Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 32 Old acquaintance Maren

Chapter 32 Old acquaintance Maren

The visitor walked out completely from the dim light.

Under the intermittent streetlights, the appearance of the person was revealed.

This is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his forties. He is wearing an old but cleanly washed large coat that wraps his body tightly.

There is a natural kindness on the middle-aged man's face, but I don't know if it is an illusion, but there is also a touch of weariness that is not easy to detect in this kindness.

But at this moment, the middle-aged man frowned slightly and stared at the car-stealing duo.

Seeing the half stick in the opponent's hand, he took a step forward, stood in front of Song Shi, and spoke slowly:

"What do you want to do?"

——Broken, two people!

And this new middle-aged man looks like he’s not easy to mess with.

The heart of the person standing jumped, and his companion quickly stood up without bothering to continue picking the lock.

When the atmosphere became more solid, they heard the middle-aged man say slowly: "It's so late, you are still picking up scraps in such a remote place, don't you think it's dangerous?"


The person responsible for picking the lock was stunned for a moment, but his companion reacted quickly and quickly replied: "Yes, yes - we are picking up waste! Hey! Thank you for reminding me! It seems to be too late, we really should go home "

As they said that, the two people stared at the middle-aged man and slowly backed away.

After retreating a certain distance, the two people quickly changed from walking to running and disappeared in a flash.

Watching the two people disappear from the end of the field of vision, the middle-aged man withdrew his gaze and turned to Song Shi, with a gentle tone: "Are you okay?"

"Ah, it's okay. It's okay."

Song Shi observed the person in front of him.

At close range, he could see it more clearly.

The middle-aged man's gray hair is slightly curly and reaches the length of his neck. It looks a bit messy, but it is very clean and does not appear greasy.

Because it was wrapped in a coat, only the exposed left hand could be seen with the characteristics of a semi-implantation modification. There are no traces of implants in the remaining exposed parts, including the face.

However, the feeling the other party brought to Song Shi was a little subtle, but he couldn't tell the details for a while.

"But you should know that they are not picking up any "trash", right?"

Song Shi said.

"They were just stealing cars, or stealing things from cars."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man admitted this simply, and then paused: "But I can't help it."

"There are two of them. If they push too hard, I may not be able to stop them all, and you may get hurt."

When Song Shi was observing the middle-aged man, the other party was also observing Song Shi, a young man with a low degree of transformation and who looked like an adult.

"Besides, there's no point in pointing it out directly."

The middle-aged man didn't speak very fast, and his words sounded very clear: "There are too many such things. Even if we really catch them, the Security Bureau may not handle such small cases."

"A person's power is limited, and he can't change anything." The middle-aged man smiled tiredly: "Besides, they didn't succeed in the end, right? That's good."

"I see, I understand."

Song Shi nodded: "By the way, I still don't know how to call him."

But his words were suddenly interrupted by the other party.

"Wait a moment."

The middle-aged man's expression slowly changed, and he hesitated and said, "Song Shi?"


Song Shi was startled.

"I'm Maren, we should have met a few times."

The fatigue on the middle-aged man's face relaxed a little, and he smiled: "Do you remember? At the mutual aid meeting at Lomond Welfare Home, there were times when I was a substitute teacher."

Then, Song Shi remembered.

He did meet each other.

To be precise, the "original person" has seen the other party.

This middle-aged man named "Maren" is a volunteer who has been in and out of the orphanage for a long time - but that orphanage is not the "Lomond Orphanage".

"Lomond" is not the only orphanage in Deepmoss District.

The Lomond Orphanage has indeed been in a bad situation in recent years, but after all, it is a public facility that is nominally directly under the coalition government, and it can get some support, such as allocated funds that have been exploited through layers of exploitation and some urgent processing materials.

But those non-public welfare homes are in a very difficult situation.

The main sources of income are social donations, volunteer work, charity markets, and returns from adults who have come from welfare institutions.

The Maren in front of me is a volunteer who appeared six years ago.

The first time I met each other was at a mutual aid exchange meeting held by various welfare homes.

Later, they met three or four times again. It was the other party who came to teach them as a substitute teacher, which was basically general education classes.

However, because the situation in the Lomond Orphanage is relatively good, the other person rarely comes over and spends most of his time in other orphanages. Therefore, the original person has only seen him a few times in the past few years. It is a true "nodding acquaintance".

"It seems you have remembered it."

Maren smiled, and then, as if he suddenly remembered something: "That's right. Counting the time, you are indeed an adult."

"How long have you been away from Lomond? Are you encountering any difficulties now?"

"It's been a while since I moved out."

Song Shi thought for a moment and also smiled: "My life is actually pretty good, at least I can afford to eat. Speaking of which, Uncle Maren, why did you come here? It's quite remote here."

"Sprouting Home needs to open a temporary asset certificate. Melissa is too busy. Please ask me to help open it."

Maren said slowly: "It took a long time. There were no cars when I came out, so I just walked back slowly by myself."

"Bud House" is a small welfare home in the Deep Moss District. Melissa is the director, an aunt who is already in her fifties.

"So that's how it is"

Song Shi showed a look of realization.

"Is there really no difficulty?"

Maren thought for a while and took out a personal terminal from her arms: "Well, I suddenly remembered that I still owe your director some money. Why don't you pay them back for me?"

Hearing this, Song Shi was a little surprised.

Of course, he could hear that the other party definitely didn't owe the director money. He said this just to make himself accept this money-in a sense, the other party was the first good person he met since his rebirth.

If you just need to transfer money.

-I can't let you know that the person standing in front of you is a "dishonest person".

"Uncle Maren, please give it to the old director yourself."

Song Shi said seriously.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds. Maren took the lead in retracting his gaze, sighed, and understood what the other party meant.

"Okay, I'll go give it to him myself."

Then, the two chatted briefly for a few more words, and Song Shi declined the other's offer to send him off. He left.

After an unknown amount of time, Maren rubbed his head, a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"Why did Song Shi give me a feeling of something wrong just now?"

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