Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 259 The God's Chariot Falls

[The target has broken through the triple defense line! It is approaching Ishua Groden at high speed! Stop him! Now! ]

Listening to the urgent instructions in the tactical channel, Lita did not have time to insult her boss in her heart. The vector engine group of the mechanical wing behind her roared violently, allowing her to avoid the strangulation of the single molecule line that was coming with an extremely anti-human maneuver.

But she did not need to fight back. A colleague in the distance seized the opportunity and punched hard!

The strong gravitational diffusion field instantly crushed all the matter in front of it, but when it was about to hit Myron, a fist-sized mechanical ball with complex textures on the surface shot over first. With it as the center, it supported a force field and deflected the gravitational diffusion field, allowing Myron to successfully activate psychic energy to accelerate himself and retreat to a safe position.

Lita turned her main battle weapon, which was a giant mechanical sword with a single blade of nearly four meters, which was seriously mismatched with her body size. Blue fluorescence flows along the winding lines of the sword, which is a sign of abundant energy supply, provided by the [nuclear fission reactor] that she placed on her chest and transformed into an extraordinary organ with psychic skills.

Although I don't want to admit it, the situation is indeed a bit stalemate.

Myron and others are all well-known elite backbones of the Enlightened, but with the advantage in numbers, they have almost defeated the opponent's defense several times and arrived in Bordeaux.

Even according to the worst-case scenario, in one and a half minutes, they can completely penetrate.

But just now, a new guy appeared - although the Enlightened and the intelligent machine have been involved for a long time, but a second-ring peak intelligent machine - especially an intelligent machine of this level, why is there no record in my database?

In the distance, the intelligent machine has already fully unfolded its body, and the structural units like quicksand are constantly reorganized to build various functional modules. And beside it, several mechanical balls with alloy luster are suspended and fluctuating in the air, constantly shooting and recovering to the designated direction.

——The essence of these mechanical balls is a mobile force field generator.

In the hands of the intelligent machine, these mechanical balls became nodes for releasing psychic energy. With the blessing of psychic energy, the flexibility and strength of the force field deployed by the latter were greatly improved.

Relying on the exquisite psychic control and a high-standard new machine body, the opponent used mechanical balls to divide and control the battlefield, and forcibly supported the originally precarious situation of Myron and others!


Rita was very unhappy while letting the floating guns around her spit out light spears.

She is also a special pilot of [Southern Heavy Industry], the third ring [Transcendence].

She is really good at beyond visual range strikes and high-speed maneuvers.

Suppressing enemy air firepower, seizing air supremacy, and targeting high-value buildings, this is what she should do.

——This kind of head-on collision within visual range is the responsibility of Sadao Shitetsu! As a result, the latter is not here at the moment!

Putting herself on the battlefield at this moment, she is simply tied up and it is difficult to exert her full strength! But Myron and the others knew their own abilities, and they were the only ones who were targeting them, so they couldn't find a chance to get away and change direction to break into Bordeaux from high altitude.

However, should we say that this is also a kind of luck?

Rita glanced calmly at Bordeaux, where black smoke was constantly coming out in the distance.

When she thought that Wu Chi was killed head-on in such a short time, even if Myron and the others didn't bite her, she didn't want to break into Bordeaux and face that "Song Shi" alone. Now, in a sense, it was more to her liking.

But the next moment, the beautiful and youthful face of the blonde girl was slightly throbbing with blue veins, revealing a manic look.

——It was really outrageous.

In the headphones, the stupid bosses were still talking and complaining! In reality, the screams of the underground crowd never stopped! Even she could hear it clearly in the air! It was really noisy!

Then, another colleague took action!

Under the control of psychic energy, the atmosphere within a radius of 100 meters was drained in an instant, and in the silent whistling flow, all of it was grasped into the palm of the psychic's five fingers!

Then, this [Dayuan] who reached the third ring punched forward!

It was like a raging storm was compressed into a point, and then suddenly untied in the next moment.

Along with this blow, a violent hurricane suddenly burst out, and each wisp of air flow was enough to crush gold and iron, and at this moment, they turned into a storm and roared forward.

Myron's eyes condensed, and he was about to increase his speed to seven times Mach again, and forcibly withdraw from the coverage of the storm. But this time, psychic energy was not as free as before, but instead became obviously obscure.

Since the beginning of the war, the consequences of madly squeezing himself have already appeared.

The result of this obscurity is that he failed to completely avoid the storm.

Even though Lapis Lazuli timely projected a mechanical ball to support the man's force field, before a third-ring [Dayuan] attacked with all his strength, this layer of force field only blocked a tiny gap and was torn apart by the storm.

Under one blow.

The clothes on half of Myron's body turned into extremely fine dust, and countless fine cracks crisscrossed on his exposed body. If he had not undergone a series of enhanced transformation surgeries and prosthetic implants, I am afraid that now it would not be just "cracks".

