Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 49 Dennis Serra

4th Serra

The sharp sirens rang out in all directions, and the security police car with flashing red and blue lights was parked on the side. The uniformed security personnel were in groups of three or two, some started the equipment, and some maintained order.

The yellow warning tape had separated an area, and at the same time set up a temporary road sign of "Closed Ahead", so that this section of the road was blocked to prevent unrelated vehicles from entering.

"Well, we have to smoke when we go on night missions, otherwise we will be out of energy, okay, okay."

Under the gaze of a pair of piercing eyes, the middle-aged police officer had to put out the cigarette he had just lit.

Looking at the car wreckage that was still emitting smoke in front of him, and the large dark red blood stains that had already dried on the road, he couldn't help but sigh: "Tsk, it's really bleak"

Next to him was a young man who was obviously not very old and was wearing a brand new security uniform - it was he who had been staring at the middle-aged man just now, so that the latter gave up the idea of ​​having a cigarette.

The young man handed over a data tablet: "Master, the accident briefing is out."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, indicating that he would not look at this for the time being.

He avoided a reconnaissance drone that had just risen and walked forward.

Not far from the wreckage of the car, a man was squatting. Noticing the middle-aged man coming, he stood up and shook his head: "The situation is very bad. 75% of the body tissue is gone, and the remaining parts are also extensively damaged. At present, we can only confirm that the cause of death is high-temperature burns and penetrating injuries from sharp objects."

The middle-aged man nodded and looked at the things on the ground.

Yes, "things".

If it hadn't been told in advance, it would have been hard to imagine that the completely charred thing in front of him, with only a small ball left, was a human body.

"I don't understand."

The person who spoke just now, the autopsy officer, frowned: "Even if it is an industrial-grade high-temperature welding gun, it is impossible to burn a person into this state in a short period of time. We have searched the nearby area and can't find any remaining body tissue."

"But if the murderer took it away, why would he leave this part now?"

The autopsy officer said: "He didn't take away the "heart", "eyes", "bones" and the like, these "memorials" commonly used in ritual crimes, are they really just randomly selected?"

The middle-aged man pondered for a while and looked at the young man, his apprentice: "What does the surveillance say?"

The apprentice shook his head: "There is no surveillance on this section of the mountain road, but we found this."

He clicked on a picture, which was a rocket launcher found on a nearby mountain.

Just as the apprentice was about to say something, a strong rumble suddenly sounded in the distance.

Hearing this sound, the middle-aged man's expression changed slightly and he spat: "The troublesome guy is coming..."

A more accurate statement is not "far away", but "above".

In the dark night, two medium-sized armed helicopters were approaching this side at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From high in the sky, they cast several huge searchlight beams, revealing everything below.

The huge wind pressure seemed to lift the grass beside the road, and the young man's hair fluttered in the wind. Facing the glaring searchlight and wind pressure above, he squinted his eyes, trying his best to see everything clearly.

So, he saw it.

On the outside of the armed helicopter, there was an obvious and huge paint pattern - the content of the pattern was a ring of jade as olive leaves, surrounding an upright broken white porcelain palm.

No Palose people. No, it should be said that no one living in the corporate alliance did not know this pattern.

It was one of the nine giant companies that sat at the top of the corporate alliance and overlooked the world.

——The corporate logo of [Emerald Pharmaceuticals].

"Warning, please evade immediately, otherwise, we will not bear any responsibility for any accidents--"

Amid the roar of the four rotors, the armed helicopter dropped several rope ladders, and eight fully armed personnel slid down the rope ladders.

They wore tactical helmets and isolation gas masks, heavy bulletproof combat uniforms, and held assault rifles. The shortest of these people was 1.8 meters tall.

The moment this group of fully armed strong men landed, they strode into the accident scene that should have been isolated from outsiders-seeing this, the young man's expression became serious, and when he was about to step forward, he was quickly pulled back by the frightened middle-aged man.

"Wait a minute! This is now the accident handling site of the Security Bureau! Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter--"

Someone tried to step forward and blocked a strong man. The latter's tactical eyepiece lit up red, and he silently opened the safety of the assault rifle.

"Hey, hold it back, hold it back."

The next moment, a slightly frivolous voice interrupted.

The owner of the voice was a young man with short blond hair and a slightly feminine appearance.

He was standing on a flat, round anti-gravity floater that emitted blue light and was slowly descending from the helicopter.

When he was five centimeters from the ground, he really took his first step and walked towards the crowd.

"Nice to meet you. I am Dennis Serra, a senior executive of the security department of Emerald Pharmaceuticals in Plosser."

Dennis casually adjusted the collar of his carefully tailored close-fitting uniform, with an impeccable smile on his face.

He first glanced at the silent burly man not far away, and his tone seemed to be asking: "Don't you put away your gun? Are you really going to shoot a security officer in front of you?"

The burly man remained silent, just put away his assault rifle, stepped back and stood aside.

-Fuck you.

Someone cursed inwardly.

Most members of the armed forces that have signed formal contracts with Emerald Pharmaceuticals will have a control chip implanted in them, and the upper management can drive them with just a thought - the action of the strong man just now was obviously a show of strength from the "senior executive commissioner" in front of him.

"I understand your concerns."

"However, our company has notified you that the entire accident scene will be fully handed over to us for handling. At the same time, I will temporarily serve as your commander and the person in charge of this case - the relevant notice of the Security Bureau should be issued soon."

As if in response to his words, the personal interfaces of the people in the Security Bureau flashed at the same time, and a line of urgent messages signed by the director of the Security Bureau was delivered, and the content was exactly the same as the former.

After saying this, ignoring the complicated expressions of the crowd, Dennis walked towards the abandoned car not far away under the tactical surrounding of the strong men.

He took the data tablet recording the "on-site autopsy briefing", quickly browsed it, and then squatted down.

Looking at the charred and unrecognizable corpse in front of him, Dennis gradually narrowed his eyes.

He reached out his hand, picked up a ball of ashes, and rubbed it slowly between his fingertips, feeling the remaining warmth.

"Sure enough."

Dennis murmured in a low voice.

"The smell of psychics is still so disgusting."

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