Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 78 The Path [Transcendence]

Chapter 78 Path · [Transcendence]

In the dark bathroom, a faint light suddenly rose.

The low breathing sound was a little hurried, and then it quickly slowed down, showing a rhythmic rhythm.

It can be seen that at this moment, Song Shi's body surface has countless thin protrusions like blood vessels, but upon closer inspection, these thin "blood vessels" are not protruding, but only emit a faint, red-gold light.

It's like something is burning in it.

If you look through the skin and deep into the body, you can see such a scene-countless red, irregular crystal particles are flowing in the blood vessels, turning into firewood and burning in the red-gold flame.


After a long time, Song Shi slowly opened his eyes.

He covered his mouth and slowly took it away, only to see a pool of black blood in his palm, as well as some extremely fine particles-these are impurities that cannot be absorbed in natural rubies, agates, and crystals, which are discharged after the burning of the "forging flame".

This is one of the prerequisites for the psychic skill [Burning Blood].

Continuously take crystal stones representing the "fire" zodiac sign, and then burn and absorb them in the body with your own psychic energy.

Even if you don't get [Burning Blood] in the end, it will be good for [Great Source] psychics who choose "Great Source Power·Fire". Just like now, after taking it for nearly a week, Song Shi can feel that the flow of the forging flame is a little faster.

There is an upper limit to this kind of improvement, which can only be regarded as a "bonus". It is valuable, but the value is not great.

However, if you get various psychic skills including [Burning Blood] that have similar prerequisites, you can strengthen the effects of these "bonus" at the moment of getting them.

"This is a modern psychic."

Song Shi turned on the shower head casually and thought while flushing with cold water.

In ancient times, although natural rubies, agate crystals and other creations were more abundant, the difficulty of obtaining them was not necessarily lower than today. You can sit at home and wait for the courier to arrive, while the ancient [Dayuan] psychics without backgrounds had to collect them slowly by themselves.

And various cultivation environments are also more convenient.

Every year, there are wild psychics who are caught because they use circuits to practice at home, resulting in abnormal electricity consumption. To be more precise, they are wild [Dayuan] psychics who choose "Dayuan Power·Thunder".

——But in terms of convenience, it is still not as good as the [Transcendence] path.

The most orthodox way to advance in the [Transcendence] path is to gradually free psychics from the shackles of "humans" and become inhuman monsters by constantly shaping "supernormal organs".

On the murals in some ancient ruins, or in myths and legends, those majestic and majestic giant gods, the terrifying monsters that wreak havoc on one side - a large part of them are actually the incarnations of [Transcendence] psychics.

Of course, [Dayuan] is not bad either.

Another group of "gods" who often stir up natural disasters in the name of "punishing mortals" and keep raining fire, thunder, and storms are mostly high-level psychics of [Dayuan].

——Return to the path of [transcendence].

In the path of [transcendence], there is a very classic first-ring psychic skill · [iron skin], which is matched with another second-ring psychic skill · [molten stomach barrier]. The combination of the two allows the holder to chew metals, digest and precipitate these metals, and form a layer of "alloy plating" on his skin.

With these two psychic skills alone, the second-ring [transcendence] psychics in ancient times could withstand conventional bow and crossbow shooting, sword slashing, and charge and kill on the battlefield.

But now it's different.

What is the difference between the so-called "iron skin" and "subcutaneous armor"?

To some extent, isn't implanted prosthesis also a kind of "supernatural organ"?

If so.

Why don't I just implant a set of "subcutaneous armor" instead of pursuing the rather troublesome "iron skin"?

This is the current [Transcendence] path.

If the goal of the [Great Source] path is to "control the Great Source", then the goal of the [Transcendence] path is "an unsurpassed body".

The latter's adaptability to implants is obviously higher than that of ordinary people - the 40% transformation degree that is very dangerous for ordinary people is probably only equivalent to the 30% transformation degree of ordinary people for the first-level [Transcendence] psychic.

They can directly replace the past process of slowly building "supernormal organs" by "implanting prostheses" in one step.

But what is really terrifying is their "plasticity".

Ordinary people need to regularly repair and replace prostheses, and even face problems such as performance degradation and obsolescence.

But the psychics of the [Transcendence] path are different.

Through psychic skills, they can transform these "implanted prostheses" into "super organs" that truly belong to them. There are no longer the above restrictions, but they can grow and become stronger with them step by step - they can transform "implanted prostheses" from a cold creation into a living life!

This is the power of the [Transcendence] path in this era!

At least before the fourth ring, the "super organs" created by ordinary [Transcendence] psychics themselves may not be better than implanted prostheses in terms of performance - even if you are better than the ordinary version, what does it matter? There are Plus, Pro, Promax, etc. later, there will always be a version that is stronger than yours.

Not to mention that if the price is right, you can just customize it directly, and you can pile up the materials.

"Gabey is the 'transcendence' of the third ring. As the head of the security department of Jade Pharmaceuticals, he has obtained a 'bio-cloning suit'."

"Nandou, although I don't want to admit it, Cornelia... well, that is, our previous commander, even if there was no ice-type troops at the time, and there was only Gabey, Cornelia's chance of winning was no more than 40%."

"But! If Cornelia wanted to leave, no one could stop her! But a year ago, she covered our retreat, so..."

The words I talked to Shanxing not long ago came to my mind again.

For the death of Cornelia Campbell, the previous commander of the Plosser Enlightened, Song Shi personally expressed regret and a certain respect.

But that's all. After all, they have never met and have no friendship, so it's difficult to have further emotions.

What Song Shi really cares about is Gabey.

When he heard "transcendence of the third ring" and "bio-cloning suit", Song Shi instantly understood what it meant without Shanxing's explanation.

After the "Fourth Total Corporate War" ended 22 years ago and the giant company Pure White Bio fell, Emerald Pharmaceuticals received most of the former's legacy, allowing its own research in various fields headed by bioengineering to go further.

[Bio-Colonial Suit], a "biological exoskeleton" developed with bioengineering technology is one of the results.

Strictly speaking, Emerald Pharmaceuticals' [Bio-Colonial Suit], Chrono-Pass and other giant companies' [Intelligent Exoskeleton], and the Vampsta Empire's [Prayer Armor] represent the three development directions of the "exoskeleton armor" technology. There are advantages and disadvantages among the specific models of the three, but overall there is no difference between the three.

[Bio-Colonial Suit] is indeed powerful, but at the same price standard, will the [Intelligent Exoskeleton] of giant companies such as Chrono-Pass be weaker than the former? The [Prayer Armor] forged by the Vampsta Empire with psychic technology will not be weaker than the former two.

——What is really scary is actually Gabe's identity as the third ring "transcendent"!

The opponent has integrated the entire [Bio-Cosmetic Suit] into himself and turned it into a part of his body. On this basis, with the assistance of various psychic skills - the two are superimposed, even if an ordinary person wears the same [Bio-Cosmetic Suit], the performance will be significantly lower than that of Gabey.

Without the obstruction of extraordinary units of the same level, as long as he is not stupid enough to completely resist the heavy firepower head-on, Gabey can kill a mechanized synthetic battalion by himself.

Turn on the valve and turn off the shower head.

Song Shi stared at the black-haired young man in the mirror. After a long time, he muttered to himself in the bathroom.

"Use the weak to defeat the strong."


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