Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 10 Leap Research Institute

Blood rushed up to the sky and quickly fell down.

Blood rained all over the sky, dripping and splashing.

The head with anger still on the face slowly rolled into the spreading pool of blood.

"Ha, ha——"

Song Shi gasped. This natural physiological reaction caused by overloaded body is difficult to stop by human will.

He was really playing with his life just now.

A first-ring psychic has a physical fitness above the upper level of ordinary people and psychic skills in the single digit. If it were placed in ancient times, this would be good.

But now it is the new calendar year 2150, and the "Seven Land War" that almost destroyed most of the world has been over for 90 years.

The popularization of implant technology has already changed the world. By replacing prosthetic limbs through an operation, it is easy to break through the power limit of natural people. Not to mention things like subcutaneous armor, alloy skeletons, and artificial gland pumps.

As for psychic skills, almost all psychic skills before the third ring are not irreproducible, such as [Fire Starter] that Song Shi did not choose before and could summon fire out of thin air.

A "phlogiston flamethrower" component with a prosthetic body can reach a maximum of more than 2,000 degrees as long as you are not afraid of burning yourself. The flames it sprays are long and fierce.

It is not uncommon for psychics to run head-on with cyborgs and be shattered by a wave of bullets, holding that I have psychic power and am the chosen one.

——At least before the fourth ring, [Sublimation], it was like this.

Without looking down, Song Shi knew that his entire right hand was trembling, and he could hardly hold the dagger steadily.

He pressed all his psychic power on one arm, and tried to burst out a stronger force, and the last forging flame used it as a medium to rush over to bless the dagger.

The three combined into one, bursting out a blow that was enough to cut off the metal spine.

But the price was also huge.

The arm that is constantly shaking now is the consequence, with torn muscles, burned skin, and bruised bones. It is almost half-wasted.

Even the injected analgesics are difficult to suppress.

Compared with this, the pain of forcibly breaking free from the handcuffs by dislocating the thumb is not worth mentioning.

But there is no time to care.

Song Shi rushed forward, ripped off the opponent's tactical vest, and pulled off the inner clothes. After a lot of groping, he finally found what he wanted.

The fifth floor, in the laboratory.

Marico's appearance changed again.

The clothes on his upper body were completely torn, and most of the exposed skin was cracked. There was an obvious hole above his abdomen. There was only a little debris left in the wet artificial lung, and the broken nerve lines were hanging down. Every movement would cause it to shake.

"I am. Marico, no, I want. Geli, ah——!"

There were spots of blood on his face, and his expression was sometimes sleepy and sometimes angry.

"—— Load live ammunition, live ammunition shooting is allowed now!"

This cyber madman is more difficult than expected. At least 30% of the transformation degree, if he fights with the idea of ​​not damaging the company's assets, I am afraid something will happen.

Hear the captain's voice in the headset channel.

Using a refrigerator as a cover, a man with two artificial eyes like protruding bottle caps and a big beard grinned, grabbed the large-caliber magazine that had been prepared long ago, and inserted it into the TAL heavy assault rifle in his hand.

It was still a weapon from Marshall Brothers.

Although the man suspected that the purchasing department had taken kickbacks, Marshall Brothers was also a fairly old-fashioned weapon manufacturer, and the things they provided were indeed quite useful, so there was no need to worry about whether there were kickbacks.

Now he just wanted to use his own bullets to fill the cyber madman opposite!

Someone was faster than him.

A dull roar suddenly sounded.

He was very familiar with this sound.

That was a weapon Dick bought privately, a good thing that he often took out to show off on weekdays.

The giant enterprise [Southern Heavy Industry] produced the "Axiom Expounder", a heavy kinetic pistol famous for its close-range lethality, and consumers prefer to call it a "can opener".

The official website price is 55,000 credit points, and on this basis, senior members can get a 10% discount.

Marico had already made an evasive move before hearing the sound, but he was a beat too late. The bullet of the Axiom Elucidator still grazed the skin on his shoulder - and it only grazed, and the entire bionic skin on his right shoulder was instantly torn and shattered.

Under the bionic skin was not red muscle tissue and bones, but a variety of dense and rigorous mechanical parts and electronic components.

With the powerful impact, these components also shattered in large pieces, popped out and fell to the ground.

Marico's prosthetic arm flashed a series of electric sparks again.

"The Hand of Daedalus" is a very good engineering prosthesis, with 14 universal interfaces, high-precision sensors, and integrated tools including hydraulic pliers, air pump cutters, and phlogiston flamethrowers - the ordinary version is priced at 300,000 credit points in the market, and Marico's 24 installments are currently up to the 16th installment.

Not long ago, another researcher was smashed in the head by hydraulic pliers.

But that's it.


Under the continuous crossfire suppression, the remaining three researchers including Vidani finally retreated to the door of the laboratory.

Marico's body was like a tattered puppet, and his movements were no longer as fast as before.

"Please don't attack the head, I want to get a living sample."

