Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 17 The History of Palose (Part 1)

Although he has the memories of his original body, the original "Song Shi" is just an orphan who came from an orphanage and worked illegally in a factory. He has no access to the inside story of many things and is at the level of "hearsay".

And the person in front of him.

Although he is probably just an ordinary gray character, since he has been to Qianxing City, he will not be less knowledgeable than the original "Song Shi".

Need an underground weapons dealer and ask about the situation of Palose in the past few years?

——Oh no, he is really someone from outside.

Hearing this, the man in the felt hat was fidgeting and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

But soon, he adjusted his mood and said:

"I think about it, what's your name?"

"You say it first."

"Well, Tom."

The man in the felt hat spit out a name without sincerity.

"That's quite a coincidence, my name is Jack."

Song Shi smiled.

"Okay, Jack, let me think about how to say it."

The man in the felt hat, or Tom, considered the words and began to tell the story.

Palose is a medium-sized city within the territory of the [Enterprise Alliance], with a permanent population of two million. It is currently controlled by the giant company [Emerald Pharmaceuticals], and most of the city is dependent on the industrial chain of Emerald Pharmaceuticals.

Of course, the "United Government" is still the largest in name, but everyone knows that Palose's United Government is just a tool of Emerald Pharmaceuticals.

In other words, the "United Government" of the entire Enterprise Alliance is just a tool for those giant companies that are like gods to do whatever they want.

Then, there are several major events that have happened in Palose in recent years-

Thirteen years ago, a major explosion occurred in the original industrial zone, with more than 1,500 casualties on the spot, 50% of the equipment was damaged and failed, and a large number of industrial materials leaked, causing large-scale chemical pollution.

After the explosion, a large number of companies in the industrial zone declared bankruptcy and disintegration, and hundreds of thousands of people were unemployed on the spot. Because of chemical pollution, injuries from the explosion and no money, a large number of people could not buy medicine and could only stay at home and wait to die.

At this critical moment, under the leadership of the coalition government, Jade Pharmaceuticals urgently acquired some of the bankrupt company's assets, provided technical support, blocked and cleaned the industrial zone, and avoided secondary explosions and the spread of chemical pollution.

Later, companies led by Jade Pharmaceuticals established the [Rota District], which is now commonly known as the "New Industrial District".

They built a large number of factories in the Rota District, provided a large number of high-quality jobs, and allowed more than 300,000 unemployed people to work on the spot.

At the same time, they used their advanced medical technology and experience to provide medical assistance to the victims of the old industrial zone. To this day, the city museum still preserves the Palose Daily of that year. The headline photo of the mayor and the then general manager of the Jade Pharmaceuticals branch in Palose brought tears to countless people's eyes.

This was the famous [Old Industrial Zone Explosion] incident in Palose that happened thirteen years ago.

To this day, this incident still has a far-reaching impact.

"Ha, but some people say that the entire "Old Industrial Zone Explosion" is just a conspiracy of companies."

"Because the old industrial zone was established in the late period of the Seven Lands War, from today's perspective, most of the instruments and equipment inside are outdated. In addition, it is said that the original industrial zone design and planning had problems, coupled with years of illegal expansion and complex terrain, the entire area is too difficult and costly to upgrade and transform."

"So the United Government and Jade Pharmaceuticals have long wanted to abolish the industrial zone and rebuild a new one. After all, the Seven Lands War has ended for seventy years, and the industry in the entire industrial zone has long been inconsistent with the needs of Jade Pharmaceuticals' industrial chain, which is a huge inferior asset for them."

"But directly disbanding the factory and setting up a new industrial zone."

"They don't want to pay the original workers' severance pay, nor do they want to bear the cost of sealing and handling those abandoned equipment. At the same time, the asset audit of the industrial zone is very troublesome. Over the years, it has become a mess. I guess there are all kinds of taxes in it."

"In short, one thing is done, and the Jade Pharmaceuticals led the A batch of companies, secretly transferred the high-net-worth assets in the industrial zone in advance, and then used a big explosion to wash away everything in the industrial zone——"

"Because of the impact of the big explosion, a large number of companies went bankrupt and reorganized, and the related employee contracts and debt issues became a pile of waste paper. At the same time, because of the secondary explosion and chemical pollution, the government directly blocked the old industrial zone, changing from the original "maintenance" to a simple "blockade", and the cost was reduced by a lot. "

"Faced with the turbulent and rising prices caused by the big explosion, these employees who suddenly lost their jobs and had no severance pay were forced to become a large number of cheap labor in the new industrial zone in order to survive, and could only accept a harsh contract. "

"Of course, the blockade is nominally for cleaning, but it has been more than ten years, and the place is still sealed now."

Tom shrugged and gestured: "But these are also rumors, my friend, you know, everyone loves conspiracy theories, everyone likes to give a thing a color behind it, as for the truth, who knows?"

When saying these words, Tom observed the other party's reaction calmly, trying to see more clues.

[Consensus] is the psychic path of "deepening into the spiritual world", and the most common stereotype is the ability to read minds, manipulate thoughts, and tamper with memories.

As the first link [Consensus], he certainly can't do this, but the psychic skill he currently masters is indeed related to these.

——Psychic Skills · [Personality Trait Reserve].

In simple terms, this is an ability to record "personality traits". When the holder meets people with different personalities, he will constantly record the characteristics of this type of personality based on what he observes.

The more people with different personalities you meet, the thicker the record reserve will be, and the more accurate the inference of other people's personalities will be, just like "big data analysis".

Although the tone of voice and expression changes may not be credible under the "anonymous service", this psychic skill can still play a certain role to a certain extent.

- Through conversations and other content, slowly analyze the personality and even the position of this outsider.

Under Tom's gaze, Song Shi finally spoke.

"So, do you want me to say 'One day I will kill all the company dogs with a knife in my hand', or 'Those who died were too weak, they deserved to die'? Or 'What does this have to do with me, I didn't kill them'?"

"Do you really want to see a person clearly?"

Song Shi smiled and tapped the table with his index finger: "You have too much "consensus" on you, it's almost written on my face that I am a wild consensus psychic-"

"--Stop probing."

The next moment, Song Shi's tone suddenly turned cold: "You just need to narrate now."

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