Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 18 The History of Palose (Part 2)

Tom laughed immediately.

Then, he continued to talk, but it was a straightforward story.

In addition to the "big explosion in the old industrial area", there were two major events in Palose in recent years.

The first one was five years ago.

A mineral vein was accidentally discovered in the suburbs of Palose. It was a rare mineral used in precision instrument manufacturing and various engineering scenarios, and it was worth a lot.

So, under the instruction of Jade Pharmaceuticals, the local coalition government began to bid-

After several rounds of bidding, the giant company [Southern Heavy Industry] had originally obtained the development rights and was about to start building a mine when another giant company [Time Sequence Pass] suddenly intervened.

While they put pressure on the local coalition government to postpone the announcement date of the bidding results, they brazenly invested a group of armed units and severely damaged the branch of Southern Heavy Industry in Palose.

Because of the various competitions and history in the past, the two giant companies have long been resentful, and this is even just a simple revenge.

Of course, Nanyu Heavy Industry would not give up. It urgently dispatched a group of armed forces to Palose. Even before entering the city, it fought a battle with the ambush troops of the time sequence on the wasteland.

Then, after entering the city.

The two families started a formal exchange of fire, from the suburbs to the city, and from the city to the suburbs. Streets were razed to the ground, various vicious network viruses proliferated and released wantonly, and terrifying thermal weapons easily burned down buildings. Groups of drones took off and bombed indiscriminately under the command of the intelligent control network, and even fully armed upper psychics entered the battle-

In those days, except for the central hall of the ruling center and the Baimen District where the rich gathered, the rest of the city often had network collapses, water and electricity were shut down, and various shells fell from time to time, burning themselves, their homes and the surroundings to ashes.

It is said.

It is just said.

When Nanyu Heavy Industry was about to use a low-dose "gravitational collapse bomb" to directly establish victory, Jade Pharmaceuticals finally couldn't help it and stepped forward to mediate.

The process of mediation is unknown.

In short, the final result was that Nanyu Heavy Industry obtained the right to develop the mine, and Time Sequence Pass took a large amount of attendance fees funded by the local coalition government and withdrew from Palose, announcing the end of this "small company war".

When talking about this, Tom's tone was still frightened.

Even he himself couldn't tell whether he was deliberately acting like this to gain sympathy and show weakness, or whether it was really from the fear in his heart.

"Company war."

Song Shi pondered for a moment.

As a native Palose, the original body had experienced that period of time like Tom, so Song Shi had this memory.

However, at that time, the original body spent most of his time hiding in welfare homes and air-raid shelters, and rarely went out-after all, he was only twelve or thirteen years old at that time, without the pressure of company attendance, and didn't have to go to work and punch in with bullets and guns overhead.

Some more in-depth situations, such as the "gravitational collapse bomb", he only learned about it from Tom now.

When the star itself cannot provide enough pressure to balance its own gravity, and thus cannot continue to maintain the original hydrostatic balance, gravity pulls the stellar matter closer to each other and collapses.

When the collapse reaches the limit, there is a certain probability of forming a "black hole".

The principle of the "gravitational collapse bomb" is this, which is equivalent to creating a small black hole. Even if this black hole will collapse in an instant, the destructive power is still terrifying before the gravity that swallows everything.

If it is a large-dose "gravitational collapse bomb" targeting a city, even Song Shi at the peak of his previous life would find it very difficult. He can run away, but he will definitely not be able to stop the collapse.

If he plans to use weapons of the level of "gravitational collapse bomb", then Nanyu Heavy Industry is afraid that he will be really angry. This thing has exceeded the scope of "small company war". No wonder Jade Pharmaceuticals couldn't sit still and hurriedly came forward to mediate.

If it is really used, I am afraid that half of Palose, except for the central hall and the White Gate area, will be affected, and as for the people in it, tsk.

Maybe the future plan can be postponed a little.

After I recover my strength, why not kill a director of Nanyu Heavy Industry first, and then go to the Vanpusta Empire to fight the second electoral prince?

Song Shi thought in his heart, and knocked on the table on the surface: "Then, what's the other thing?"

According to the memory of the original body, Song Shi had some guesses about what this thing was, but he still wanted to hear the information from Tom's perspective.


Tom thought for a while and said carefully:

"I don't know, have you heard of "Enlightened Ones"?

"Of course I have heard of it."

Song Shi laughed: "Who among us doesn't know about those guys who are always under the banner of overthrowing the "corporate order"? "

"However, the Enlightened Ones you want to talk about."

"Do you mean "resistance organization" or "extreme armed terrorists"? "

Tom felt his heart skip a beat.

But then, before he could speak, Song Shi clapped his hands: "It's okay, just a joke, go on."

This is not funny at all.

Tom complained in his heart.

He didn't want to express his opinion casually and get involved in the fight between these two behemoths.

"A year ago, Jade Pharmaceuticals severely damaged the power of the Enlightened in Palose. At that time, the video of the arrest and execution of the Enlightened was circulated everywhere on the Internet. If you search now, you should still be able to find it."

After thinking for a while, Tom added:

"I heard - just heard that the local Jade Pharmaceutical's security director planned and personally carried out the heavy damage operation."

"The security director was transferred from another place two years ago. His methods are quite powerful. Now he is very famous in Palower."

