The light green liquid in the rectangular geometrically cut life-saving cabin dropped rapidly, the cables connected to the body were disconnected one by one, and the lifting plate opened with a pop.

"——Asshole! This matter is not over yet!!!"

Immediately afterwards, a naked, wet man suddenly opened his eyes, tore away the scattered cables, crawled out, and roared uncontrollably: "Enlightened One! And that bastard! I'm going to take your The memory was sucked into a petri dish! Damn it!"

[Dear Mr. Yamashima Koji, you seem to be in an "irritating" state. Do you need medical attention——]


An anti-gravity suspended micro-drone approached, and the crystal blue projection searchlight had just turned on. The man slapped him manically, but the drone deftly dodged it.

However, the drone no longer talked about physiological conditions, but changed its tone and recited the broadcast indifferently.

[Mr. Yamashima Koji, according to the message from Director Gaboy, he asked you to find him immediately after you wake up. 】

Hearing the name "Gaboy", the mania in Yamashima Koji's eyes weakened a bit, and he shouted suppressed: "I know!"

Fifteen minutes later.

When Koji Yamashima put on his clothes and tidied up, and stepped into the conference room on the top floor of the building, his expression stiffened when he looked at the figure in front of him.

This change in expression is very faint, but it is clearly visible under the capture of the prosthetic eyes.

So, Dennis smiled and said hello first.

"Good evening, Yamashima Koji."

"You too, Dennis."

Yamashima Koji gritted his teeth and replied word by word, then ignored the other person and turned to look at another figure.

The holographic stereoscopic projection in the center of the conference room is constantly rotating and changing, accurately showing the entire Paloser's architectural and landform structure.

The man in a suit was staring at the holographic projection without looking up.

Looking at the other person's face that always seemed to have a cold expression, Yamashima Koji did not dare to look directly, lowered his head slightly, and whispered: "Your Excellency, I'm sorry, my mission failed."

"The bait I put out did catch something. The opponents were Harold and Juniper of the Enlightenment, but I'm very sorry! I couldn't hold them back!"

"Oh, Juniper and Harold?"

Dennis spoke with great interest: "After being severely damaged by us last year, there are only a few remaining members of the Enlightenment's first action group in Paloser. That is indeed a big fish. Just a single 'Swamp Demon' 'Consensus' with your second ring really can't win them."

"But even so, you won't be able to hold on for a few minutes, right? Yamashima Yukiji?"

"Your Excellency, in addition to Harold and Juniper, there is also a mercenary."

Hearing Dennis's words, Yamashima Koji gritted his teeth and made a rattling sound. He resisted and ignored the other party and continued: "That guy is also a psyker. He should be the first ring of 'transcendence'. He and Harold teamed up to defeat him." The 'puppet' I control."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Dennis' eyes lit up slightly: "His gender doesn't matter, his gender doesn't matter. Yamashima Yukiji, do you need my help or not? My reward is only——"

"Dennis! Get out of here with those disgusting thoughts of yours!"

Yamashima Koji growled and stared at the opponent: "It's ridiculous! How pitiful! No matter how hard you rack your brains, you won't even think about becoming a 'psychic' like us!"

Dennis said nothing.

His expression suddenly became ugly.

"What, you still want to take action? Even though we are both senior executive specialists! But your 'cone of light' exoskeleton is not here! Are you worthy of fighting me?!"

A flash of white light suddenly lit up in Yamashima Koji's pupils, and he roared angrily: "If you don't want to be found naked when you regain consciousness, just give me—"


At this moment, the man finally raised his head and spit out the syllables.

But Yamashima Koji turned a deaf ear, and the brilliance of spiritual energy in his eyes shone brighter and brighter——

Then a chilling sense of danger came over him.

"——I said, enough is enough."

Before speaking, a hand that looked just like a natural person grabbed Yamashima Koji's throat and lifted the latter's entire body.

The next moment, it was thrown aside, knocking over a series of tables and chairs.

"Yamashima Yukiji, you are a psyker on the 'Consensus' path, and you understand the dangers of mental loss of control better than I do."

Gabriel looked at the embarrassed opponent coldly: "Haven't you noticed yet? You have been showing signs of 'losing control' these past few days! The so-called consensus is the consensus between you and others. Under a large amount of mental and memory exchanges, the mind There are never a few "Consensus" psychics who collapse and become crazy!"

Gabriel's prosthetic eyes lit up.

"From now on, you will be temporarily relieved of your authority and position. You will receive things like 'mental adjustment' and 'psychological counseling' for me. You will come back to me when you have regained stability - this can also be regarded as a failure of your mission. punish."

"Yes, sir." Yamashima Koji murmured.

Dennis didn't speak until Koji Yamashima left.

"Supervisor, since Koji Yamashima has temporarily resigned, do I need to take over his tasks?"

"Well, how did you handle the matter of 'Song Shi'?"

"I have arranged manpower to monitor Lomond Welfare Home, Marico's daughter and other related personnel." Dennis immediately replied: "On the other hand, following the clue of 'Kenger', I traced that Song Shi had conducted forgery Identity and underground loans are currently being investigated by the organizations that issued the loans, and the results will be available soon.”


Gabriel nodded slightly: "One thing at a time."

"After you finish handling the 'Kenger' case, you can then take charge of Yamashima Koji's mission - that first-level 'transcendence' mercenary can be given to you, but 'Song Shi' must be brought back to me."

"I understand, Director."

Dennis lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Gabriel suddenly spoke.


Dennis raised his head and saw his supervisor staring at him with cold eyes.

"Be careful. I can tolerate your secret attempts, but don't make too much noise, especially don't let the people of the Scientific Ethics Review Committee know about it, otherwise you know the consequences."

Dennis's heart trembled, but immediately he felt an inexplicable anger. You guys

".Yes, I understand."

He suppressed this emotion forcibly, did not show it, and replied in a low voice.

When Dennis also announced his departure, there was only one person left in the large conference room.

Gaboy stared at the holographic projection again.

As he watched, the entire holographic projection began to transform. In the confluence of huge data flows, high-precision pixels continued to reorganize, until finally, it turned into a complex of buildings with pleasant scenery and a large area of ​​land——

Not long ago, this high-end nursing home that was semi-affiliated with 'Emerald Pharmaceutical' was attacked, and three middle-level cadres of Emerald Pharmaceutical who were on vacation and recuperating here died on the spot.

Earlier, similar attacks had occurred one after another, but the scale of those attacks was far smaller than this one, so no one searched and associated them.

A brand new anti-corporate armed organization with premeditation and goals.

"The people who were attacked these times are all related to the 'big explosion in the old industrial area' that year."


Gabriel suddenly laughed.

"I thought you would be the ones to take the bait, but I didn't expect that we caught those enlightened ones instead."

"Ha, but it doesn't matter. The bait as big as the 'Three-Phase Basic Plan' has been thrown out. You - all of you, it's impossible not to be tempted -"

From the start, it didn't matter whether Yamashima could hold off the bait-biter.

This guy's only role is to reveal part of the "Three Phase Plan".


Whether it was the group of "raiders" or the remaining "enlightened ones", they used the "Three-Phase Basic Plan" to fish out all the bugs hidden in Palother and crush them one by one.

——With this, you can hand in a beautiful answer sheet for your upcoming resignation and transfer!

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