Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 260 The End of the Sky

From a third-party perspective, overlooking the overall situation, Hollandson may be the only one who saw the plans of the four Enlightened Ones in advance. But when he saw the dark fire column rising and penetrating the hull, he had to admit that he did not expect that the Enlightened Ones would actually dismantle the "Bordeaux" at the Sun Festival this time!

So, he could no longer stand by and watch.



Hollandson turned the revolver, and four "repulsion bullets" and four "buffer bullets" were filled. As the third ring of [transcendence], he deployed a small self-circulating assembly workshop in his body, which can provide gun enhancement modules and continuously produce various targeted special ammunition.

This "workshop" is one of his extraordinary organs.

The man pulled the trigger.

The repulsion bullet and the buffer bullet spanned a distance of nearly a thousand meters and accurately hit the slowly falling Bordeaux. The former was embedded in the hull, propping up a small repulsive field to slow down the falling speed, while the latter expanded and spread rapidly, turning into a large mass of cotton-like material with extremely high adhesion and cushioning properties.

But it was not enough, far from enough.

Compared with Bordeaux's huge size, just a few special ammunition, even with Hollandson's psychic power to enhance the effect, could not completely prevent Bordeaux from falling into the street below!

So, when Hollandson loaded a new round of ammunition.

Ning Tong stepped on the shuttle fence without hesitation and jumped out!



The standard uniform of the Security Bureau fluttered in the whistling airflow in front of him, and as Ning Tong jumped down, a line of slender raindrops quietly emerged from the sky, and in a flash, these raindrops collided and stirred, turning into a magnificent rainstorm all over the sky!

The highest combat power of the Security Bureau in Zhuguang City.

Ace agent, [Dayuan] at the peak of the third ring.

——Codename "Flood", Ning Tong!

The torrential rain poured down like a waterfall, washing all the nearby streets, as if it had vitality. The majestic raindrops and the accumulated water on the ground engulfed all the pedestrians on the street and forcibly sent them to a farther place!

But in this torrential rain.

As if it was grabbed by the giant god of the sky, the black fire column that was inserted straight into Bordeaux was still burning wantonly, without reducing the burning intent.

"——Song Shi!"

Lapis Lazuli also hit Bordeaux!

It rolled several times on the shattered deck, but it had no time to care about it. The intelligent machine called the other party's name. And on its side, the only remaining, undestroyed mechanical balls have been recovered, and four of them are even sucking and dragging four bodies!

Those are the four people of the Enlightenment.

In such a high intensity of combat, they fought against the majority with a small number of people, and just now they took a hard blow from the opponent in order to get close to Bordeaux.

At this moment, their state, even the best one, can be described as "bad". Myron, who was the most seriously injured, had half of his body almost crushed. One of his prosthetic limbs was completely shattered, and the other barely maintained its outline, hanging miserably.

Only Lapis Lazuli entered the battle midway and served as the auxiliary control, staying away from the head-on collision, and was in a good state. It was also it that pulled Bordeaux together at the same time after the four people collided with him.


In the dull roar, the world seemed to be spinning. Bordeaux lost its balance, and the hull began to tilt slowly. Large pieces of parts broke and peeled off, flying in the clattering rain.

From the black fire column that soared into the sky, a stream of flames came in an instant!

Song Shi rushed to Lapis Lazuli, without any nonsense, and the latter collapsed into a spherical shape again. A wisp of fine metal quicksand passed through the four people, and then quickly solidified, fastening them to the intelligent machine.

The body of Lapis Lazuli dimmed slightly, as if the energy supply was no longer sufficient, but the several vector engine modules suspended around it burst out with unprecedented dazzling light at this moment!

Overload operation.

The peak power of the engine broke through.

—— This is the last step of the "extinguish the sun" operation.

Safe evacuation.

In a sense, the biggest problem of this operation has always been only one, that is, "casualty rate".

For this team composed of elite members specially selected from various branches of the Enlightened, destroying the Sun Celebration and reducing the public opinion assets of Fubo Energy's preferential policies are not too big a problem.

After all, even if Fubo Energy makes armed deployment in advance, most of the time, "destruction" is much easier than "maintenance".

