitting smoke outwards.

Escape was not as difficult as imagined.

After giving up the need to "defend the shuttle", Flashing Star was completely freed to tamper with the camera and positioning mask all the way. Harold's driving skills were better than imagined, and he drove all the way on the retreat route planned by Flashing Star, forcefully Crash into deep moss area.

In a sense, the "value" of the other members of the First Action Team combined is not as high as that of Flash Star alone.

Because the quick success of pure force is much simpler than cultivating an excellent network hacker - even if both are consumables for the company, the latter is also a far more precious consumable than the former.

What's more, as the second ring [Balance], Flashing Star is a "psionic hacker".

As long as she is not in a head-on confrontation with the company's huge computing power and network security experts, she can take the initiative.

"Nandou, your injury."

Harold got out of the car and looked at Song Shi, who was spraying a bottle of wound healing spray on his body.

"It's nothing serious."

The patented ownership of this bottle of wound spray comes from [Jade Pharmaceuticals]. The sprayed liquid will quickly condense into a sticky film on the wound to prevent secondary contamination and expansion of the wound. At the same time, the pharmaceutical ingredients in the film will quickly penetrate into the wound, sterilizing, Stop bleeding and accelerate healing.

"That guy wants to force me back and adjust the distance again, so it's really troublesome to gather most of the thunder plasma and detonate it. I won't be completely fine." Song Shi took out a few more pills and popped them into his mouth. Sai: "But most of them are external injuries, not serious problems. Just rest for a few days."

Harold obviously didn't believe it.

It wasn't until he carefully observed Song Shi for a while and found that except for a few scars on his body, his overall mental state was even better than before, that he finally looked away and breathed a sigh of relief.


Harold pondered for a moment, as if he was considering his words, but then he made a decision and spoke directly.

"Are you interested in staying with us for a few days?"

"For some time in the future, the Security Bureau and Jade Pharmaceutical will definitely go crazy and try to find us. Even in the Deep Moss Area, it may not be safe. After all, Flashing Star cannot provide round-the-clock network support. Since you are in danger by doing things with us, It is the responsibility of the enlightened to follow up.”

Harold paused and then said calmly: "Of course, from the perspective of 'cooperation', we don't want to see an excellent collaborator get into trouble. You should have read the news. We suffered a serious accident a year ago. Fighting, now we need to fight for every advantage."

What's more, he is also a valuable combat power who can kill a senior executive commissioner head-on and whose stance is biased towards one's own side...

he thought.

Say it, the man looked at Song Shi seriously, waiting for the latter's decision.

"Responsible for the follow-up?"

Song Shi casually inserted the trauma spray into his bag, shook his head and laughed: "We charge money to do things, as long as the remuneration is reasonable, where does the employer have the obligation to provide additional treatment to the bounty hunter?"

"But staying for a few days sounds good. I'll just go and get the 'Ember'." Song Shi moved his body, nodded and chuckled: "I really want to see the 'Pearl Bird'."

"Believe me, you will definitely fall in love with the boss, I promise."

Hearing this, Harold also laughed: "You only met him in the City of Thousand Stars, right? Ha, you can never imagine what he looks like in person."


"As for the specifics, let's wait until you see him yourself."

Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly and put them down immediately: "Before I go there, I have to go home to get something. Don't worry, it won't take too long. Let's go together?"

Harold nodded.

The two of them changed their costumes in the alley, and with their hoods covered, they blended naturally into the crowd of people on the street. It was completely impossible to tell that it was these two people who had conducted a "trial" that shocked Palother not long ago.

Along the way, Harold hesitated, as if he was going through a complex psychological struggle, but after a while, he finally couldn't help but speak.

"Nandou, don't you also want to say a few words to me?"


Song Shi tilted his head, a little confused.

"I heard clearly through the headphones just now what you said to Xu Tong."

Harold pointed to his hands, feet, chest, and head, and said sternly: "My degree of prosthetic transformation is much higher than that of Xu Tong. Don't you think that I, well, let me think about it, don't have enough 'purity' ?”

Song Shi was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Don't you fight at all without attacking your heart?"

"...Huh?" Harold was also stunned: "What you just said are not true?"

"That's not the case"

As Song Shi walked, he said casually: "If we talk about it from the perspective of 'force', Xu Tong's approach is at least quite good in the second ring. Otherwise, he would not be a senior executive commissioner. The equipment, prosthetics, and psychic skills accumulated by the company are by no means weak, at least they are above the standard line.”

"If we insist on dividing them, it would be the middle of the second ring, which is not too weak, or a third-level unit."

“So that’s how it is”

"However, this does not mean that there is something wrong with what I said about [Dayuan]'s path."

"I was right and he was wrong. It is human nature to want to correct something when you see something wrong." Song Shi said lightly: "In addition, it was rare to see a great source again, so I simply said more at that time."

"But you know, this kind of thing."

Song Shi spread his hands: "No one will change because of someone else's words. But it is a personal habit. If we meet, I will still be willing to say a few words."

this moment.

Even though he understood what the other party meant, Harold still couldn't suppress an idea in his mind.

Are you some kind of "Dayuan" policeman?

But then, Harold quickly shook off this inexplicable thought, coughed lightly, and his expression returned to normal.

In the following time, Song Shi returned to the rented house, quickly cleaned up, destroyed personal information, and left again.




"——So, you are actually staying here."

The damp air was filled with a nauseating odor.

The pipes and supports that were built have already fallen into deep corrosion, leaving only the general shape and mottled rust marks. From the cracks in the corners of the wall that are difficult to see, unknown moss pokes out bit by bit, revealing a wet corner.

"It's no wonder that Jade Pharmaceuticals has never really found the Enlightened One's stronghold in the sewers."

"Actually, there was some speculation."

Harold jumped down from the ladder and walked in front with familiarity.

"But the sewer system in Palother was built during the Seven Earth Wars. The original design data has been lost. It has been continuously expanded and modified over the years. Even the government does not know the full picture."

"As for using reconnaissance robots to explore the entire Palower sewer network, there is a Flash Star here, so it doesn't make much sense - unless these reconnaissance robots all use 'wetware' operation, but the cost is too high," Jade Pharmaceuticals said This plan was later abandoned.”

"Ah, speaking of which, I thought you would be more uncomfortable."

"What should I say?" Song Shi raised his head.

"Compared to a place like this."

Harold pointed around. Amidst the splashing sound, the color of sewage that was difficult to distinguish was surging down the drainage channel: "The well-known bad neighborhoods in the Deep Moss District are all clean. This is my first time in a place like this. , Even if it doesn’t matter, you still have to frown, right? But you didn’t react at all?”

Song Shi’s words were concise and concise: “The basic qualities of a qualified bounty hunter.”

Why haven’t I heard of it? The entry standards for “bounty hunters” have become so high now.

Harold choked, suppressed his intention to speak, and continued to lead the way.

An hour later, he stopped for the first time.

"Welcome to...'Complicit'."

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