"Yours is ready--!"

The boss's penetrating voice interrupted Song Shi's thoughts.

"Oh, thank you."

Song Shi came back to his senses, picked up the bag, and opened it to eat.

The palm-sized hot dog was brushed with a layer of sauce that I don't know what it is called, sour and sweet. The two burgers were very filling, but the taste was not very good. The pickled canned vegetables were too salty, and the synthetic meat in the middle had a sandy texture.

But for a fast food meal of more than 20 credit points, you can't ask for too much.

Besides, this is already considered a high-end roadside stall.

There is another stall not far away, where the roasted white maggots sold are the real cheap snacks.

The white maggots cultivated in a three-dimensional farm are the most common source of protein intake for the poor in this era.

After a certain amount of genetic adjustment and targeted selection, this kind of white maggot can grow up to 20 centimeters, plump and round, rich in high-quality protein, and can be stably slaughtered in 20 days-whether it is used to make canned synthetic meat or eaten directly, it is an excellent choice.

The technology developed by [Pure White Biology] was rated as one of the "Outstanding Technological Innovation Achievements of the Year" that year.

There are also disadvantages. First, the taste is very bad, like chewing wax. Second, this thing is a genetically modified organism. In addition, in order to increase the net weight of individuals, speed up the speed of slaughter, and seize the purchase share of the season, farms cannot do without various hormones. People may have some problems if they eat too much.

But no matter what, it is better than starving to death.

This is a way of life specially given by the company. It’s okay for everyone to curse at ordinary times, but you still need to be grateful when you mention this.

But Song Shi doesn’t want to eat it.

It’s not that he dislikes it, it’s just that he ate too much of this thing before, and he is a little far away from it.

Whether it’s the original body of this life or the self in the previous life——

In the previous life, Song Shi was a member of the [Pan-Eastern Continental Union]. It was a place nominally led by the "Upper Council", but in fact, the internal states were undercurrents.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Song Shi.

In his previous life, he was also born in an orphanage, but that orphanage was not as warm as the Romond Orphanage in this life.

He was kicked out when he was fifteen and had to make a living on his own.

During that time, because the Pan-Eastern Continental Union introduced the "white maggot cultivation" industry, the director of the orphanage made them eat white maggot meals for more than half a month, three meals a day, in order to embezzle funds.

It was hard to bear.

So, Song Shi really didn't want to touch this thing.

"Oh, I forgot to ask for iced food"

After awakening psychic power, the appetite of psychics will definitely increase.

Song Shi quickly finished the hot dog and hamburger, and after taking a sip of water, he suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask for iced food.

This low-quality drink made of pure pigments and saccharin mixed with water is very astringent without ice.

Song Shi shook his head, sighed, and drank the rest in one breath.

He looked at the time, it was more than eight o'clock in the evening.

It's time to find a new place to live.

I only have a few hundred dollars left, and I can't hold on for too long, and the deadline for the oath of [Blood and Fire] is before the sunrise of the 19th.

In other words, I have to find a way to make money, and I need to open the second psychic skill as soon as possible, and at the same time find an opportunity to complete the oath of revenge - if I want to satisfy Daotu, the object must be at least at Vidani's level.

"Looking at it this way, the task is quite tense."

Song Shi whispered to himself, but a touch of joy emerged in the depths of his eyes.

There are no difficulties, and the road is step by step, but it is difficult to see the scenery at the top of the peak.


Song Shi smiled slowly.

——It is the difficulties and obstacles that make it worth climbing!

Only this kind of thing can give me real motivation and make me excited.


After walking on the dark streets for a while, Song Shi suddenly realized the situation.

It was just a casual glance. Behind the rusty road barrier not far away, in an open-air parking lot with various garbage scattered and weeds, there were two figures next to an old pickup truck.

One of them was squatting next to the car door and groping for something, while the other stood next to it, looking around nervously.

The moment he saw this scene, Song Shi realized that he had encountered a car theft scene.

Although he didn't see it up close, based on Song Shi's experience, the other party's car theft method should be the simplest lock picking.

As for using network technology, a thought can open the car door and take over the vehicle system in all aspects-no matter what, Song Shi didn't think the two people opposite would be "domain hackers".

And the next moment, the standing man noticed Song Shi's sight.

They accidentally saw a car theft strategy circulating on the Internet, and thought it was very promising, so they planned to come out and try it.

This was their first time stealing a car, and the two were very nervous-the number of patrolmen deployed by the Security Bureau in the Deep Moss District was small, and the infrastructure including surveillance was in disrepair for a long time, so the deterrent power of the law here was not high.

If they were caught, it would be a matter of course to have an arm cut off.

So, even if Song Shi just looked over, the other party noticed it.

The air froze for a moment.

The man shuddered, but then, thinking that his companions could pry open the car door immediately, a kind of courage rose in his heart.

He could do it.

He muttered to himself. You know, before he made the decision, he re-watched the trilogy of "Shaun the Bandit" in one go! Immersive simulation movie! I learned a lot of skills!

Imagining that he was not holding a half-bat, but Sean's iconic symbol, the retro automatic revolver and suspended Ferris wheel, he imitated Sean in the movie and said in his imaginary magnetic tone:

"-Don't mind your own business, you didn't see anything, get out of here quickly."


Song Shi spoke with interest.

Looking at the two obviously underage guys in front of him, he sighed that the Deep Moss District was really a place of outstanding people and a place of beautiful scenery, and sighed that his luck today was a bit strange. It had only been a short time, and he encountered this kind of thing again.

The other party's expression froze.

I found that this passerby was standing still and just looking at him.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked at his companion, and found that both of them were sweating on their foreheads.

"What should we do?"

"How should I know!"

"You were the one who first proposed it!"

"Didn't you agree with it at the time?"

"How about running away?"

The two tried to communicate with their eyes.

Just when Song Shi was about to say something, he suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

The next moment, a figure walked out of the darkness not far away, and a voice interrupted.

"What are you...doing?"

The update time will be adjusted to 11:00 am in the future.

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