The Third Institute of Plosser Psychology, Psychology Laboratory.

The man thought he had a dream.

In the dream, his name was Marico, a third-level engineer working for "Kanding Manufacturing", a divorced middle-aged man, and a daughter who had just entered middle school.

A bad marriage, working overtime day after day, a slowly deteriorating body, sudden unemployment, and many repayment dates that were already critical warnings.

What a terrible life.

The man thought.

Although he didn't have much money, he rented a cheap house in the Deep Moss District, drove a second-hand car that had been dead, and his job was to transport candy for the Eagle Beak Gang. It was a kind of candy mixed with chemical addiction, which was very popular among those addicts recently.

But he had a beautiful girlfriend, Geri, who loved him very much, just as he loved her.

It was unbelievable that such a beautiful girl would actually fall in love with him. Fortunately, this was not his fantasy, but the real fact.

The man suddenly missed Geri.

He missed her long hair. It was a very interesting implant. Through the pigment cell group cultivated inside, the hair color can be changed at any time. He liked the look of Geri's long golden hair the most. How beautiful it was, like the stars in the sky.

After they had a big fight in the kitchen last week, Geri, panting, whispered in his ear that she planned to announce their relationship at tomorrow's birthday party and introduce him to her friends. The man remembered how happy he was at that time.

Yes, birthday party.

But why did Geri look at him with horror when he arrived at the birthday party? Was the gift he prepared not good? Did he disappoint her?

And... damn it.

Who was the man hugging Geri? Bastard! Who allowed you to touch my girl!

And those people.

"You, you"

"Help, help! He's holding Bo Hank's head!"

"Where are the police?! Hurry up and notify the Security Bureau!"

"Fuck! Where are the sentry machine guns! Why don't you fire!"

It was so noisy and what were they talking about? Why couldn't he understand.

Oh, right.

I almost forgot that I was dreaming.

The man smiled happily.

Fortunately, these are all fake.

Let's prepare a new gift. I can't mess up my beloved, favorite birthday party for Geli.

Then, it's time to wake up from the dream.

It's time to go to the birthday party.

"The target's mental index has dropped to the critical point, which can be identified as 'cyber psychosis' in the medical sense."

Staring at the image on the display, a researcher in a white coat raised his voice: "Prepare to inject the targeted enzyme--"

Another researcher quickly took out the test tube from the refrigerator, injected it into the syringe, and signaled his colleague to turn on the mental adjustment device.

The synthetic targeted enzyme in their hands acts on the neural circuit and needs to be injected directly from the head, so the mental adjustment device on the target's head must be removed first-that is, the helmet-like thing.

There are five researchers in total, Vidani and the male researcher stared at the display.

The other three gathered around and prepared to inject the targeted enzyme.

"But why is this guy silent?" Someone asked in confusion.

According to past experience, inserting a memory taken from a cyber madman and a mind adjuster to assist in adjustment, the experimental subject often falls into great hysteria and develops multiple complications including split personality.

This is also the reason why they surrounded him, ready to help hold down the experimental subject who was moving around.

But this time, they noticed.

Except for the short roar at the beginning, the other party remained quiet for the rest of the time, and even his body did not move much.

"Hey, Connie, go take a look at the physiological data, I'm worried."

"Don't worry, I just checked it, there is no problem at all - at least the body is like this."

Hearing this, another person interrupted with a smile: "But I don't know what the brain is like, maybe it's a rare sample? Then this time we can finally produce some results."

"Watch your words, don't make us sound like the mad scientist in the movie." The researcher holding the syringe said dissatisfiedly: "This is a formal volunteer contract. We are a formal medical company, not some black doctor digging organs in an underground clinic."

While talking, the researcher who had not spoken all the time finally took off the mind adjuster and sighed:

"Finally got it down. This old thing is really hard to use. When this project really produces results, we must buy a newer model. Tsk, our marginal research institute has too little funding."

"By the way, which memory did you use this time?"

"A street member who is addicted to virtual avatars, you know, the kind that generates virtual avatars based on the information provided, which makes people feel good. The monthly subscription services of the mainstream companies on the market are quite expensive."

"I heard that when the Security Bureau shot him, more than a dozen people had died, and the hotel was full of plasma."

"Well, let me see where to inject it."

The researcher's voice suddenly stopped.

A hand with a cold touch grabbed his forearm at some point.

For a moment, the researcher was stunned.

The high-strength polyamide straps began to tighten in the last moment, and the next moment, Marico, who was lying on the platform, opened his eyes, forcibly tore off the straps with his hands, and sat up straight.

Before everyone reacted, Marico grabbed the researcher's forearm with one hand.

In order to adapt to the position of a third-level engineer, Marico's hands have been replaced with prosthetic limbs, the "Hand of Daedalus" produced by the giant enterprise [Southern Heavy Industry], an engineering prosthetic limb mainly used for debugging heavy industrial equipment.

The prosthetic body that should have been locked long ago is now ready to move.

Faced with a force that is enough to twist a bundle of steel bars, the researcher's arm cannot move at all, and the syringe in his hand can no longer be held, and it falls to the ground with a snap.

Hearing the sound.

Marico slowly turned his head and looked at the researcher empty.

Then, on his face.

The originally happy smile faded a little bit, replaced by rising anger.


"Are you all trying to stop me from attending the birthday party?"

A little earlier.

Outside the bathroom.

Watching the player he bet on being shot through the head by a Dahm bullet, liquids of various colors burst with a smack, the strong man clicked his tongue and closed this live broadcast room of the real battle royale.

Another thousand credit points wasted.

Maybe the live broadcast was too realistic, which caused some residual sensory memory. Even though he had exited the live broadcast room, the strong man still felt that he smelled a bloody smell.

"Damn, I shouldn't have set the realism so high."

The strong man shook his head and tried to recover quickly.

But soon, he finally realized something.

Wait, the smell of blood appeared here

——That little bastard, wants to commit suicide? !

The strong man laughed in anger.

Yes, this is indeed just an unappreciated marginal research institute. Even the current director of the institute, Kenge, is said to have fallen to this point because of the failure of internal struggle.

But in any case, this is also a subordinate research institute of [Emerald Pharmaceuticals]. As long as there is not only a head left, they can pull people back!

But in this case, he can't escape a serious dereliction of duty warning.

"Little bastard, you have successfully angered me!"

The strong man suddenly picked up the stun gun and strode into the bathroom.

He opened the first cubicle roughly, and after finding that there was no one inside, he immediately opened the next one.

The first, the second, the third

Soon, the sturdy man came to the last compartment.

Looking at the "someone inside" reminder displayed, he sneered, and his right hand, which was exposed to the black metal skeleton, grasped the door handle tightly, and then suddenly exerted force, accompanied by a tooth-grinding distortion sound, the compartment door twisted and deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then there was a loud bang, and the entire compartment door was pulled out abruptly!

"Give it to me--"

There was no one in the compartment.

The moment he saw the situation inside, the sturdy man was stunned.

Almost at the same time, behind the obviously deformed compartment door, Song Shi jumped up from his original position close to the inside of the door, and rushed towards the sturdy man who was still in a daze!

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