Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 5 Psionic Skills [Forging Flame]

Chapter 5 Psychic Skills·[Forging Flame]

The world was quiet for a moment.

Song Shi's eyes suddenly darkened, as if he suddenly fell from the sky into the deep sea. Cold tides came from all directions, dragging the outsiders who strayed into the deep sea tightly, trying to trap them here forever.

His consciousness abstracted from reality.

Ice cold.


It is difficult to tell whether this is an illusion caused by massive blood loss or shock, or whether it is a real sinking into the deep sea.

At this moment, time loses its role as a measure.

Song Shi felt like he was sinking a little bit.

It was as if countless people were reaching out behind him, grabbing Song Shi tightly and trying to drag him into it and integrate him into one body.

When people are sleeping, they sometimes suddenly become aware of something and are aware of their own incongruity. They even want to open their eyes while half asleep, but it is like the eyes are cast with beeswax and covered with white gauze, and it is always difficult to open them.

Even if they seem to be just a sliver away from success, the vast majority of people are still unable to open their eyes in the end and fall into dreams again, letting this opportunity to break free go away.

In the deep dark sea, at this moment, Song Shi's slowly sinking face showed this expression. His eyes were closed tightly, and countless pale and cold invisible hands clung to his body, grabbing the corners of his clothes, grasping his arms, and covering his mouth. nose.

Keep tugging toward the darkness below.

The awakening of [psionic energy] is never a safe and comfortable thing, especially when it is awakened due to extreme stimulation. In history, there are indeed many examples of people who were not killed by lightning but awakened spiritual energy, but more people just became a Spread the coke.

……Step aside.

In the darkness, someone's voice seemed to be heard.

Step aside.

The voice became louder.

next moment.

From the vast darkness, a ray of light suddenly lit up, and then surged! In an instant, it swept from all directions, and the entire ocean began to boil!

"--Step aside!"

Song Shi, who was slowly falling, suddenly opened his eyes. He suddenly raised his right hand and clenched his five fingers, so the light shining on the darkness became more intense!


Not "light".

At this moment, what was surrounding Song Shi's body was the red-gold flame that was burning wantonly! The light that shines in all directions is just an accessory brought by the flame!

The black sea boiled violently, as if it was completely angered by the flames. The terrifying huge waves suddenly rose and crashed down on Song Shi in the distance!

Facing the roaring waves that covered the sky and blocked out the sun, it seemed that it could destroy everything in the world.

"The momentum of this awakening is much greater than the last time."

sea ​​surface.

Song Shi stood, glanced at the waves in the distance, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then, he withdrew his gaze and turned to his right hand.

Song Shi stared at the red-gold flames lingering between his fingers in his palm.

Looking at this flame, a trace of nostalgia appeared in Song Shi's eyes, as if he were meeting a kind old friend: "But this time, is my spiritual symbol still 'flame'?"

The deep wave cast a huge shadow. During Song Shi's silent breaths, the light that originally shone in all directions was suppressed again, and only a small area under Song Shi's feet was still lit.


At the moment when the huge wave was about to swallow the young man, Song Shi finally made a move.

He raised his right hand and slowly clasped his five fingers together, as if he was holding something - as if he heard a call, red-gold flames spread up his forearm and poured into the five clasped fingers.

The flames solidified, slowly turning into concrete outlines as they blended and burned.

It was a long sword made of red-gold flames, burning fiercely and extending straight.

Song Shi held the fire sword, pointed forward, and slashed with the sword.

Time stopped for a moment.

Then the whole world fell apart!

The sea turned into two parts, the huge waves broke, and even a trace of red gold appeared on the dark sky! The next moment, flames burst out from the scratches, and the dark sky burned away and completely shattered, revealing the true scenery behind it!

In the quiet night sky, there are twinkling stars.

Song consciousness began to arise.

His body flew up involuntarily. At first, the speed was visible to the naked eye. But in a few clicks, Song Shi's body emitted sparkling light, and his whole body turned into a red-gold starlight and soared into the sky. He completely left the sea and rose into the sky. Into the stars!

Awakening is successful, [Psychic Power] is achieved!