Before leaving the laboratory, Vidani sent a message to the captain: "His danger has been greatly reduced, and it should not cause trouble to you. Next, please make control the first goal."

"I see."

The captain scanned the message on the interface. Instead of sending a reply, he took out a bundle of high-strength steel ropes from his waist.

He then took out a small liquid pump nail gun module, connected one end of the steel rope to the gun head, and then inserted the entire nail gun into the exposed interface of the prosthetic forearm - the moment the two were released, the three lights on the surface of the nail gun The indicator lights light up in sequence, indicating that the output reaches the upper limit.

"Notification, I have activated the "trip rope", the rest of the team please continue to maintain firepower, suppress the movement, and create opportunities for me to release the "trip rope", but do not aim at the fatal part."

Hearing the voice on the channel, the bearded man secretly cursed, "You are so troublesome," but he could only resist the urge to continue firing. He threw the assault rifle aside and took out the pistol with rubber bullets - but it didn't matter, it wasn't anyway. He went to fight the cyber madman in head-on close combat.

A former third-level engineer turned into a "cyber psycho".

If it were a real fight to the death, the man didn't think he would lose, especially if he brought weapons in advance - but injuries and implant wear and tear were definitely inevitable. These were real losses, and the outsourcing contract he signed only reimbursed a small part of them. .

No need, really not necessary.

"Received, received! No problem at all! Don't worry, Captain!"

The man poked his head out of the bunker, raised his pistol, and shouted loudly: "Let's cover for you——"

But the next moment.

A harsh roar suddenly pierced the night sky!

The man couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

This sound.

The one they drove over, Barron's mobile vehicle? !

What does that guy mean? No more attendance allowance?

Outside the laboratory, hearing the roar of the engine, Vidani suddenly realized something and rushed to the window.

A dazzling firelight lit up in the distance.

That is one of the security procurement equipment of the institute, a product of the giant company [Chronological Access].

The "Leaper" motorbike kept roaring at this moment. Ignoring the urgent warning from the on-board intelligence in his ears, someone turned the power to the highest level in an instant and sped rapidly towards the gate of the research institute!

"Song Shi?!"

Vidani's voice changed for the first time, and she showed a hint of surprise and disbelief.

Thinking of Brorick who had not returned for a long time, she finally realized something. She leaned on the window edge, leaned out her upper body, and her glass-like implanted eyes began to light up.

"Permissions are executed, the door is immediately blocked, the 'sentinel' enters the alert mode, and the camera begins to anchor -"

Almost at the same time.

"Song Songshi?"

The roar of the engine pushed to the limit is too high.

Marico also had a small set of limbic enhancement systems implanted to strengthen the five senses. His hearing was significantly improved, and he could also hear Vidani's words.


Marico stood in the ruins, muttering unconsciously, and another word suddenly came to his muddy mind.


Then, he remembered.

"I remembered I'm Marico."

The man looked around. The originally large laboratory was in a mess. A lot of equipment was damaged. Report sheets soaked in plasma were stuck to the ground. Broken limbs and various components were everywhere.

Look down.

The "Hand of Daedalus" that I was so proud of in the past, and that even made me unable to repay the loan installment, has been overwhelmed. The few remaining pieces of bionic skin are hanging down, and from time to time, indigo electric sparks break. The inner cracks flashed.

The original painting on it had long been covered up by the thick blood.

"I don't know Geli at all."

Marico murmured, and the previous memories suddenly came back. The physical link, the unlocking of the prosthetic body, and the current roar of the engine. The man seemed to have suddenly heard a very ridiculous joke, his shoulders could not help shaking, and his face twitched.

"Ha, ha! Hahaha——!"

Amidst the pale laughter, Marico cried bitterly.

Combined with his current appearance, he looked extremely ferocious.

"Why should I be the one who dies? Do I deserve to die?"

Marico wanted to yell loudly, but he didn't dare. He didn't dare let other people in the institute know about it.

In the distance, the engine had just started to roar. Vidani stuck her head out and slowly raised one hand.

Yes, you can't let the research institute get your memory, and you can't let them know about your deal with Song Shi.


A metal bottle popped out of the "Hand of Daedalus", which was the phlogiston storage bottle of the "Flame Gun" component. This high-energy phlogiston used in industry can melt even alloys, not to mention brains.

Remember your commitment.

When Marico thought about it, that was all he could think about.

There was no time to hesitate.

Marico tremblingly put the phlogiston bottle with a cut out into his mouth, and then rushed towards Vidani in the distance.

"The target wants to launch a self-destruction attack! The rest of the people leave immediately - no, don't shoot!"

The captain's pupils shrank.

The crackling ammunition was like a violent storm, hitting Marico. The latter ignored it and sprinted towards Vidani in the distance like a mad dog!

Bang - boom!

I don’t know which round of ammunition caused the spark.

Marico was instantly swallowed up by flames, the melted wax of the bionic skin dripped, as if endless flames gush out from his facial features, and his entire head was burned! A wave of air swept in all directions!

