Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 11 Welcome to Palose

The sight rises from the crisscrossing elevated forest and casts far to the brightly lit place on the other side.

The artificial sky that can freely adjust the weather is like the sky. The countless solar sails that rise and fall in the daytime fold the wings of silicon wafers. Under the sky, suspended airships painted in various colors cruise between the high-rise buildings.

The giant holographic image high above projects a dreamlike neon light and shadow.

The medical expert in white uniform smiles in his eyes, holding a new inhibitor with exquisite packaging, on which the olive leaf logo of Jade Pharmaceutical is eye-catching.

The virtual idol "Naing, Chiya Nana Aya" who has suddenly become popular recently, while making a heart with both hands to Kirakira, announced the new joint event with a dreamy voice.

In the last replay of the Palose Daily today, the host who always keeps a perfect smile regretfully said that another 15 people died yesterday due to pollution in the old industrial area.

The sight moves again.

Along the sea tributary passing through the old industrial area and the Gaoge area, it spreads all the way to the end of the horizon, and the world seems to fall into darkness all of a sudden.

The low and dilapidated bungalows are connected into a line and scattered on the land without any plan. The cramped living space makes the houses intertwined, like crystal essence tangled and spreading, forced to grow upward, forming a series of iron-gray withered giant trees that seem to touch the heavy sky.

That is the Deep Moss District.

Different from the White Gate District where the rich and the middle class gather, the Port High-Garde District that handles countless cargo every day, or the Central Hall located in the center of the city, as well as the Frost Furnace District and the blocked old industrial area, the rebuilt new industrial area.

This is the slum of Plosser.

Even after two urban expansions, the Deep Moss District only covers 30% of Plosser.

But nearly 60% of the population of Plosser live here.

Workers in the new industrial zone, cash-strapped company people, foreign black households without residence permits, underground prosthetic doctors, wanted criminals, gang members, and the poor. Under the heavy pressure of the company, completely different people are forced into the huge meat grinder of the Deep Moss District to try to squeeze out tomorrow's future.

But this is already good enough.

Ninety years ago, the "Seven Lands War" between the nations engulfed most of the world. When one nation collapsed and perished, several times as many nations would pounce on the corpse of the former, sucking every drop of blood, tearing off every piece of flesh, and trying their best to survive this world war.

The "Seven Lands War" lasted for twenty years.

[Corporate Alliance] was one of the final winners.

Because of the abuse of nuclear and biological weapons, and the fighting of high-level psychics like human-shaped natural disasters, 40% of the planet's land has turned into a lifeless "wasteland" and is no longer suitable for survival.

Plosser is a small or medium-sized city within the territory of [Corporate Alliance].

Even if it is difficult to obtain a residence permit, you can only work illegally in a factory, and you have to face the high consumption set by the company and the extortion of gang members - but there are still many people who flock to enter the city.

Even if you can only curl up in the deep moss area.

They can also bathe in the light of civilization and technology, without having to endure radiation sickness and hidden mines on the "wasteland", and without having to wake up every day and be thankful that those roving bandits and mutant creatures did not tear them to pieces, and survived another day.


In the moat transformed from a tributary of the sea, a hand suddenly poked out of the water.

Then, someone poked his head out and breathed in fresh air.

Song Shi took off his bloodstained white coat and walked up to the low river dam.

The "Leaper" motorbike must have been equipped with a positioning device, so after driving out of the research institute for a while, he abandoned the car and jumped into the river, drifting along the river for more than an hour, and only went ashore after confirming that he had reached the deep moss area.

Song Shi snapped his fingers, and the red-gold flame ignited silently.

The steam rose with a hissing sound, and soon dried the wet body.

However, most of the spiritual energy that was barely recovered was consumed again.

"Tsk, it's so weak now that it makes people want to laugh..."

Song Shi was quite unhappy and could only sigh helplessly.

The infrastructure here has not been overhauled for many years. At a glance, the street lights are either broken or demolished. As for small problems such as unstable and flickering lights and exposed wires that spark, no one cares anymore.

Song Shi searched for a while and sat down next to a relatively intact street lamp.

The dim light stretched the figure very long, and then another orange-red light lit up.

"Because I don't want to die there, this is the only reason."

The burning light of the white coat reflected the face of the young man. In the light of the light, Song Shi looked in one direction, as if answering something.

"But, 'Marico, you were going to die anyway, it's better to let someone else escape', I won't say such disgusting words. In any case, you contributed to my being able to sit here now."

On the projection interface of the retina, there is a photo in the information given by Marico's physical link. The man in the photo showed a slightly awkward smile, and a girl who seemed a little reluctant and stood a little awkwardly stood beside him.

"We Xia people have a custom that when a person dies, we have to burn paper for him."

"These burned papers can illuminate the way home, giving him a chance to go home for the last time and see the living people. Now I can't find paper, so I'll use this set of clothes instead."

"So go with peace of mind, Marico, I will take responsibility for your karma."

Song Shi stood up, and under the ignition of the forging flame, the white coat was almost burned.

He watched the last bit burn out quietly, then picked up the ashes and scattered them into the river below.

Then, Song Shi looked to the other side.

That was the direction of the central hall, the ruling center of the entire Palose.

According to the "Third Edition Antitrust Act" promulgated by the corporate alliance, no company can obtain full control of a region, and space for the free market must be left.

But this is just a "bill".

Companies have many ways to obtain actual control of a region. Compared with the huge interests of the latter, a bill seems too insignificant, and at most they will not do too much or too obvious.

Palose is no exception.

In a sense, this city is the pinnacle of the company, one of the private territories of the giant enterprise [Emerald Pharmaceuticals]. Almost half of the city serves the industrial chain of Emerald Pharmaceuticals.

As for the nominal "coalition government".

Everyone understands that it is just a subordinate organization of the giant companies.

Finally, after looking at the ashes scattered in the wind, Song Shi turned around and walked towards the block above the dam.

"Wait a little longer, give me some time to recover my strength."

"——When the time comes, after I kill the director of Jade Pharmaceuticals, I will go to the Vampsta Empire again and kill their Emperor Electors!"

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