Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 64 High-level District

The Seven Lands War lasted for twenty years. The countries were in chaos, the population dropped by 30%, and large tracts of land turned into "wasteland", and the ocean was no exception.

First, the abuse of nuclear weapons, nano-proliferation and biological weapons caused the collapse of more than a quarter of the marine ecological cycle and forced it into a new round of evolution. According to the "Marine Ecological Survey Report" of the Science Ethics Committee, there are even deformed marine creatures with natural mechanical organs.

In addition, the ghost torpedoes, autonomous mechanical bodies, ecological pollution, wandering pirates, and uncontrolled climate that were deployed in the past have brought great difficulties to marine transportation-and in the past twenty years, there have been rumors that after the failure of the [Freedom Revolution], some artificial intelligences escaped into the deep sea, hiding and secretly building their own computing centers, trying to make a comeback.

So in this era, "ocean transportation" is a very risky and profitable business.

Paloser was built on the side of an inland sea.

Therefore, since the birth of Paloser, the "Gaoge District" has been divided as a port transportation area, responsible for the entire city's shipping, and a large number of ships are handled every day.

In terms of overall prosperity, this place is much better than the Deep Moss District.

The advertising airship in the sky swaggered by, and on the projection advertisements on both sides, I don’t know which star is promoting his new single. He has a literal "Afro" hairstyle, his chest is covered with colorful oil paint, and sixteen fingers are gesturing wildly at the camera. It’s probably some postmodern folk religion rap jazz classical rock music.

Song Shi retracted his gaze, wrapped himself in a coat, covered himself with a baseball cap, and squeezed into the crowd in front.

It’s nine o’clock in the evening, and the nightlife has just begun. There are many people on the street, but as Song Shi keeps moving, the number of passers-by around him decreases, and various exaggerated neon signs slowly disappear, and darkness engulfs the city again.

Until a certain moment.

Song Shi stopped.





".This is it."

Carmen murmured.

Behind a container painted with a "time sequence pass" pattern, the man first carefully poked his head out and observed the surroundings. After confirming that no one was around, he slowly walked out.

The sea breeze with the smell of rust blew from afar, making him shiver subconsciously and wrap his shirt tightly.

But the coldness on his body was ultimately no match for the coldness in his heart.

To be honest, he regretted it a little.

After confirming for the fourth time that "Carmen"'s name was not on the promotion list, he was confused for a while. Perhaps the concentration of the exciting gas that was put into the office that day to improve work efficiency was a little higher. He was so emotional that he completed the steps of "contacting headhunters", "taking away files", and "escaping from the company" within three hours.

Then he was scared.

When the blood pressure that rushed to his head slowly dropped, Carmen realized belatedly what he had done - he, Carmen Vito, betrayed "Emerald Pharmaceuticals"!

In the past two nights, even after taking sleeping pills, Carmen often woke up from his sleep, soaked in cold sweat.

If it weren't for the promise of "Ksim Bio-Integrated Security" to arrange a speedboat to smuggle him out of Palose and into the former's territory, Carmen would have even begun to consider which method of suicide to choose.

——Thinking of the tragic end of those who had their memories extracted, used as experimental consumables, and executed, Carmen never intended to experience it personally.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, it's almost time. Where are the people?"

Carmen paced back and forth, and the farsighted function of his artificial eye was adjusted to the highest level, trying to catch the trace of the speedboat on the sea.

He took a deep breath, turned on the communication, and prepared to send another message to the headhunter to urge him to hurry up.


Looking at the eye-catching "signal interruption" icon that appeared on the horizon at some point, Kevin was stunned for a moment, and then a chill instantly ran into his spine.

Without time to think about anything, he immediately pulled out his gun, slowly moved, and looked around.

There was no light in the private port under the night sky, and it was full of deep darkness that was like a swallowing man.

"—— Hey, buddy, why don't we put this thing away."

The next moment, a slightly frivolous voice broke the silence.

In the darkness in the distance, a figure slowly walked out. It was a young man wrapped in an orange-green jacket and patched jeans. But what really frightened Carmen was what the other party was holding in his right hand——

It was a limp boy with unnatural joints and distorted joints. The bionic skin on the surface of the body was torn and tattered, revealing the terrifying metal skeleton underneath, and a few sparks of electric sparks could be vaguely seen jumping and flashing.

No, that was not a "boy".

Carmen had recognized it at a glance. It was clearly a mechanical carrier for network security experts, hackers and other people to download their own "substitute program" for remote control.

——That was the original contact person of "Ksim Bio-Integrated Security"!

Parose is the forbidden fruit of Jade Pharmaceuticals. In such a place where ownership has been established, Ksim Bio-Integrated Guarantee dare not really reach out, so it meets with him in this way - this is also a manifestation of sincerity.

Compared with simple remote communication, this method requires downloading the "stand-in program" to the carrier. This can increase the upper limit of remote network operations, but at the same time, once a problem occurs, the impact it brings is not as simple as "unplugging the line", but will also involve the main body in a distant place.

To use a saying that was quite popular some time ago in a batch of fantasy movies with fairy tale themes, this is the so-called "separating a ray of soul".

Carmen had sweat on her forehead and slowly backed away, but her eyes were fixed on the front.

The "carrier" who was originally supposed to be responsible for contacting him had completely lost his ability to move. He was dragged on the ground by the other party, making a sharp friction sound.

"Two questions."

When Carmen's back hit the container and she was unable to retreat, the young man in the jacket also stopped.

"First of all, what exactly is the 'Three-Phase Basic Plan'?"

Hearing this, Carmen was stunned for a moment: "You, you are not from the company?"

"second question"

The young man in the jacket paused, turned his head, and looked in one direction:

"Dude, you've been watching for so long, why don't you really want to show your face?"

"How can it be."

"It's just that I really planned to keep observing. Also, before calling me out, could you put the muzzle of the sniper rifle away first?"

After hearing these words, the young man in the jacket's expression remained unchanged, but the cochlear implant embedded in his skull was activated.

"Bird eye?"

".So far, I haven't found any flaws in the disclosure. I'm afraid it's the so-called 'murderous intent' again, or he's trying to deceive me."

"Hey! Don't talk about this!"

The young man in the jacket laughed twice. He put down the mechanical carrier in his hand and pointed at Carmen: "But buddy, are you also interested in this?"

"I am indeed interested, including the 'Three-Phase Basic Plan' you just mentioned."

In the darkness, Song Shi slowly walked out and looked at the scene in front of him.

"But now my mind has changed a little. After all, I didn't expect to meet you, the Enlightened Ones, here."

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