Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 70 Let Palose burn to ashes

The bright red liquid slowly seeped into the crystal powder, and wisps of bright red filaments spread and penetrated in the gaps, making it difficult to tell which part was blood and which part was ruby ​​ground into powder.

[You have a new communication from: Jackal——]

"It's just less than six o'clock, are you getting up so early? Good morning, Jackal, this is Nandou."

"what are you doing?"

"Ah...make some genetically modified cereal for breakfast."

Song Shi answered while holding a wooden stick and stirring the mixture in the beaker.

"Last night's mission failed?"

The jackal's voice was emotionless.

"Yes, the situation was quite complicated at the time. I made a mistake. I will return the deposit later."

".The employer is very angry right now."

"All I can say is, I apologize."

Song Shi stared at the beaker to confirm the stirring level, and said in a sincere tone: "But there is no way, my ability is limited, sorry."

"I see."

Jackal paused for a moment: "There is no need for a deposit. I have no rules about refunding the deposit, but in view of this failure, 'Nandou', my commission will be increased by five points for your next mission."

"No problem, of course."

Song Shidao: "Remember to apologize to my employer, I'm really sorry."

The two quickly hung up the phone.

"Jade Pharmaceuticals. Maybe someone is planning to target me again."

Song Shi said to himself.

The "Carmen" incident last night was obviously directed by Jade Pharmaceuticals, and they planned to fish out someone - combined with the "Carmen", their initial target was not even the "Enlightened One".

Initial goal.

Competitive companies like [Kesim Biological Comprehensive Security]? Or some anti-corporate forces or individuals?

Song Shi prefers the second point of view.

As for "Carmen" finding herself through the jackal, it is completely impossible, but at least not in a short time. As a middleman, leaking information about both parties to the transaction is a taboo in the industry.

What's more, Jackal is one of the most famous middlemen in the Deep Moss District. With his wealth and status, even if he faces Jade Pharmaceutical——

No matter what, I had to sit for a while before kneeling down.

"Well, just right."

Song Shi put these thoughts aside for the time being and turned to look at the beaker.

The mixture of his own blood and ruby ​​grinding powder quickly boiled under the heat of the welding gun, and a series of gurgling bubbles emerged.

Song Shi picked up the beaker and drank it in one gulp.

Taking rubies, agate, etc. and your own blood every day is one of the prerequisites for the second-level psychic skill, [Burning Blood].

But that's not the point.

The most critical prerequisite for obtaining [Burning Blood] is to achieve a mission of "do not violate one's true intention and use the weak to attack the strong".

As for the standard of "attacking the strong with the weak", this is determined by the path of [Dayuan].

This has to mention how to obtain psychic skills.

To put it simply, there are two ways for a psyker to acquire psychic skills, one is "path" and the other is "other".

The Path nurtures the Psychic, and the Psychic drives the Path.

Whenever a psyker dies, he turns into a star, ascends to his own path, and becomes a part of the path - so in theory, the path holds all the mysteries of psykers throughout the ages.

Of course, "psionic skills" are also included.

Even if this "psionic skill" is created by a certain psychic, after his death, this "psionic skill" will become part of the path. Even if the former has not been passed down, it may still reappear. in the future.

The most common way to obtain psychic skills from the path is "ritual".

[Tao] makes the monopoly of psychic skills meaningless, so what the major psychic aristocrats, organizational forces, and countries really monopolize are "rituals." Even if occasionally someone obtains their secret psychic skills through the road, the uniqueness of the inheritance is still ensured on the whole.

[Tao] is the first way.

The second way "other" is easy to understand.

Direct initiation by high-ranking psychics, the inherent inheritance of certain psychic secret treasures, the sealing of "psionic skills" in certain entities through special methods for inheritance, step-by-step practice according to various secret traditions, and the spiritual master's Self-research and development. These are considered "others". Seriously speaking, there are quite a lot of types.

