——I haven't finished talking yet!

"Carmen" thought subconsciously, but as soon as this thought arose, it turned into a strong sense of horror.

It's too late to avoid it!

"Carmen" cursed in his heart. When he opened his mouth just now, he used the psychic skill · [Affinity] to bless the language, just to delay a little time, but the other party ignored the "affinity" and attacked directly!

There was no time to hesitate.

"Carmen" had a fierce look in his eyes, and the whole person twisted his body forcibly, raised his left arm, and blocked the front of the single-molecule knife.

Then, accompanied by a clear "clang" sound, like a hot knife into butter, this valuable alloy prosthesis was directly broken into two pieces! Engine oil and cooling shot out, and various components burst out with crackling!

Almost at the same time as the sword was drawn, Song Shi raised his voice.

"——He is no longer 'Carmen'! What we have in front of us is a second-ring 'consensus'! Now Carmen is a 'puppet' controlled by the other party!"

When Carmen's appearance began to change, feeling the sudden burst of psychic energy from the other party, Song Shi realized what was happening.

Before the third ring, psychics on the path of [Consensus] will basically only choose one path between "spiritual" and "material" and then configure psychic skills. The former is similar to mind reading, emotional perception, etc., and the latter is telekinesis, distorting reality. In the case of a limited number of psychic skills, if you want to go both ways in the early stage, you will only be poor in both, or weak and useless.

And now, "Carmen" is obviously forcibly taken over by a consensus with psychic skills such as "consciousness usurpation" and "puppet control"!

——No, it's more than that.

I'm afraid that "Carmen" has long been subtly influenced and controlled by the other party. The other party made Carmen think that everything was her own choice, but the whole betrayal was a script planned by her own hand! Even Carmen's own memory is probably unreliable!

Considering the so-called "Emerald Pharmaceuticals" and "fishing out" from the other party's mouth--

[Sparrow's Eye! Impact! Three shuttles are coming to you! They carry the armed forces of Emerald Pharmaceuticals! The estimated time is three minutes! ]

"Tsk! Is there really a problem? Afraid of alerting the enemy in advance, so you didn't ambush directly on the scene."

Listening to the urgent call of "Flash Star" in the cochlea, Harold immediately responded: "Flash Star! Didn't we prepare before we came! Our plan--"

[It has been activated! The nearby cameras have been taken over and cleaned up! Next, I will silence the wide-area communication in your area and try to interfere with the shuttle! You evacuate according to the original plan! ]


[You can let him go with you! Retreat first! ]

"--Then there will be no problem!"

Everything happened in a flash.

When Harold suddenly pulled out his two guns, one long and one short, he just happened to see the mercenary cutting off "Carmen's" left arm.

"Huh! Want to leave?"

At the cost of an arm, "Carmen" forcibly avoided the sharp edge, and the whole person retreated violently, but laughed wildly: "Hahaha! 'Anti-company'?!"

By tampering with Carmen's memory, the gland pump secretly implanted in the other party's body has already started to work, injecting the hidden "swamp monster" biological agent into blood vessels and organs.

In just four more breaths, the "swamp monster" can catalyze this "doll", large-scale muscle cancer proliferation, improved self-healing ability, and gene-directed mutation - this is the technology that Jade Pharmaceuticals is proud of, an absolute biological weapon.

Even the few shortcomings of "reduced sanity" and "out of control" can be perfectly compensated by myself as a second-ring consensus.

One 400,000 credit points.


This moment.

"——You, all of you, stay here!"

Looking at the mercenaries in front of him, "Carmen" raised his remaining right hand with a grim smile, and the light of psychic energy began to flicker.

Psychic Skills: [Dizzy]!

But a roar of flames forcibly interrupted the psychic energy that was about to burst out!

"Attention! The armed forces of Jade Pharmaceuticals are coming here!"

Looking at the gun that had clearly brushed past "Carmen's" waist, there was no large tear as imagined, but only a shallow one.

The complex scarlet muscle bundles proliferated at a speed visible to the naked eye, entangled "Carmen's" body, and the whole person began to swell suddenly. In the next moment, the exposed outer layer quickly solidified and formed a layer of gray chitinous armor, and from the gaps in the armor, dark green dense mucus oozed out, turning into a "fluid skin care" that wrapped the whole body.

Bloated, disgusting, but also brought a kind of pure violence.

