Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 65: Enlightened Persons and Giant Enterprises

There are many forces and organizations that use the banner of “anti-corporate order”.

But what really makes the giant companies that stand above them - Fubo Energy, Anjing Credit, Jade Pharmaceuticals, Southern Heavy Industry, Time Sequence Pass, Zenith Center, Dust Covenant Generation, Zero Degree Network, Fugu Development - make these nine giant companies look down upon them. There is only one organization that poses a real threat.

With the purpose of "calling for human rights and the law, resisting the monopoly and technology abuse of giant companies, and reconstructing social order", it uses armed confrontation to sweep through most of the territory of the enterprise alliance——

——[Enlightened One].

"Ah, man, are you sure you want to know?"

The young man in the jacket scratched his head: "As you just heard, we are inquiring about the real content of the 'Three-Phase Base Project'. I can tell you first. This is an important project that Jade Pharmaceuticals is preparing."

He said seriously:

"We don't care, but if you know the specific content, you are likely to be involved in something. Everyone knows the company's ethics, and they will definitely not let you go. This is a big trouble. It's still time to leave now. ”

"Then you are not afraid of trouble?" Song Shi asked with interest.

"Well, how can I put it?" The man in the jacket shrugged: "After all, I am a member of the Enlightenment. Don't you always call us madmen? Madmen are not afraid of trouble."

"Wait a minute, you're Harold—'Shock' Harold!"

After listening until now, Carmen finally remembered something. He looked at the man in the jacket with a horrified look on his face: "You, you"

Recalling what she had seen in the news in the past about the extremist terrorist responsible for more than a dozen bombings, Carmen's face suddenly turned pale.

Especially when the other party made a batch of "human bombs" half a year ago, turning two entire subway cars into a quagmire of flesh and blood with broken limbs flying around. He, himself——

"Looking at your expression, I can probably guess what you are thinking. Although I want to explain that these are public opinion control and slander by the company's publicity department, you probably won't believe it."

The man in the jacket, or "Harold" sighed, and turned his head again: "Brother! Time is running out, we are going to start asking, are you really not going to leave?"

“‘Betrayal’ is something that cannot be tolerated no matter what kind of organization it is, let alone a company.”

Song Shi did not answer immediately, but looked at the pale man: "Carmen, your job level is M5, so I don't need to tell you the consequences of betraying Jade Pharmaceutical. But your boss was also afraid, so he hired I'm here to kill you and silence you."


Carmen was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously wanted to retreat. As a result, her whole body hit the container with a "bang" sound.

"He's such a bastard and he still refuses to let me go?!" Carmen said completely unaware, "He knows he's scared at this time! Then why did he force me in the first place!"

As he said that, he suddenly raised his head again, looked at the two people in front of him, and couldn't help but laugh miserably: "Ha! That's great! I bumped into two people who wanted to kill me in one night! I didn't know I was so valuable! Hahaha ! This is really——"

"--Wait a moment."

Song Shi interrupted: "I didn't say I wanted to kill you."

".Huh?" Carmen was stunned.

"I have no grievances against you, so why should I kill you?"

"B-But didn't you just say that?"

"The deposit he paid was too small and his sincerity was not enough. I changed my mind." Song Shi replied.

"It's not just me. I think the Enlightened One, um, Harold the Impact, probably doesn't want your life either."

Carmen moved her eyes in confusion.

Harold's expression was a little subtle.

He glanced at Song Shi first, and then spoke to Carmen: "We only need to know the content of the 'Three Phase Base Plan' - don't even think about denying this. You and the people of 'Kesim Biological Comprehensive Security' This is the bargaining chip.”

"Then there are two options."

Harold raised two fingers: "The first one is to join us, but of course you probably won't choose it. So the focus is on the second option. We will arrange a car to take you out of Palower by tomorrow night at the latest. "

"I don't have to die?"

Carmen murmured, and he lowered his head, but then he seemed to realize something.

The man raised his head again, with a suppressed anger in his tone: "No, no, I could have joined the 'Xim Biological Comprehensive Security'! Now you have destroyed the carrier of the contact person and smashed everything - but I I have to thank you for not killing me!"

But as soon as the words came out of her mouth, Carmen regretted them.

He cursed secretly in his mind. If he had known better, he would have had an "emotion control" neuromodulation surgery, otherwise he would not have fallen into this situation.

"Man, all I can say is I'm sorry."

Hearing this, Harold said seriously: "But we must know this information, even if it will cause losses to you. I'm sorry, but I won't change it."

"As for this buddy."

Harold looked at Song Shi.

The latter pondered for a moment, then sighed.

"Forget it, there's no point in trying to test it, so I'll just tell you the truth."

Song Shi poked out the steel crow.

"I have some disputes with 'Emerald Pharmaceuticals', and I think you guys do too, so do you want to come together?"

"Well, buddy, although the reputation of 'Enlightenment' online is not very good, we also have a personnel review system, you..."

"It's understandable, so I'm just making a suggestion first."

Song Shi spread his hands: "If there is really no censorship and a mixed bag of good and bad, I will be skeptical of you. As for the future, let's talk slowly."

"Ah, thank you, thank you for understanding! That's no problem!"

So, Harold nodded repeatedly.

——Two, two psychopaths! They are all crazy people!

Looking at the two guys in front of him who were openly and seriously discussing "anti-company", Carmen's face turned pale again, and an indescribable sense of absurdity rose in his heart.

How dare they resist the company? How dare they resist "Emerald Pharmaceuticals"? How can they feel at ease to destroy the current order? Trampling on today's society?

But soon, Carmen found the answer.

That's right.

The two people in front of him, one is an extreme terrorist who is anti-human and anti-social, and the other is a mercenary who kills people recklessly and ignores the law. These two kinds of people mixed together, isn't it.

Looking at the two eyes cast at him, Carmen swallowed his saliva.

". Three-phase base plan."

After a moment of silence, Carmen half lowered his head as if resigned to his fate, and spoke in the dull voice he imagined - but in fact, the voice pack that came with the purchase of the implanted larynx is still working, bringing a magnetic mature man's voice.

"Since you have come to me, you should know that I am a senior researcher in the Paloser Medical Department."

"I did not participate in the 'Three-Phase Base Project' from the beginning. The confidentiality level of this project is very high, and it is divided into many parts. I am only responsible for one of them, and I don't know what the real goal of the project is. At least it was like this for two months."

"How should I explain it?"

"You can understand it this way. The goal of the 'Three-Phase Base Project' is not a specific product, or a certain directional technology. Its essence is actually very simple, just uh. Yes."

"Yes, yes"

Carmen's voice suddenly became stuck, like a radio with a bad signal, and then his tone suddenly changed.


"What an unexpected harvest."

"I didn't expect that this time I would catch a group of you stray dogs."

"Ah, I almost forgot, there is also you. Puff, 'Anti-Company', 'Anti-Emerald Pharmaceuticals'? Puff puff puff."

Carmen slowly raised his head, and his mouth grinned with an exaggerated arc. The fear and uneasiness in his eyes were replaced by a touch of abrupt cruelty.

"You have been listening for so long."

"You should pay a little--"

His words stopped abruptly.

A knife flashed and chopped down "Carmen"'s head!

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