"Don't go against your will, use the weak to attack the strong."

Song Shi recited.

"Strike the strong with the weak" is a not uncommon ritual element, and it also refers to many psychic skills.

The "desperate situation" of [transcendence], the "unbreakable ambition" of [consensus], and the "eternal existence" of [truth].

The prerequisites for each of the above rituals are not exactly the same, but the most critical elements are all "attacking the strong with the weak".

——How did you obtain "Burning Blood" in your previous life?

Song Shi thought to himself.

At that time, I was very interested in the country [Yenan] that was located on the other side of the world and was established by the exiles brought by the "Seven Lands War" in the past.

So half a year after entering the second ring, I planned to leave the [Pan-Eastern Continental Federation] and wanted to go there and have a look.


As a freelance bounty hunter, something went wrong during a mission to assassinate a gang leader, and he was forced to switch from "assassination" to "attack". The situation was very chaotic at the time, resulting in a fierce battle and exchange of fire. Although he still succeeded in killing The leader was lost, but a "person who shouldn't be killed" was also killed.

——The scion of a local big family.

The guy came to discuss something with the leader, but he accidentally died on the spot. He only found out afterwards that this gangster who was once so popular in the local area was actually supported by the other family and acted as a hunting dog in secret.

Not long after he left the city, a group of mercenaries hired by this family blocked him in the wasteland.

Song Shi recalled the scene at that time more than once.

The dark sky that seemed to devour people, the horizon that could never see the end, the surging sandstorm, and the suffocating and stuffy air pressure.

He lay in a crevice, pressing down on the bleeding wound, gasping for breath - those mercenaries were already elite, and they had a large number of restricted military equipment specially provided by this family, which almost killed him on the spot.

But I still survived.

Song Shi thought.

Blood, gunfire, psychic energy, roar, guerrilla warfare, hunting and anti-hunting.

After 13 days of fighting on the wasteland, I finally won and killed the last of the mercenaries.

What happened later was not so clear.

I only remember that I returned to the city and spent a whole month and a half to erode the power of this big family bit by bit. There were several dangerous moments during this period, but I survived.

Until finally, on a rainy night, I dragged the patriarch of this family, who was also the mayor of this city, out of the safe house and hanged him on the clock tower in the city center.

When the rain that lasted all night stopped.

I was surprised to find that Daotu had cast a psychic skill called [Burning Blood].

It was not until the third ring that I learned from somewhere else that "using the weak to defeat the strong" was one of the most critical prerequisites for the ceremony of obtaining [Burning Blood].

"So, it's a pity."

Song Shi stretched out his right hand and slowly stared at the palm.

I have completed "the weak defeats the strong", but due to my ignorance, I have not completed other pre-ceremonial requirements - they are not the key, but they do affect [Burning Blood] to a certain extent.

This has led to my [Burning Blood] being only of medium level among the psychics who possess this psychic skill.

Is it possible that I will still keep this regret after my rebirth?

But how can I achieve "the weak defeats the strong" this time?

Staring at the texture between his palms, Song Shi suddenly laughed.

He turned his head, his sight seemed to penetrate the wall, through the overlapping and high and low dilapidated buildings in the deep moss area, and fell into the tallest building in the entire Palose covered by the artificial sky.

On the huge paint on the outer wall of the building, the broken white porcelain palms stood up silently, and the jadeite turned into olive leaves and intertwined into rings, circling around.

This is one of the "gods" of the corporate alliance, the mortal temple cast in Palose.

It stood in the past, it stands now, and it will stand forever.

"Sure enough..."

"How could there be a more suitable choice than this?"

Song Shi closed his eyes, then slowly opened them again, the red-gold molten fire flowed in his pupils, and a smile from the bottom of his heart appeared on his face.


Song Shi came to the window and opened the curtain. The sun at the end of the field of vision had just risen from the horizon, and it was still a while before dawn.

"- It's time to burn Parloser to ashes."

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