
The rusty rolling steel door rose up, making an unpleasant and harsh creaking sound.

Song Shi parked the motorcycle in the garage, then pulled a hanging wire to turn on the lights of the entire garage.

Even though it had been cleaned once, the garage still looked a bit messy. Tools such as wrenches, welding guns, air valves, and files were placed randomly. The walls and floors were covered with dirt whose original colors could no longer be seen. Nails, mechanical parts, and other things were hidden in every corner. The air was filled with a heavy smell of gasoline.

This is an old house deep in the deep moss area, and it is also Song Shi’s new base.

After purchasing a set of equipment, it is a bit inconvenient to wander around cheap hotels, and Song Shi also needs a little private space to do some things. So he chose to rent this house and paid it off in one lump sum for half a year.

The deep moss area is full of people of all kinds. If you don't pay attention, all kinds of illegal buildings will pop up like mushrooms after rain. Every day, people appear and disappear. The infrastructure is dilapidated and the situation is complicated, so there is no need to worry about "Emerald Pharmaceuticals" finding this place for a while.

In order to block "Koloda", Song Shi has not slept all night.

So after leaving the workshop, Song Shi closed the shutter door and entered the house. First, he grabbed two energy bars from the bed, chewed them a few times, and went into the bathroom to start today's spiritual practice and catch up on sleep.

Four hours later.

Song Shi opened his eyes in the bathtub.

He adjusted the water temperature to the lowest, turned on the shower head, and the cold water splashed from the top of his head, dispelling the remaining sleepiness.


Song Shi stood up, and the red-gold flame emerged silently, lingering around his body and then disappeared.

Only at this time can Song Shi wield the flame of forging.

——Dayuan, psychic, flame

To be honest, these three features are not very eye-catching. For psychics on the path of [Great Source], "fire" has always been a common choice of "Great Source Power".

But in the current situation, this is a bit subtle - Song Shi believes that Jade Pharmaceutical will never be stingy in collecting relevant intelligence and then locking people.

So these days, even in battle, he has not shown the "forging flame" externally, but adopted the method of "retaining it in the body" to bless.




Ten minutes later.

In the garage.

Song Shi looked a little cautious. He picked up a scalpel and slowly drew it across the center line of his left hand. The red blood beads oozed out along the edge of the blade - the surface of these blood beads showed a light red gold color and trembled slightly.

It was like burning.

The next moment, these blood beads began to fall and dripped into the crucible below, mixing with the liquid silver slurry that had already melted and boiled.

About a minute later.


Song Shi exhaled.

He put down the scalpel, picked up a bottle of hemostatic spray and sprayed it twice, pulled a roll of bandage to wrap the wound, and then looked at the silver paste in the crucible.

"With silver as the base and blood as the guide, the 'spirituality' descended from the cloud top to the mortal world. Well, this concentration is about right."

Song Shi nodded, picked up the scalpel again with one hand, dipped the silver paste in the crucible, picked up a tungsten core armor-piercing bullet with the other hand, and began to carve runes on it.

In classical terms, this is "enchantment", "refining", "opening things", and in modern terms, this is called "spiritual endowment".

- Dennis Serra, Senior Executive Specialist, Security Department.

Song Shi thought.

This is the information about the "Kenger" case obtained from the intelligence dealer, and this person is currently in charge of this matter.

But that's all.

Apart from the name "Dennis Serra" and the identity of "Senior Executive Specialist of the Security Department", there is no other information at all - whether it is personnel files or implant configuration, they are all under the information blockade of Jade Pharmaceuticals, and nothing has been revealed.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the intelligence dealer I found actually has a channel to get it, but the risk is too great and they are unwilling to trade.

- So it still needs to be taken seriously.

Considering the possibility that the other party is a "psychic", Song Shi decided to make some "enchanted bullets" to serve as countermeasures for psychic warfare - even if the other party is not a psychic, it is better to be prepared, and there will always be a day when it will be useful.

To be honest, for the exploration and application of "psychic energy", [Vampusta Empire] is the world's number one.

The enchantment method used by Song Shi at the moment was also learned from them - in addition to their own enchantments, the group of priests in the Vampusta Empire would also engrave scriptures on the bullets and call them "holy word bullets".


Half an hour later, Song Shi put away the scalpel, closed his eyes and calmed down for a while before opening his eyes again.

There were seven enchanted armor-piercing bullets in total.

Based on the blood of this [Dayuan] psychic, if explained in terms of the game, these seven enchanted bullets carry the terms "anti-psychic special attack" and "burning".

The focus is on the first term "anti-psychic special attack".

As for the second term. I can only say that at the level of the first ring, the effect is definitely not as good as white phosphorus bombs, thermite and the like.

Click, click.

Press the nine bullets into the magazine and insert them into the waist.

The two white armor arm guards have been put into the suitcase and can be taken out and worn at any time.

The close-fitting protective suit is complete and the tactical boots are preheated.

The steel crow reached out a little and did not return. In the glimpse, it reflected the coldness.

After confirming everything once again, Song Shi nodded, put on his coat, and stepped out of the garage.

It was time to leave.


"Hey! Can you hear me? Oh, it's a bit too loud? Okay, okay, I'll tune it again, all right, 'Impact' is in place."

"Equipment confirmed, 'Sparrow' is in place."

"Well, 'Fighter' needs a new round of deep sleep, so only the two of you will be on duty this time. Of course, I will be responsible for information supply and network support. 'Flash Star' is in place."

"No problem, no problem! I really like being on duty! By the way, boss! Don't you want to say something?"


"It's okay, 'Sparrow'. Ah, but let me say something."

"My compatriots."

"In the past year, we have suffered a heavy blow, but I believe that their sacrifices - our deceased compatriots - are by no means worthless. At least, we know the name of the 'Three-Phase Base Project', at least, we can look forward to tomorrow."

"We must find out what the content of the 'Three-Phase Base Project' is, and this is our responsibility."

At this point, the voice in the communication channel paused.

"But there are indeed some doubts about this transaction, so next, I hope you can take action under the premise of 'protecting yourself'."

"Everyone, come back alive."

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