Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 97 [Black Skull]

"Klande, you took the opportunity to merge with a large number of bankrupt companies and equipment during the 'old industrial area explosion' thirteen years ago, and you really got started."

"You have packaged yourself as a humane entrepreneur in interviews and public opinion after interview."

"They were forced to agree to the demolition compensation contract you submitted at the right time, and they acquired this area at a price far lower than the market price."

"You wantonly trample on the dignity and even lives of others, and regard everything as capital and steps for your own advancement."

"……In summary."

"This is the final outcome of your trial - the death penalty."

When he saw on the screen that the man whom he had only seen from a distance at a cocktail party and whom he was not even qualified to talk to, just dropped his hands and completely collapsed on the chair, the middle-aged man could no longer bear it and suddenly grabbed his hand. The wine bottle on the table was smashed!

With a bang, a spiderweb-like crack appeared on the screen, and the live broadcast room screen flickered twice and then disappeared with a pop.

"These bastards! They are so arrogant! The Security Bureau is also a bunch of trash! Salary thieves!"

The middle-aged man gasped, and he couldn't tell whether it was panic or anger. He trembled and roared: "Crazy! It's outrageous!"

Recalling the sentence in the live broadcast room just now, "Klande, you really started with the 'Big Bang in the Old Industrial Area'", the middle-aged man took a deep breath, then picked up another cup and poured it into his mouth.

Detecting a large fluctuation in the user's mood, a miniature life-sustaining drone slightly larger than a coin rose and came closer, but was impatiently pushed back before he could speak.

The cold wine poured into his throat, finally calming down the middle-aged man's mood a little. He let out a long "ha--" and was about to pour another glass, but found that the bottle was already empty.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man murmured irritably, and was about to call the housekeeping robot downstairs to bring a box up, when a wine bottle suddenly poked out from the corner of his eye and handed it over.

"Has the smart service program been updated? So quickly."

The middle-aged man subconsciously took the bottle, but immediately, looking at the dark and cold metal fingers holding the other end of the bottle, he was instantly frightened.

——This is not the mechanical arm of my housekeeping robot at all!

But the subconscious cry has not yet left its mouth.

The hand that was holding the wine bottle loosened its hold, and instead grabbed the middle-aged man's face, pressing the whole man down toward the sofa!

Even though he had restrained himself, the terrifying force still tore through the surface of the sofa and created a crater - in the center of the crater, the man's head was already dripping with blood.

When the five fingers slowly loosened, in great panic, the middle-aged man desperately opened his blood-stained prosthetic eyes, and finally saw clearly the face of the person who attacked him.

This is a burly man over 1.8 meters tall. He is wearing a cold close-fitting tactical uniform under the hood of a wide jumpsuit. Both of his arms are dark prostheses, and they are obviously equipped with many enhancement modules. This pair of prosthetic limbs looks huge and ferocious.

But what is truly eye-catching is his face.

A pitch-black mask with a pale skull pattern completely covered the opponent's face. Paired with the same dark hood, it looks like an undead in hell.

"Meredith Frank."

"You are a complete scumbag."

"You deduct the wages and pensions of your workers, and squeeze people's blood and sweat, just so that you can go to various drinking parties all day long, bribe officials, hook up with others, prove yourself, and step into the so-called 'upper class.'"

"But you failed."

"Thirteen years ago, by tricking his sister into the bed of the director of the Planning Department - facing those perverted sexual sadistic games, the poor girl died on the third night, and you also knew the old story in advance. News of an 'unexpected explosion' in the industrial area."

"Relying on this information, you took out loans and inventory of assets in advance, seized the opportunity to acquire several factories, and became a rising 'business star' from a middle-level cadre in a small factory."

"It's a pity that people soon discovered the truth, just like now - you are just a clown who sells your loved ones to gain wealth, a fool with only maggots in his mind, and an out-and-out loser. Everything about you is fake. How can people think so highly of you?"

“The myth of the ‘rising business star’ suddenly burst like a bubble, and the ‘upper class’ you cherished only regarded you as a joke.”

"After all, you are stupid and don't know it. You blindly interfered in the company's operations. Several business failures have made the company's capital chain shaky."


The strong man picked up the bottle again and opened the lid with his thumb and forefinger.

"You, how do you know-"

"Shut up."

The strong man stepped on the middle-aged man's abdomen. While the latter's face was instantly distorted, he injected a syringe into the wine bottle.

Then, he fell towards the middle-aged man's face.

Brown liquid splashed down, and the middle-aged man's body stiffened for a moment.

Then, like a loach that suddenly fell into boiling oil, the whole body began to twist desperately. At the same time, a blood-curdling wailing sound suddenly echoed through the room.

But in the next moment, his five fingers pressed down again, pinching the other person's face tightly, breaking all the sounds bit by bit and stuffing them back again.

"Didn't I say it? Shut your mouth."

The strong man scolded.

"As the owner of a chemical refinery, you should understand what this is."

"A simple corrosive liquid, plus a little bit of chemicals that amplify the body senses and stimulate the nervous system at its peak - they will not corrode your bones, but will only burn through your skin bit by bit. Frank, you will feel a pool of sticky slurry slowly sliding across your cheek, and then -"

But the next moment, the sturdy man paused for a few seconds, looking at the empty space beside him, as if talking to someone, and said impatiently: "I know."

His five fingers suddenly exerted force, and the middle-aged man didn't even whimper, and his head shattered like a watermelon! Large pieces of blood plasma splashed, smearing a layer of scarlet around.

In the sofa pit that became wet due to being soaked with blood plasma, from the large pool of rotten meat and blood, the sturdy man slowly retracted his right hand, and in the center of his palm were two black artificial eyes that were still flashing and performing functions - the next moment, the five fingers clenched and crushed the two artificial eyes into pieces.

The light in the bathroom turned on and off.

When the foamy blood overflowed the bathtub and slowly flowed onto the floor outside the bathroom, the three-story villa was already empty.

The night was high.

"-- Now, what should I call you?"

The strong man leaned on the rusty railings at the deserted dock filled with the smell of the sea. While worrying about whether it would be crushed, he lit a cigarette and then took out a communicator from his arms.

"A strange conscientious intelligence dealer, or 'Pearl Bird'?"

On the other end of the communication, someone paused for a moment and said calmly: "Does it matter?"


The strong man nodded and exhaled a turbid smoke.

"Then, I hope you can still be alive when we meet next time, 'Pearl Bird'."

"Well, see you next time, 'Black Skull'."

So, the strong man hung up the call, opened the side cover, pulled out the disposable call card, broke it, and threw it into the sea water below, which was floating with sticky oil and plastic garbage and drifting with the waves.

He stared at the sea water.

After a long time, the sturdy man extinguished the last smoke of his cigarette. As the faint flame fell into the sea, he turned and left, completely disappearing in the darkness of the alley in the distance.

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