Another fierce gunshot, the special alloy bullet hit the side of "Carmen", directly piercing a huge hole - but countless granulations at the hole quickly wriggled out, entangled and linked, trying to heal the wound.

The armor and mucus greatly reduced the lethality of this bullet, turning its effect from "breaking the body" to a simple "penetration". This kind of penetration injury looks horrifying, but it is bearable for the self-healing power of the "swamp monster" under its enhanced strength.

With the impact of the bullet, "Carmen" exploded backwards again, and at the same time, one of his eyes suddenly lit up in the gap of his head wrapped in countless red and white muscle bundles and combined layer by layer!

Psychic Skills · [Dizzy Shock]!

This time there was no obstruction, and the invisible ripples swept towards the surroundings. Even though he was indirectly performing it with a remote-controlled "puppet", the effect was reduced, but it was enough to stun the two ordinary people for a breath.

As long as we hold on until the "Swamp Monster" is fully catalyzed, and then use it to hold them back, the company's armed forces will be responsible for the end!

"Concentrate on resistance! It is the psychic skill of "Consensus"!"

Harold's head shook violently, he resisted the dizziness, pulled the trigger tightly, and shouted: "Be careful! He has been injected with the "Swamp Monster"! It will be very troublesome when the body mutates and strengthens! Help me buy some time! I'll do it-"

But the next moment, Song Shi's voice suddenly rang out.

"- It won't take so long!"

In less than a second, the "Forging Flame" ignited from the body, rushed into the brain, and burned away the dizziness.

Then, the flames rushed into the limbs and bones, restrained in the body, and the whole person turned into "firewood" again.

Then, step forward and cut with a knife!

The first attack.

"Such a short dizziness time? Are you a psychic?!"

Feeling the completely different and increasingly powerful body, "Carmen" used psychic power to forcibly control the body that should have been distorted and out of control. Seeing the opponent coming to chop again, he stopped for the first time and did not retreat but advanced! A punch whistled and smashed the opponent's head!

The steel crow collided with the deformed arm with knotted muscles - the former sank an inch and stagnated, and actually made a dull sound similar to metal.

"——But you are still looking for death!"

Seeing this, "Carmen" couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Ha! I——"

But before he could say anything, the steel crow drew out the blade and chopped again.

——Don't know whether to live or die!

"Carmen" tried to grab the opponent's single-molecule knife, but the steel crow flicked and turned, avoiding the five fingers that passed by, and took advantage of the situation to cut several huge gaps with blood and flesh.

It doesn't matter! With the huge vitality of this body! It doesn't matter even if I take ten more hits!

Only when he caught the gap and released his psychic skills, then——

The cold light that followed, almost connected, completely engulfed Carmen.

Song Shi disappeared, leaving only a blurry shadow that kept flickering!

In the next snap of a finger.

Everything stopped abruptly.

Two breaths, nineteen slashes.

"Uh you."

"Carmen" looked a little confused.

He first looked at Song Shi, then at himself——This body that was already more than two meters tall trembled, and then large pieces of flesh and blood peeled off and slid down with a splash, and large pools of mixed liquid flowed down, accumulating on the ground into a large pool, bringing a pungent smell.

He wanted to do something, but his whole body had lost the ability to move.

"A consensus of the second ring, or take the "spiritual" route first."

Song Shi exhaled a long breath of burning gas, first shook off the mucus and plasma on the steel crow, and then looked at the other party: "Why don't you do something else? You have to learn "transcendence" to fight in close combat?"

"Ah, that's not right." But then, Song Shi shook his head again and said lightly: "Now even "transcendence" will be equipped with a few guns and heavy artillery, you are really a bit inexplicable."

"You, you——"

Hearing this, "Carmen" roared, but the whole person shook, stumbled and half-knelt down.

"The first ring? The second ring? Which path are you on?!"

"Carmen"'s body was about to collapse completely. He barely opened his eyes and stared at the mercenary. Perhaps it was the severe pain from the various wounds on his body, his tone suddenly became extremely manic:

"And those words just now! Ordinary wild psychics can't know! Which side are you on? Are you sure you want to stand with the "Enlightened Ones"? Are you sure you want to be enemies with us "Emerald Pharmaceuticals"?!"

The next moment, "Carmen" found that the other party slowly showed a strange look and looked at him for a few seconds.

Then a cold light flashed, and his entire vision completely went black.

The moment before the head fell to the ground, the last words rang in "Carmen"'s ears.


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