Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 48 Blood and Fire

For a moment, Kenge was stunned.

But then, he realized that this was a joke made by the other party.

A terrifying sense of crisis emerged from his heart, making it difficult for Kenge, who had undergone the "emotion and sensory" enhanced control surgery, to completely suppress his emotional fluctuations and maintain his calmness.

Why hasn't the damn armed rescue team come yet? !

He is a gold-level annual member of this service. Once his physiological condition falls into a critical stage, the other party's shuttle should arrive within fifteen minutes in theory, clear the surrounding dangerous targets, and send him for treatment-now five minutes have passed!

No, it must be delayed for a while.

Kenge's mind is running fast.

Or directly provoke the other party and bet on whether the other party's experience in killing is mature.

Bet that he doesn't understand what kind of medical technology the name [Emerald Pharmaceutical] means.

As long as this guy doesn't cut off his head directly, even if he grinds his heart into minced meat, destroys most of his organs, and cuts off his legs-but relying on implants and past human enhancement surgeries, he can still barely hold on for a while.

This guy attacked me, so he wouldn't dare to stay for too long, and he would definitely leave soon. As long as I pretended to be dead and stayed alive until the "armed rescue team" arrived, Jade Pharmaceutical would definitely be able to save me with my identity and the medical funds in my account!

Even if I became a person who needed to undergo expensive medical maintenance operations frequently and most of my body was not original, as long as I could survive, what did it all matter?

It was just "not worth mentioning".

But the next moment, looking at the single-molecule knife in the other party's hand, Kenger was shocked and gave up the idea.

- Too risky.

Moreover, with this guy's performance

Kenger had to admit that he didn't dare to gamble.

"——Wait a minute!"

Resisting the increasingly severe pain, Kenger panted and said, "I understand what you mean. You don't want to cooperate, right? It's okay. It's okay. Then we can trade."

"Yes, that's right. We can trade."

The man took a deep breath, restrained the strong dizziness caused by excessive blood loss, and barely raised his index finger: "I can provide you with 500,000 credit points. Don't worry, use the channel of anonymous savings card. At the same time, I can cover up your file information so that Jade Pharmaceuticals will not be aware of your existence, so that you will no longer be a threat."

"But if you kill me here, Jade Pharmaceuticals will never let you go. I am the director of the third research of Plosser Mind Psychology. The level of the position is M6-you will face the revenge of Jade Pharmaceuticals!"

The level of M6 is "senior expert" or "intermediate department manager", which is definitely a high position.

"Jade Pharmaceuticals, revenge?"

In the astonished eyes of Kenger, the person in front of him slowly repeated it.

Then Song Shi looked up and suddenly laughed: "Ha! The revenge of a giant company sounds so scary! You really scared me to death!"


Looking at this scene, Kenge was stunned at first, and suddenly thought of something, his expression changed drastically: "You are from another company?! Ksim Comprehensive Medical Care Insurance? Dark Crystal Credit? Or——"

Only a company can fight against a company, and only those who rely on a company can be fearless of the revenge of another company.

And in the eyes of [Emerald Pharmaceuticals], even only other giant companies are the real "opponents"!

The other party's fearless attitude can only be explained by "company background" - yes, that's right, there is only this explanation.

But then, Kenge murmured and fell into greater confusion.

After "Song Shi" successfully escaped, he re-read the other party's files. No matter how he analyzed and verified, there was no trace of forgery. The first eighteen years of the name "Song Shi" were indeed just an orphan placed by the United Government.

How could such a person get involved with the company?

Or is it that all this happened only in the past few days? Yes - it is very likely that with the other party's talent, there must be many companies that offer olive branches.

But it is not right either. I have suppressed this news very tightly, and no one should know

"-The company you found yourself?"

Keng raised his head suddenly, unbelievable.

".Alas." Song Shi was silent for a moment.

"No matter how many times, in the eyes of you people, there is always only the company that does not need to be denied. Your psychological activities are all on your face, clear as day."

Song Shi shook his head: "Forget it, the time is almost up. If you delay it any longer, something might really happen."

Looking at the young man who stood up, an unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart. Kenge was shocked and immediately shouted: "Wait a minute! We don't have to-"

Holding the handle tightly with his right hand, he held the knife across his chest.

Opening his left hand, his five fingers clasped the black matte paint and the extremely smooth blade.

The extremely sharp single-molecule blade easily cut through the flesh, and the five fingers that slid slowly along the blade gushed out blood silently, until the entire single knife was soaked.

The next moment, from the winding bloodstains, the red-gold flames ignited silently, lingering around the entire blade, and the blazing fire was particularly dazzling on the highway under the night sky.

"Forget about your last words, I don't really want to hear them."

Looking at the young man holding the red-gold fire knife and looking down at him, Kenge's expression changed wildly. At a certain moment, thinking of the information he had read in the past, he finally realized something.

"This is a ritual for you psychics. You want to use me for the ritual?!"

The burning sensation in his heart became more and more intense, as if the blood in his body began to boil. [Blood and Fire] urged Song Shi to kill the person in front of him.

But Song Shi was unmoved.

He just shook the fire blade and slowly raised it.

"——No, stop! We can talk about it again!"

Kenger tried his best to open his eyes wide, almost roaring: "I am the director of the M6-level research institute! I can provide you with resources! Anything! What do you want? Money? Implants?"

"I can sign the contract now! Just use the supervision service of "Dark Crystal Credit"! The execution of the contract can be guaranteed! You don't need to worry about me deceiving you!"

Looking at the opponent getting closer and closer, regardless of the various injuries on his body, Kenger panted and struggled desperately to move, dragging a winding blood trail on the road: "No, I can't die here. Song Shi! Song Shi! We can really-"

"A question."

Song Shi suddenly said:

"Do you remember how many "volunteers" your research institute has recruited in the past three months?"

Hearing this question, Kenger was subconsciously stunned.

Vedani was doing the approval of the volunteers, and he was only responsible for experiments and research. How could he know these things?

So, Song Shi sighed.

Kenger wanted to say something else.

But he didn't have the chance.

The red-gold fire knife instantly pierced Kenge's chest, as if endless flames were gushing out, completely engulfing Kenge.

"——I keep my oath."

"At this moment, I will burn my enemies with fire."

Song Shi stood with the knife in his hand, letting the blood flow from the gaps between his five fingers. He stood with his head held high and roared loudly:

"I offer the blood of my enemies, I worship the spirits of my enemies - all the stars are at the end, the source is above, please witness this!"

The burning feeling that had been lingering in his heart became extremely fierce at this moment, like molten lava, as if it was going to burn Song Shi to ashes.

Kenge could no longer speak.

The red-gold flames gushed out from his pupils and mouth, and he let out an unrecognizable hoarse roar, raising his trembling, charred right hand, as if he wanted to grab the opponent who was close at hand.

"Vedani, she is your student, right?"

Kenge's movements paused for a moment.

"Then, just close your eyes - I will send her to see you in person!"

So, in the midst of Song Shi's loud laughter, Kenge let out a final roar and rushed forward with all his strength, but at the moment of rushing forward, most of his body completely collapsed and turned into ashes that flew all over the sky.

——Ritual · [Blood and Fire].

Before the ninth sunrise.

The oath was fulfilled!

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