Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 62 Competition

“In order to strengthen the supervision and management of production safety, prevent and reduce production safety accidents, ensure the safety of workers’ lives and property, and promote economic and social development, the municipal government officially launched the ‘Palose Production Safety Interim Regulations’ a week ago.”

"Many entrepreneurs, including Kelland, responded positively. They quickly established a complete set of 'employee safety and security systems'. At the same time, they established the Rota District Industrial Production Committee and invited the municipal government to come in for supervision. I believe that in the near future, Pagoda will Lowther must—"

Hanging on the sky screen on the side wall of the towering building, the host sat behind the broadcasting desk, maintaining an impeccable smile and broadcasting the news in a very friendly tone.

At the same time, pictures were quickly switched from one picture to another, including a neat and clean production workshop, an inspection site, interviews with smiling staff, and finally, a carefully modified group photo.

In the center of the group photo, an amiable middle-aged man in a suit and ties is looking at the camera with a smile——

The next moment, the face rustled in the wind and quietly fell into the murky water in the potholes on the road.

The leaflet, which had already been stained with dirt, quickly became soaked and softened, leaving only a corner of the title visible.

【Salary increase! Safety! Assure! We are not machines! 】

This was a flyer of demands during a recent demonstration in Rota District. One of the rows of faces printed on it included Cland, a large factory owner, or the boss of "Grand Chemical Co., Ltd."

But with the introduction of the "Interim Regulations on Production Safety in Paloser", the entire parade has come to an end. Now there are still signs of illegal gatherings or organized demonstrations. The Security Bureau has the right to use live ammunition, so after a few rounds of killing, there is no more .

I just saw words like "government subsidies" and "tax preferential policies" appearing in the news.

I'm afraid from the beginning, the real behind-the-scenes supporters of the entire march were the factory owners.

Seeing the flyer completely submerged in the water, Song Shi sighed and threw these thoughts out of his mind.

There are more important things at the moment.

He has already accepted the job that Jackal just mentioned.

The causes and consequences of the task are not complicated.

In the medical department of the Jade Pharmaceuticals branch in Palower, someone in the medical department had offended his boss, and he had been punished again and again in the past few years, which made his life very uncomfortable.

But as a giant enterprise, Jade Pharmaceutical has high entry requirements and various benefits are quite generous. Of course, the person couldn't bear the benefits, so he kept swallowing his anger.

But in a job promotion not long ago, the original guaranteed spot was assigned to someone else by his boss. This person finally couldn't stand it any longer. He betrayed Jade Pharmaceutical in a rage and switched to the competitor [Kesim Biological Comprehensive Security]. ——


Even giant corporations that sit high in the sky and overlook all living beings have competitors.

As early as sixty years ago, the "arbitration institution" of the [Enterprise Alliance] prohibited a company from completely monopolizing the market in the name of protecting the free market and anti-monopoly. Only competition can bring vitality - but what is really surprising is that For some unknown reason, all major giants hold their noses and admit this law.

Of course, theory is theory. Faced with the pressure from rivals of the level of giant companies, most other companies in the same field just follow the former, competing for the little bit of nectar flowing between their fingers——

Over the years, there is only one [Chronological Passage] who has broken through this shackles. But even [Chronological Passage] relied on the chaotic situation of the "Fourth Total Corporate War" to take the opportunity to break the suppression of [Southern Region Heavy Industries] and seize the position of a giant company.

As for the current [Kesim Biological Comprehensive Security], it is neither above nor below. It has some strength and ambition, but it will never dare to confront [Emerald Pharmaceutical] - but it is placed in the competition of non-giant companies of Emerald Pharmaceutical. Among the opponents, this guy is already considered the most outstanding one.

The conversation not long ago appeared in Song Shi's mind.

"According to what you said, this person does have some skills, but they are far from the level that 'XIM Biological Comprehensive Security' is willing to protect. So, what is his bargaining chip? The cutting-edge technology files that were taken away before defecting? Confidential documents ? Black material?”

"The employer did not disclose the details in this regard, but you know, in the hands of the company people, these are the only possibilities."

"The employer. What are his boss's requirements?"

"I didn't say that the employer was his boss. I must emphasize that this is just your own subjective guess and has nothing to do with me. In short, the employer made two demands. One is to kill people and silence them, and the other is to avoid document leakage."

Simply put, this is a management attempt to keep a lid on something.

An employee under his supervision took away confidential documents and fled to a competing company. Once the matter was leaked, of course the employee would die, but the management would definitely not be able to get away with it. Basically, he would face punishment and his future would be cut off.

Therefore, the other party did not dispatch the company's armed forces and chose to secretly seek mercenaries.

As for whether the mercenaries will leak documents and know the secrets.

We’ll talk about the rest later. If you’re still thinking about these things at this time, then you won’t be able to accomplish anything.

The face-to-face transaction takes place in Gaoge District, a private port commonly known as the "Port District", and the time is tonight - this is the information that the employer has already obtained.

"The logic of the whole thing makes sense, and it's actually quite common."

Seeing the position given to Jackal by his employer, and then to himself by Jackal, Song Shi thought for a moment:

"It's just...that's fine, it doesn't matter."

There is nothing in the world without risk. A "confidential document" about Jade Pharmaceutical that may be obtained is worth taking a certain risk.


——Who said that if you accept a task, you must complete it?

Looking at the sun that has just risen at the end of the sky, Song Shi shook off the blood on the "Steel Crow", wrapped it with a long cloth, hung it on his back, and then climbed onto the motorcycle.

The motorcycle body is sharp and angular, with geometric cutting lines, cold gray matte paint all over, and the engine roars anxiously.

Adapting to 99% of the vehicle systems on the market, intelligent assisted driving, both oil and electricity, reserved speed increase module slot, dual engine linkage engine group! Maximum speed of 250 mph! Buy it and get a "Fu Wu Shuang Zhi" driving commercial insurance!

A replica of "Mo Lu Zhu Feng", one of the classic products of the previous generation of Sequential Pass, is priced at 390,999 credit points.

How can you live in Palose without a car?

Song Shi turned the handlebars, and with the roar of the engine under him, he rushed out like a swift shadow and merged into the elevated road ahead.

The violent airflow whistled in his ears, and his coat rustled in the wind.

Facing the violent wind, Song Shi raised his head.

There is still some time.

Go home first and prepare.

Then, go and take a look at this so-called "confidential document" tonight!

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