Like a demon in hell.

And the next moment, unable to bear it anymore, Marico's body flew out like a kite with its string broken, knocking down countless equipment along the way, and the storm of bullets and sea of ​​phlogiston fire that followed swallowed everything up.

outside the laboratory.

Vidani dodged a piece of flying metal fragments. She didn't have time to wait for the flames to dissipate completely. She stared at the bottom of the building.

Kilometers away.

The blue flames spewed out from the quad exhaust pipes, speeding up at the limit regardless of safety protocols - in a snap of the fingers, the motorcycle started turning into a line of blue fire that cut through the night and disappeared in an instant!

Under the violent roar of the engine, there was the sound of mechanical rotation.

Under the command from Vidani, the autonomous sentry machine gun matrices arranged in the flower beds and high walls woke up at the same time and entered the alert state. Scarlet light shined from inside, and the system composed of the institute's camera and its own enemy detection device instantly locked onto that spot. Flowing Fire Wire——


Tick ​​tock.

The autonomous sentry machine gun matrix made a clicking sound, but never fired.

within the domain.

A tampering program has been put into the public network at some point! Although the firewall was erasing it at a speed visible to the naked eye, the firewall's control over the self-disciplined sentinel matrix could not be regained for a while!

Vidani turned her head sharply.

"Long range fire!"

"We don't carry long-range firepower!" the captain spoke quickly: "There is too little time to prepare for dispatch! And we initially judged that long-range and heavy firepower are not needed or suitable here!"

Vidani was about to say something more when her pupils suddenly shrank and her whole body moved to the side.

Amidst the almost continuous gunfire, the area near the window suddenly exploded!

A total of twelve shots and one magazine.

Although most of the bullets flew to nowhere on the way due to the distance and the design of the pistol itself, one of them was lucky enough to hit the area and create a gap in the outer wall of the window.

Vidani subconsciously avoided it, then reacted instantly and threw herself back to the window edge.

The faint blue motorcycle exhaust pipe flames. No, it’s more than that!

Far away from the neon lights of the city, under the dark and deep night.

On the figure on the motorcycle, red-gold flames silently surged out for a moment, like a tracer bullet that briefly lit up the surroundings.

The volunteer sample who was timid not long ago was holding the motorcycle with one hand and putting away the "Black Powder" pistol with the other hand. In the fleeting light of the fire, the two people looked at each other clearly - the other party's lips were slightly open, as if Said something.

Lip analysis is not yet performed by the data processor.

No more shackles.

The young man held down the armrest without hesitation, leaned forward with his body weight down, and turned a button on the instrument panel.

The name of the mobile vehicle "Leaper" comes from the "mimic anti-gravity system" it carries. It claims to allow consumers to enjoy the supreme beauty of aerial boats at one percent of the price.

With the engine roaring as it was pushed to the limit, Song Shi took a deep breath and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!

next moment.

It was as if there was an adjuster implanted in a super-heavy engineering prosthetic body. He held his breath, accumulated strength, and aimed a vertical punch at the locomotive chassis.

When he broke the third barrier in front of him in one breath, a huge force exploded out of thin air under his body. The air ripped from his ears and the cold wind in front of him, Song Shi suddenly raised the armrest, and the entire motorcycle rose from the ground!

"Mimic anti-gravity system", also known as "air pump spring"!

Under the dark sky of Paloser.

A black shadow shot into the sky!

More than ten meters above the ground, the locomotive burning with blue flames smashed into the air, and with an unstoppable attitude, it trampled on the door of the research institute that was about to close!

Then there was a loud noise that seemed to shake the earth.

Then, both the violent roar of the engine and the raging flames completely disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

"Vidani, now"

The captain picked up his rifle and spoke cautiously.

Vidani lay on her back, staring at the deep, dark sky.

There are no stars in the sky.

Amidst the sleepless roar of countless factories in the Rota District all night long, the sky in Palower has long been shrouded in thick haze, and the corrosive acid rain is constant all year round. Even on rare sunny days, the sunlight will be reflected when it penetrates the clouds. Colorful light.

Like neon in the daytime.

Looking at the woman who seemed to be in a daze, the captain hesitated and prepared to leave first. This mission was quite a failure. There will definitely be a lot of reports to be done later, as well as all kinds of accountability. When I think of this, Even he couldn't help it.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"Interesting guy...a rare guinea pig."

Vidani let out a low and suppressed laugh, and in the next moment, she turned her head and her expression returned to calm.

"I will inform the teacher here, and the rest will be handled according to the company's policies."

She glanced at the distant laboratory.

The flames brought by the phlogiston have slowly extinguished, leaving only a broken, dark skeleton half-kneeling, standing among the ruins.

"This level of physical destruction."

Vidani frowned slightly and made a decision quickly without thinking for too long.

"Find someone to pack it up and send it to the freezer first. This sample may be useful later."

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