"Anyway, at least since last year, I haven't heard much about the Enlightenment's actions in Paloser. Maybe the rumored "heavy damage" may be true."

Three events.

The explosion in the old industrial area thirteen years ago, the small company war five years ago, and the Emerald Pharmaceuticals a year ago severely damaged the local Enlightenment.


Song Shi digested this information.

He was not surprised by the failure of the "Enlightened One".

This is the largest resistance organization in the [Enterprise Alliance], dedicated to overthrowing the "corporate order". He had some contacts in his previous life and made a few friends.

Fourteen years after this point in the previous life, the Enlightenment invaded the Sky Tower data center of the giant company [Zero Degree Network] and seized control of the [Strong Artificial Intelligence Textile Machine]. In a shocking battle that shocked the world, he even accepted the Enlightenment. He personally participated in it and jointly shot down a space carrier of [Zero Degree Network].


Because of the actual gap in control of resources, the Enlightened Ones are at a disadvantage most of the time in the overall situation.

Faced with practical problems such as equipment, personnel recruitment, logistics systems, supply bases, etc., the former cannot compete with the enterprise alliance with a huge scientific research and industrial system.

At the same time, there is another crucial point, that is, enlightened people have certain ethics, while companies are not ethical at all.

As for the strong.

There are indeed a few masters among the Enlightened Ones, especially their previous generation leaders. No, at this point in time, they should still be the current leaders.

[Balance] Path, the psyker at the pinnacle of the fifth ring, the strongest among the anti-corporate forces, and the undisputed current leader of the Enlightened Ones.


Although Song Shi didn't want to admit the gap, but when he thought about what the other party had shown during the several meetings in his previous life, he could only say that Chakoluo fell at the peak of the fifth ring, while he died in battle at the peak of the fourth ring. .

But this life.

That's hard to say.

And if I put aside these memories and cast my gaze back to the present moment——

The Enlightened One and Emerald Pharmacy, two forces stationed in Palocene, had a duel in which the former failed.

In other words, does the company still have the upper hand in the current situation in Paloser?

Now that I have faced off against Emerald Pharmaceutical, or in other words, Emerald Pharmaceutical's subordinate research institute, maybe I can get in touch with the Enlighteners of Paloser?

Even without the influence of those friends from his previous life, he still had a good impression of the Enlightened One.

——After all, you can’t just go and post corporate alliances, right?

As a freelance bounty hunter, in the battle to seize the "Strong Artificial Intelligence Textile Machine", Song Shi's employment quotation to the Enlightenment was a super friendly price, almost half for sale and half for free - the latter also knew how to reciprocate. After the war, Chakoluo came forward in person and personally donated a very rare psychic skill suitable for Song Shi.

Thinking in his mind, Song Shiming's expression remained unchanged.

"I say Jack. That's all I know, my friend."

Tom tried his best to keep his voice soft and looked at the person in front of him: "I don't know, are you satisfied?"

"Look at what you said, friends should help each other, how can there be any dissatisfaction?"

Hearing this, Song Shi laughed, but soon put away his smile.

"I judge your status as a psyker for two reasons."

Song Shi raised two fingers and shook them: "The first is very simple, just intuition. The smell of consensus in you is too strong. I have had this feeling since you greeted me."

"S-Intuition? Taste?"

What the hell kind of explanation is this? !

Tom was stunned and couldn't help but wonder if this man was playing tricks on him.

"Intuition is intuition, or explain it in words you can accept. You can also replace "intuition" with "experience," but it's the same thing."

Song Shi spread his hands and said, "I can't help you with this, but I can give you some advice on the second reason."

".Second, what is the reason?"

"The consensus path is a spiritual path that goes deep into the spiritual world. Therefore, before the third ring, the "brain" is the absolute core. Most of the spiritual skills mastered at this stage also use the brain as the basis for release."

"Therefore, the psychic energy contained in the brain of a mid- to low-ranking psyker on the consensus path far exceeds that of other parts."

"This is determined by the actual situation and is beyond reproach."


At this moment, Song Shi was like a teacher who taught step by step, patiently educating ignorant students on science.

"We are now a "substitute program". We are in the network domain, not in reality."

Song Shi pointed at himself and then at the other party, emphasizing:

"In this case, your spiritual energy release no longer needs to rely so much on the "brain", and you can do whatever you want."

"But because of habits, or path dependence, your psychic energy is still subconsciously concentrated in your head, even if there is only the "brain" in your imagination. This is too obvious."

——Actually, there was one sentence that Song Shi did not say.

Although psychic energy can also be detected in the [Network Domain], the difficulty is obviously much higher than in reality.

If it weren't for the intuition and experience brought by the peak of the fourth ring in the previous life, how could an ordinary first-ring psychic see these? Even if Tom used psychic power in front of him, he might not be able to see it.

But there is no need to tell the other party.

"Is it really like this?"

As if he was in great shock, Tom murmured in a low voice.

He wanted to refute, but when he used psychic power subconsciously, he knew that the other party was right.

"Learn to use psychic power as you like in the network domain, reduce the possibility of identity exposure, and it will also be good for your ability to control reality."

Looking at Tom who was lost in thought, Song Shi stood up.

Seeing this, Tom reacted and quickly stood up.

"This is a little trick, but it's up to you whether to use it or not."

After that, Song Shi pushed the door and left, leaving Tom who was still a little confused.

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