Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 12 On the Road

Time: 11:15 PM.

Location: Deep Moss, Klinlin Street.

Although the people in the White Gate District are afraid of the Deep Moss District and regard it as a scourge, and the jokes about the Deep Moss District on the local network are always updated, the actual situation in the Deep Moss District is still somewhat different from those sensational news reports.

After all, this is also a serious Palouse District. It is impossible to be a completely naked Darwin society - even the gangs would not want to see this scene.

Excluding a few dangerous areas, most of the Deep Moss District looks like an ordinary old city.

There is still a little order.

Not much, but it does exist.

Of course, no one in the Palouse Security Bureau is willing to come here, so don't expect to call the police.

Song Shi tightened his gray coat and wrapped himself up.

The clothes were bought at a 24-hour unmanned retail store.

Whenever a customer enters, the self-disciplined weapons on the ceiling of the retail store will immediately aim to ensure that the customer will not buy for free or want to sleep overnight in the retail store - after two warnings, they can open fire directly.

According to the "Palose Self-Defense and Security Regulations", this situation is self-defense protection, and firing and causing casualties does not violate the law.

Oh, there is one violation.

According to the "Urban Landscape Protection and Management Regulations", a fine of 1,000 credit points will be imposed for one death, 3,000 credit points for two deaths, and a 10% discount for more than ten deaths.

Song Shi walked slowly through the street.

It is difficult to see the sun in the Deep Moss District.

There is no "artificial sky curtain" in the White Gate District here, and the natural climate cannot be kneaded at will in the hands of technology.

Looking up at the sky, the tangled and dense lines are like black spider webs covering the sky and supporting the sky of the Deep Moss District.

Eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

Because of the lack of lights, this street seems dim.

Many walls have thick graffiti of various colors, and some dark corners are crookedly lying around, with canned wine of low quality emitting pungent smells piled up around them.

Some people wrap themselves in thick coats that are almost invisible in their original colors, and sit against the wall like an old monk in meditation - but on their heads, they wear immersive networked goggles or helmets that lead to cyberspace.

The colorful world can make people forget all their troubles.

These people did not choose to rent a house. Apart from the necessary cost of nutritional paste, they invested all the money they earned in various monthly network services, experiencing high-fidelity immersive live broadcasts of various things, their favorite virtual idols and anchors, carefully produced, exciting but high-subscription film and television works, and large-scale online games.

Song Shi retracted his glance.

He clearly saw that some people's cuffs were empty.

In this era of extremely advanced implant technology, this is almost impossible.

Even if you can't afford a high-end prosthesis made by personal customization, an ordinary cheap mechanical prosthesis can be bought second-hand for only 500 credit points in the clinic of an underground doctor.

On the live broadcast platform [Valhalla], an ordinary VIP of a streamer needs 400 credit points.

There is only one possibility.

These people voluntarily gave up implanting prosthetic limbs. They put all their minds into the Internet and enjoyed the bizarreness before the subscription service expired.

Until one day, their physical functions can no longer hold on, or they are accidentally run over by a passing car, or something else, their lives really come to an end.

Maybe they won't regret it.

"We have to find a place to live first."

Song Shi did not comment on these. He respected other people's choices as long as they didn't block his way.

As for the present, after experiencing so many things in one night, Song Shi now feels a little tired and needs to find a place to rest.

Romond Welfare Home is definitely not an option.

Song Shi just moved out two months ago after he became an adult. He rented a low-rent house outside and worked illegally in a vehicle manufacturing plant. He earned 1,500 credit points a month and had two meals a day.

I will go back to the low-rent house later, but I can't stay for too long.

In order to become a "volunteer", "Song Shi" handed over all kinds of personal information to the research institute. The other party must know this address. With such a big loss caused by himself, the matter will never end so easily. The original residence will be included in the surveillance range sooner or later, waiting for the rabbit.

"Go back first, and then find a place outside."

Song Shi quickly made up his mind.

The original body's residence is on Changdou Street, not far from Kelinlin Street, about 30 minutes away. To be honest, Song Shi is not sure whether the name "original body" is accurate.

Unlike the control of "great source power" of the [Dayuan] path, the [consensus] path is better at going deep into the spiritual world, playing with other people's minds at will, and even interfering with reality by spirit.

Because of this, the third-ring psychic of [consensus] can try to "take over" others and occupy the nest of others.

Even if it will bring problems such as "true spirit wear" and "personality pollution", there is no doubt that this is a powerful skill that is almost equivalent to a second life.

And the fourth-ring [consensus] is even more difficult on this basis.

Song Shi killed one in his previous life.

Even with the help of another fourth-ring [Consensus] to "limit the scope of possession" and "locate the other party's possession target", Song Shi spent most of the day and killed 87 possession targets in one breath before he completely caught the other party whose true spirit was worn out due to continuous possession.

But he was walking the [Dayuan] path.

When it comes to frontal combat capabilities, only the [Transcendence] path can be compared. Song Shi, who was at the peak of the fourth ring in his previous life, was able to penetrate a mechanized army with his full firepower. The spiritual flames he controlled were overwhelming, and he was like a tower. He dared to attack the aerospace carriers against each other for a while without losing their momentum——

But he will not "seize the body".

Not only "seizing the body", but also "reincarnation", "personality overwriting", "own status archive replacement", etc., Song Shi can be sure that he will never know any related psychic skills.

[Dayuan] The road is not used for this at all.

But now my situation is even more bizarre than "seizing the body"!

The current "original body".

The name is also Song Shi, and even their appearance is almost the same. Apart from different experiences, they are like two people in the mirror, which is statistically impossible.

Song Shi even seriously considered the possibility of "brain in a vat" - taking out the human brain and putting it in a petri dish to create a "real illusion" by simulating all senses and cognition. This was even if the experimental subjects were skeptical. , a terrible technology that is also difficult to verify.

After all, when all your senses and cognition have been ravaged by others, how can you identify the truth of it all?

However, Song Shi rejected this idea.

Since fourth-level psychics have already entered the transcendent soul, the difficulty of tampering and simulating cognition has increased exponentially.

Moreover, Song Shi clearly remembered the way he died. His whole body was burned completely, and he definitely didn’t leave any brain behind——

After assassinating the Emperor Chosen, the seven-day escape was the final act.

The moment the [Vampusta Empire's] siege team blocked the sky and the earth within a thirty-mile radius and completely surrounded Song Shi, the outcome was already determined.

Song Shi will definitely die on that day.

But what followed was not the siege originally imagined.

The high-ranking knights of the Knights and the judges of the Tribunal maintained a silent blockade, and only one person went out to fight alone——

The same fourth ring psyker, the same extraordinary talent, which even Song Shi had heard of in the past, a genius who looked like the next generation leader of the Vampusta Empire, the new Grand Inquisitor, Renata... Clemens.

The other party clearly wanted to use Song Shi as a stepping stone and use a life-and-death bloody battle to get a glimpse of the realm of fifth-level spiritual energy!

But if nothing unexpected happens, the other party should also die. My last attack is the ultimate, there is no reason why I can't kill her. If I want to use myself as a stepping stone, then I will die together.


This thought came up in Song Shi's mind again, but he quickly suppressed these thoughts.

The home of Changdou Street has arrived.

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