Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 16 Conversation

It's a little bit bad.

The man in the felt hat thought.

As one of the most famous domains, [Thousand Star City] is not just a simple online virtual city.

In a sense, [Thousand Star City] is also a decentralized blockchain system. Basically, each real area has a unique Thousand Star City, similar to a local area network.

Just like the stars together form a brilliant starry sky, all the scattered Thousand Star Cities together are the real "Thousand Star City".

For a domain of this scale, some people even say that [Thousand Star City] is not built by a person or an organization, but by a group of artificial intelligence.

However, considering the [Freedom Revolution] initiated by a group of artificial intelligences that awakened "self-awareness" decades ago, calling for self-power, which was immeasurable for a while, but was quickly crushed by giant companies, and the subsequent strict artificial intelligence bill, the man in the felt hat does not believe this statement in his heart.

In short,

Although there are many [Thousand Star Cities] in the world, for most people, it is much more difficult to enter another Thousand Star City directly from one Thousand Star City in the [Abyss] than to move to the corresponding area in reality and then enter another Thousand Star City from the corresponding area.

So, this person seems to be so familiar with the Thousand Star City, but according to the registration time, it is clearly the first time to enter the [Thousand Star City] in the Palose area.

Two possibilities.

Either someone told him about the Thousand Star City in advance, but in this case, that person should accompany him to get familiar with it for the first time, after all, entering and exiting the Thousand Star City is not a troublesome thing.

Or, he is someone from outside.

He can cross the dangerous "wasteland" outside the city and arrive at Palose, and at the same time, he is familiar with and enters the underground anonymous trading community of [Thousand Star City] at the first time.

Dangerous person.

Even if there is an anonymous service to cover his identity, he doesn't want to get involved at all.

I just want to make a little money, but I don't want to get involved in any inexplicable things - sometimes, just hearing a sentence, seeing a photo, or appearing a scene will be considered a "way to death".

These thoughts only lasted for a moment.

"Oh my god -"

Thinking of this, the man in the felt hat laughed while trying to break free from the other's hand.

But soon, he was surprised to find that no matter what method he used, he could not break free.

- How is it possible?

I am a psychic!

Expensive luxury deep-diving chambers, huge computing power rooms, carefully configured calculation services, and self-adaptive programs that have been optimized a lot - these are things that only rich people have. Most people only have an ordinary deep-diving device to make do with the Internet.


Limited by the performance of personal equipment, most people's "stand-in programs" for virtual Internet surfing cannot fully show their real physical strength. Even if you can use a prosthetic limb to punch a concrete wall in reality, the "stand-in program" on the virtual network may only be slightly stronger than ordinary people.

But because of the characteristics of the [Abyss], psychic energy can affect the strength of the "Stand-in Program".

If the equipment is not enough, psychic energy can make up for it.

I am a first-level psychic on the path of [Consensus]. Although I use civilian equipment with poor performance, relying on the first-level psychic energy, the "Stand-in Program" is much stronger than ordinary people!

And now, I can't even break free from the opponent's hand!


My strength is much stronger than the opponent's. The reason why I can't break free is because of the opponent's hand strength method? Sanda? Or something else?

Damn! What era is it? Why are there still people doing natural fighting techniques?

"Wait a moment."

Song Shi put one hand on the shoulder of the man in the felt hat and pointed upward with one hand: "Personally, I don't recommend you to quit Qianxing City now, because I think it's better to make friends than to make others unhappy."

"Actually, I also want to make friends."

The man in the felt hat was not annoyed when the other party discovered his plan, and his smile was still bright: "It's just that I really have something urgent to do now. Next time we meet, I will definitely treat you to a drink. There is a really good bar here. I recommend you try their Scarlet Dragon Breath."

"So that's how it is. "

Song Shi sighed, and suddenly released his hand: "Okay, I'll remember what you said."


"A first-level psychic who follows "consensus", considering that you have come to Qianxing City to make money, you are probably an illegal psychic who has not reported to the United Government and received special talent subsidies."

"In Palose, such people are indeed very rare and very hard to find."

"Alas, it's rare to meet you, but since you have something urgent, I'll have to ask you out for a drink next time."

At this moment, the man in the felt hat finally changed his expression.

Subconsciously, he wanted to talk some more nonsense, but the moment he said these words, he swallowed them.

With the intuition of the first level [consensus], he had a hunch that the other party did not lie to him.

But, how is it possible?

How did the other party see it?! How could he see it?!

In the two years since he became a first-level psychic, no one has been able to see the identity of a psychic in the "domain"!

No, it's better to say.

How can someone tell if someone is a psychic on the Internet? !

"Although I have something urgent to do--"

"--But, I love making friends the most, and nothing is more important than friends!"

As his thoughts raced, the man in the felt hat stopped the last step of leaving Thousand Star City, changed his words in an instant, and even put his arm around Song Shi's shoulder.

However, when he put his arm around her shoulder, he lowered his voice and said quickly: "Let's talk somewhere else."


Thousand Star City (Palosser area).

Online bar, Blue Stone Forest.

In a room that applied for "private conversation service", Song Shi and the man in the felt hat sat opposite each other.

Of course, the room fee was paid by the latter.

"I say."

The man in the felt hat tried to say: "My friend, I wonder if you have anything to say to your friends."

He did not start with the habit of rambling.

Because "real identity" is too sensitive in an anonymous community like Thousand Star City.

Although the other party has not really known it yet, the scope of "illegal psychics of the first ring, [consensus] path, male" is terrifying enough!

Considering that this was said by the other party himself, he had no doubt that the other party had the information collection ability of the corresponding level. Even if the other party did not, did he not have hacker accomplices who specialized in information warfare?

Opening the box, issuing household registration, door-to-door service

Unintentionally, a series of terms flashed through the mind of the man in the felt hat, and he felt a chill all over his body.

"Recommend a few weapons dealers in this Thousand Star City, and the situation of Palose in recent years."

Song Shi put away his smile: "Tell me everything you know, and then I will tell you how to see it."

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