[Paloser's market is close to saturation, and except for a few products, most sales have declined to varying degrees]

【.The above is the financial report preview for this quarter. 】

In a tall conference room with simple decoration, a serious-looking man raised his index finger. The projection in front of him showed visual data integration - but if you look closely, you will see that the "man" does not exist physically, it is also a holographic projection.

It's just that the concrete accuracy far exceeds that of most civilian equipment.

In front of the man, there were many people sitting in the conference room. Almost all of these people appeared here in the form of holographic projections.

Among the top management of Jade Pharmaceuticals located in Paloser, there is one person who seems a little out of place.

Head of Security, Gaboy.

Gayboy was still wearing the same suit and leather shoes that he always wore. He sat upright and looked directly at the man who was chairman of the conference room, who was the regional president of Jade Pharmaceuticals' Palower branch.

His posture was serious.

But because of this, other people feel a little subtle.

The market performance of Paloser in the past few years has not been good, and the higher-ups are quite dissatisfied. Even a large part of the reason for the birth of the "Three-Phase Base Plan" is also because of this - this is indeed a big deal, but all this has nothing to do with Gabor. It doesn't matter.

This guy is the head of the security department and nothing else.

No matter how poorly Paloser's market performance is, it's not his fault - he can't be allowed to lead the company's armed forces and go to people's homes to sell medical insurance.

What's more, he's about to be transferred out of Palowe!

[We have completed the preparatory work of the "Three-Phase Base Plan" and will be officially launched in the next quarter]

[The financial report of Paloser next quarter will directly affect the head office’s allocation of resources to us, so I hope——]

The regional president suddenly stopped talking and looked at Gaboy with some confusion.

I saw the other party suddenly stood up. Just as the others turned their attention, the other party's holographic projection flickered and disappeared. The link was interrupted and the meeting was exited!

".What happened?"

The director of the marketing department, Gladys, a very young-looking man, said in confusion: "Everyone, do you know anything?"

"I don't know, huh?"

Burton, the head of the public relations department, spoke, but then, as if he had suddenly received some news, his expression changed slightly: "Wait, something happened, Dennis is dead!"

"Dennis? I have the impression. Dennis Serra, the senior executive?"

Gladys recalled it for a moment and suddenly said: "No wonder Gabriel is so emotional. How did this guy die? Who made the move?"

"Well, according to the information I have, there is a high probability that they are the Enlightened Ones." Burton couldn't help but laugh: "It's quite interesting. They were almost uprooted by Gabriel last year, and yet they dare to take action now. "

"Don't say anything like that." Gladys shrugged: "If we were really 'uprooted', we wouldn't be able to deal with the anti-corporate people in Paloser on a regular basis, or Burton, you can find someone better. 'Trash can' used?"

"Hey, you're making things difficult for me."

"Speaking of which, how is the battle going on the front in Casting Light City? I heard that [Fubo Energy] is preparing to dispatch their aerospace carrier 'Groden Glory', preparing to defeat the main force of the Enlightenment in one fell swoop and completely lay the foundation for The battle situation——"

"The Enlightenment's affairs are nothing but scabies after all. No matter how much those lunatics do, it won't affect the overall situation. The one that really deserves our attention is [Yenan], isn't it? Their actions on the border have never stopped for a day. ”

The regional president coughed lightly: "——Everyone."

"Ah, I'm off topic, my, my, my." Gladys, the marketing director, expressed her apologies.

The regional president nodded and looked at the woman on the other side.

"Miho Morikiyoshi, I need to further increase the addictiveness of the next quarter's 'Easy Patch', can I do that?"

"Easy Patch" is a popular product of Jade Pharmaceuticals. It looks like a band-aid. When applied to exposed skin, it will slightly adjust part of the body's hormone secretion within fifteen minutes, bringing a slight sense of pleasure and comfort.

It is cheap, mildly addictive, does not affect work, and can even improve work efficiency to a certain extent.

"Technically, it's not a big problem."

The director of the medical department, Miho Morikiyoshi, said cautiously: "But now the addictive substance content of Paloser's 'Easy Patch' is already exceeding the industry standard - if we want to increase it again, it will exceed the scope of 'daily necessities' and be classified as" "Addictive drugs" will not enjoy the current policy preferences."

"That's easy to say."

Gladys said without hesitation: "I will apply for a certificate that this batch of 'Easy Stickers' is a special commemorative model for Paloser. It is timely for sale and will not affect the positioning of the entire product line."

"Commemorative money?"

Burton, the head of the public relations department, smiled and spread his hands: "I love the name 'Commemorative Edition' very much, so I will contact a group of new spokespersons, including virtual anchors, super sports stars, and exotic singers. There are nine types in total. What do you think of the joint commemorative model?”

"Burton, your task is not only to cooperate with marketing, but also to control public opinion." The regional president reminded: "The demonstration in Rota District not long ago was too loud and exceeded the goal of 'letting people release their emotions'. Although in the end Nice solution, but please remember to pay attention in the future. ”

"I understand." Burton nodded immediately.

"In addition, on the government side, the new mayoral election is coming soon, and we can start the preliminary publicity for the candidates we recommend. Although it is acceptable for anyone to come to power, it is really more convenient for our own people to use it. "

"Yeah, right."

The regional president paused and looked at another person. He was a thin man with many prosthetics inserted into his body: "The Three-Phase Basic Project is about to be officially launched. At this time, the Enlightened One appears again. I have some bad feelings." Hunch."

"So next, your engineering department should try your best to cooperate with Gaboy's actions."

He said lightly: "The vitality of some guys is indeed stronger than we imagined. Even if they just clean the room, they will reappear and attract people's attention. What's more, there seems to be more than one 'enlightened person' recently, and there are new ones. A local anti-corporate group is born.”

The man sneered: "It seems that we have shown mercy for too long, and someone wants to challenge the authority of Jade Pharmaceutical."

"—It's time to crush them into scraps again."

He raised his right hand and looked around at everyone.

"Everyone, please work hard for Paloser, for the future of Jade Pharmaceuticals, and for the future of all mankind."

The conference room fell silent for a moment.

Then, everyone stood up together, bowed their heads slightly, and said softly: "This is our honor."


Seeing this scene, the regional president nodded with satisfaction, tapped his index finger again, and the projection screen in front of him switched:

"Next, is Palother's newborn trend analysis report for this quarter..."

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