The difficulty lies in how everyone can successfully retreat after completing these two tactical goals.

Even if the Enlightened will use force to put pressure on various parts of Zhuguang City, forcing the company to withdraw some forces to confront.

But the remaining ones are enough to form the current encirclement. If they choose to charge head-on, even the most optimistic estimate is that two or more members will be killed.

Casualty rate.

The four members of the Enlightened who are qualified to be the executors of this operation are of course fearless of life and death, and have long been prepared to die in battle. However, the tactics department of the Enlightened still repeatedly deduced and considered, hoping to reduce the casualty rate as much as possible and retain every member.

——And at this moment, it is the final evacuation plan!

The dazzling white incandescent stream gushed out of the jet, and the vector engine burst into a loud explosion.

"Psychic energy."

At the same moment, veins bulged on Myron's forehead, and tears and blood flowed from his eyes! The psychic energy that was already close to the limit surged again! The man seemed to have bitten his teeth into pieces, and the whole person roared and growled: "——Skills!!!"

The huge flame wings stretched out suddenly, turning into two dark streams that spanned the sky, and even the overwhelming rain curtain was burned away for a moment.


——Soaring into the sky!

The high-altitude mobility module of Lapis Lazuli, the vector engine group, Maren's "speedy" psychic energy as the peak of the second ring [Truth], and the "disaster flame" revealed by Song Shi, which was enough to break and burn all obstacles.

Two fire seeds were consumed.

At this moment, under the stunned gaze of everyone, a dark and angry fire flow rose from the huge airship that was collapsing and overturning, forcibly forcing back and blocking all nearby attacks, and then rising straight to the end of the sky!

On the street, someone looked up blankly, and in his pupils, there was a dazzling meteor that streaked across the sky.

Under the control of the "macro-state light energy matrix", the sky, which had already fallen into complete darkness, was briefly illuminated by the brilliance of the meteor.

The dark flames revealed by the meteor were so fierce that even though they were far away, they still brought some boiling in the hearts of those who watched it.

As if burning.

Reacting instantly, several streams of light also began to soar, chasing the meteor flying into the sky.

"——No! I can't catch up! Too fast!"

"Their target is the stratosphere! Or even the mesosphere! I can't reach that high!"

"Where's Rita! She's a transcendent! Or a specialized air combat model! Let her——"

"——Shut up!"

A slightly irritated voice suddenly interrupted, and the streamlined mechanical wings spewed out long flames, carrying its owner as a streak of high-speed across the sky. But at this moment, looking at the increasingly distant meteors above, Rita's beautiful face was full of gloom: "I didn't catch up either."

At this moment, only Rita herself knew, or should I say, only she could prove that she lied just now.

The speed of more than ten times Mach that the opponent burst out is indeed terrifying, but as a special pilot specializing in air combat of [Southern Heavy Industry] and a third-ring [Transcendence], with a body of prosthetics, extraordinary organs and cutting-edge equipment, she is still confident that she can catch up with the opponent and delay.

But long-range strikes will be crushed and burned by the opponent's dark flame wings, making it difficult to be effective.

If you want to really intercept the opponent, the only way is to shoot him down at close range.

And shooting him down at close range.

In the sky where the air is getting thinner and thinner, in the undulating sea of ​​clouds, the special pilot who is about to approach a hundred meters looked at the young man from a distance for a moment. At that moment, fourteen red-gold flame stars silently appeared beside the opponent.

In those black pupils mixed with red gold, there is only one meaning.

——Whoever, stops, who, will die.

Forget it.

"It's none of our business anymore, Fubo Energy is going to take action! Okay, okay! I know that this time I will be deducted from my performance! You don't need to emphasize it anymore!"

Rita exhaled a breath of hot air, circulating to cool the fuselage. She hovered in the sky, watching the meteor above, and suddenly her expression became serious: "——Here it comes!"

At the other end of the distance.

A light suddenly lit up.

Not just a single glimmer, nor a few, but a brilliant rain of light across the sky——

The mighty meteor shower pierced the sky, but did not fall to the earth, but instead went against the sky, rapidly approaching the flaming star above!

Hypersonic ballistic missile strike array.


Aerospace carrier, [Groden Glory].

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