At the same time, in the tactical channel belonging to the Enlightened One.

"Myron! As soon as possible! It can't be delayed any longer! The other party is taking over the control of the nearby network domain again!"

The members of the Enlightened in the rear, whose duty was to provide "network support", spoke quickly and anxiously. When Myron and others launched a surprise attack, they also fought with the demons of [Zero Degree Network] on the virtual battlefield.

The hunting drone swarm had just risen, and it was flashing with arcs all over its body, and exploded with a bang.

A fully armed heavy shuttle, the magnetic track of the electromagnetic gun burst into an indigo light, and when it was about to launch the preheating, the fuselage suddenly trembled violently.

It was as if two pairs of invisible hands grabbed one end of the shuttle and wrestled with each other. In the increasingly violent trembling, the interior of this heavy shuttle suddenly exploded, and then there was a series of chain explosions. The shuttle was cleanly broken into pieces and slowly fell.

But such scenes are now decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it is limited to "individuals", then in the field of networks, the Enlightened have quite a few good players, and even the talents of several of them can be regarded as outstanding in [Zero Degree Network].

However, when the target of the battle changes from "individual" to group battle like this, and the two sides engage in a head-on confrontation, then the Enlightened One will be at a clear disadvantage in front of the huge and sophisticated full network system of [Zero Degree Network].

Listening to the hurried words in the headset, Myron's expression remained unchanged, and his five fingers grasped the single molecule line - at the end of each single molecule line, there was a rice-sized alloy body hanging. It was a very special and rare alloy with extremely high density.

——Psionic Skills · [Super Speed]!

——Psionic Skills · [Multiplication]!

——Psionic Skills · [Extreme Resistance]!

Since the speed suddenly rose to eight times Mach, in less than one tenth of a second, before even the sound could react, Myron had crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and forcibly broke into the third ring source that had just blasted out the storm!

In front of the terrifying control power of the top prosthetic, the dozens of single-molecule wires wrapped around the five fingers, hanging the alloy body, did not entangle and stick together at all, but formed a network that encompassed all directions in an incredible posture.

No need to attack specifically.

Just push the kinetic energy to the limit, and the single-molecule wire will turn into a sharp blade that can’t stop!

Just "skimmed by".

The third-ring Dayuan froze in the air for a moment, and his lower body slowly separated, like a whole watermelon being cut more than ten times at the same time. Different bright red cross-sections spurted out a lot of pulp, and he slowly fell down.

But it was too late to make up for it.

Because a third-ring [Transcendence] from [Southern Heavy Industry] was already in place!

Finally, he caught the breath of Myron's attack, and before he could recover, the triple impact force field was compressed, surrounded by a huge power fist that was instantly charged with a buzzing sound, and the man grinned and blasted Myron, who had no time to dodge!

In the terrifying impact, the atmosphere collapsed and was forcibly squeezed out of the ring-shaped "vacuum"!

Myron only had time to raise his arms before the power fist arrived.

It was not "broken".

With one punch, Myron's arms, a pair of top-notch prosthetic limbs customized with a lot of resources, were crushed into slag by the terrifying force the moment one of them touched the fist! The other arm below was buffered by the former and still maintained its general structure, but a series of arcs burst out from the winding cracks on the surface, and it was obviously also severely damaged!

[No! They want to--]

But in the tactical channel, someone suddenly shouted!

Hearing the voice of his colleague, the man who blasted this attack was subconsciously startled, and at this moment, Myron in front of him had already flown backwards! His power fist was enough to impact and overturn a building. With such an impact, the opponent could not maintain his posture at all! Rather than saying "flying backwards", it was even more like being "smashed" out!

——But it was not just Myron who was "smashed" out.

At this moment, the man also woke up in shock.

Myron, Sui Yinghong, Finger.

When everyone was closely following the opponent in front of them and subconsciously ignoring the overall situation, the four elite members of the Enlightened Ones who were scattered all at once actually sold out similar flaws at the same time, and flew backwards to Bordeaux behind them at the cost of taking a hard blow!

They were already closer to Bordeaux, and took another hard blow from the opponent, and were blessed by the latter's momentum.

At this moment, all the armed personnel of the company were too late to forcibly intercept them!


In the next moment, this sudden change was forgotten by everyone.


At the moment when the four Enlightened Ones members collided with Bordeaux, a huge straight flame suddenly burst out, the cabin collapsed, and the deck melted through. It rose straight from Bordeaux and rushed straight into the sky. The dark flames flowed wantonly, as if the entire sky was ignited!

In the eyes of everyone.

When the flames shot up into the sky, Bordeaux, the theater airship named after the sun god's astronomical vehicle in Rocard mythology, could no longer bear it.

——With a tooth-grinding scream, it began to fall toward the ground below!

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