Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 96 The dust has settled

"What a big mouth."

Hearing this, Xu Tong casually tore off his already messy shirt, revealing his upper body with burnt marks and obvious injuries - the man's implant configuration did not have "enhanced bionic skin", so this was all original skin.

The man took a deep breath.

"As a second-ring Dayuan, how can you be qualified to lecture me?"

He was angry on his face, and said angrily: "What a bullshit 'image'! Let me tell you! The so-called [Dayuan] is-"

The words stopped abruptly.

Because Song Shi drew his blade and slashed with flames!


The anger on Xu Tong's face dissipated instantly, turning into an irritated sigh.

He really didn't want to let himself waste any time.

The damn second ring can master more in-depth application operations of [Fire Seed] on the basis of "simple recovery". Where did this guy come from?

According to the average level, the second ring [Great Source] has two to eight fire seeds depending on the realm. Judging from the psychic power displayed by the opponent, there should be three left, or one or two more.

In the meshing operation of countless precision components, Xu Tong's artificial eye can see everything around him, and the implanted program in his skull also analyzes rapidly, providing a series of combat plans.

The shot that just filled the "fire seeds" forced him to stop moving and use psychic power to resist. Now it is difficult to distance himself.

The decision has been made.

Xu Tong's pupils suddenly lit up with a silver-white glow!

At this moment, he stopped retreating for the first time since the start.

The lightning light that had been dimmed all over his body bloomed again, and even burst out with a stronger brilliance than the first time, and the "thunder plasma" that almost turned into liquid flowed around him.

The right prosthesis as a "psychic weapon" crackled, and silver-white lightning slurry surged towards the palm, converging into a two-meter-long "Lightning Sword" with lightning arcs.

——Psychic Skills · [Lightning Swiftness]!

When Xu Tong was promoted to the second ring, the gift from the [Great Source] path was also the most powerful of the three second-ring psychic skills he possessed.

In a short period of time, a large amount of Great Source power was infused into the whole body, improving attributes including strength, speed, and reaction, while making the control of thunder more arbitrary-coming in this posture, he only needs to strike casually to penetrate a three-story building with lightning.

However, at this moment, Xu Tong's eyes showed astonishment.

He had read the other party's files and knew that the other party mastered [Forging Flame].

This is indeed an undoubted upper-level psychic skill. As a [Great Source], when he saw it for the first time, he couldn't help but subconsciously feel a little envious.

The second ring's [Forging Flame] is no longer limited to strengthening oneself, but can also bless the items held.

——But apart from the two arm guards, where did this guy get other equipment? !

At the same moment when Xu Tong activated [Thunder Lightning Body], Song Shi's face became completely different as the flames swirled around him.

"Forging Flame" rushed freely, like a forging hammer hitting red-hot iron felt and forging creations, pouring into the gap between the two "white armor" power arm guards.

Not just power arm guards.

With the chest as the center, sleeve armor, chest guard, bronze mirror. The red-gold armor pieces unfolded layer by layer, wrapping Song Shi's entire body, dragging out a stream of hot flames, until finally, together forming a "red flow armor" with a bit of animal shape, ferocious and solemn!

This is the spiritual energy secret created by Song Shi in his previous life in exchange for a three-ring Dayuan.

Its essence is to materialize the "Great Source Power·Fire" into a temporary "exoskeleton armor" through a series of complex conversions and constructions.

This is the development of psychic use skills, which is not limited by psychic skills-of course, psychic skills like "Forging Flame" that are very compatible will obviously greatly enhance the effect and strength of the "armor".

And when the other party dies, ascends to the Great Source Path, and turns into a star, this "psychic secret" will also be recorded in the Great Source Path and turned into a new [psychic skill].

Unfortunately, I have just been promoted to the second ring, and I can't use the more advanced operation of "Forging Flame" for the time being. I can only settle for the second best and use it to strengthen this "Red Flow Armor".

The next moment.

The four fire seeds extinguished at the same time and poured into the "Red Flow Armor". While the latter bloomed with unprecedented blazing light, Song Shi disappeared on the spot.


At this moment, Xu Tong barely had time to raise the Thunder Sword, and a stream of flames suddenly expanded and occupied the entire field of vision.

The moment the two touched each other, a force beyond imagination came from the Steel Crow, pressing down the Thunder Sword with an irresistible attitude, and then smashing into Xu Tong's chest!

How could it be so fast?

After opening the "Thunder Light Body", I should have improved in all aspects. But why was I completely suppressed by this attack?

But Xu Tong had no time to care.

Feeling the severe pain in his chest and the terrifying intuition scream, Xu Tong roared, and all the lightning magma around him suddenly gathered towards the two of them!


The world turned white for a moment.

A huge amount of lightning magma gathered together, and then burst out in mutual stimulation, turning into a "silver-white light ball" that suddenly expanded and spread, and completely swallowed the streets within a radius of more than ten meters from the terrifying heat energy and ionization.

Shops, concrete roads, billboards, vending machines, everything was reduced to dust and razed to the ground.

But from the center of the light group, before everything completely faded, two figures suddenly rose up!

It was difficult to see the specific outline, only to see two streams of light, one red and one white, flashing and colliding rapidly on the street - the latter white light seemed to be escaping, fleeing into the distance, and after three breaths, the red light completely caught up with the white light, and instantly penetrated the latter through three walls.

The steel crow sank into the man's chest and nailed him firmly to a broken wall.

At the same time.

Someone raised his pistol and fired seven shots into the air, scaring away the pedestrians who were still watching nearby.

Then, the man twisted the accelerator, and in the roar of the motorcycle he had snatched from a nearby flagship store, he flew across a distance of hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye, dragged a long wheel mark on the white road in the center of the street, and stopped the motorcycle.

"—— Nandou, get in the car!"

"Are there any last words?"

Song Shi pulled out the steel crow and looked at the man.

You're asking for my last words after killing me, damn it

Xu Tong barely raised his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he swallowed it and said in a hoarse voice: "Burn me, burn me thoroughly. I don't want to be used by the medical department to fiddle with my body and do their research after I die."

Song Shi nodded gently.

Then, the surging flames burst out, swallowing Xu Tong along with the nearby broken limbs and ruins.

Without looking back, Song Shi put the steel crow back into the "scabbard", turned over and sat on the motorcycle, and in the roar of Harold's engine that was instantly pushed to the limit, he turned into a streak of light and disappeared, sinking into the intricate urban forest.

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