——Song Shi, once again stepped into the realm of extraordinary beings.

Countless stars twinkle across the sky, each one a symbol of a psyker.

For a moment, Song Shi subconsciously looked around, trying to find the stars that represented him—not his current self, but Song Shi who was a free bounty hunter in his previous life.

It was just three layers of curtains that blocked Song Shi's sight.

Psykers of the first circle must not overstep their bounds and peer into the realm of the fourth circle.

So Song Shi withdrew his gaze.

“No matter how many times I see it, I’m still amazed.”

Looking around, Song Shi whispered softly.

At this moment, he was suspended in a starry sky, with countless stars flickering and dragging forward, with no end of the road in sight.

From the first ring, [Awakening] to the sixth ring, [God's Throne], this is a symbol of the path forward for a psyker, and can also be understood as a measure of the power of a psyker.

Only the depth of progress can be unified, but the direction of progress is different.

In front of Song Shi's eyes, the sea of ​​stars began to change.

An unknown number of stars moved, gathered, and reorganized, until finally, with Song Shi as the center, six roads extended out - each road was composed of countless stars, and different lights shone together, which was a magnificent scene that was difficult to describe in words.

[Balance], [Great Source], [Transcendence], [Revelation], [Consensus], [Truth].

These are the six great spiritual paths!

Throughout the ages, countless psychics have walked on each path.

They embarked on the path, learned the path, and practiced the path.

They took power from their own path, and at the end of their lives, they left the mortal world, ascended into the starry sky, and turned into a star that made up their own path, pushing the path to a farther front.

This is the meaning of "path", and this is the fate of "psychics".

A psychic can only choose one path.

Each psychic has different affinity for different paths.

From ancient times to the present, countless powerful psychics have said that the path is not just the division of so-called "supernatural powers". Its real fundamental difference is actually some deep-level pursuit, principles and meaning.

Even if we don't delve into these, there are also great differences between the paths from the obvious differences.

[Consensus] emphasizes the influence of personal will on reality and tampering with the memories of others, from the power of the mind to the telekinesis that affects reality; [Transcendence] is the endless pursuit of stronger, greater power, faster speed, and more acute thinking, so that one can evolve in various ways and get rid of the constraints of the original mortal body.

[Dayuan] Masters the "Dayuan Power" born in the world, whether it is the "elements" of earth, wind, water, and fire, or the electrical energy and nuclear energy brought by the progress of civilization; [Revelation] is a group of charlatans who talk nonsense, but few people really dare to ignore their words.

Song Shi looked around him.

The six paths extending from his feet can be clearly seen, some are lit, and some are dim.

"Ha, it seems that I don't get along with "consensus" in this life."

Looking at the road at two o'clock, Song Shi laughed dumbly.

This road representing [consensus] is very dim, reminding Song Shi that this road is difficult to travel.

And [transcendence], [great source], and [balance] are all bright, while [revelation] and [truth] are dim.

Exactly the same as in the previous life.

But there is no time to recall the past and sigh about the present.

Song Shi felt the sense of peeling from his body.

A first-ring psychic who has just awakened cannot stay here for too long. If he insists on staying, he will be thrown out by force and will have to rest for at least several days before he can recover.

Song Shi closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he took a step forward without hesitation.

Step on the road called [great source]!

The moment his footsteps fell, the other five roads disappeared instantly, and instead, the road represented by [great source] expanded rapidly and unfolded in front of Song Shi.

Then, three balls of light suddenly appeared in the void ahead.

This is the key to Song Shi's choice to awaken his psychic power.

For those who are stepping into the Tao for the first time, the Tao gives a gift!

In the fairy tales told around the fireplace during the long winter, wizards have powerful magic power and can cast powerful spells. The former is the cornerstone of releasing spells, and the latter is the shape shaped by magic power.

For psychics, their spells are [Psionic Skills]!

A [Psionic Skills] that can be used directly without learning and training, this is the gift that Tao gives to psychics who have just awakened.

The sense of peeling around the body became stronger and stronger, and the three balls of light began to flicker, urging Song Shi to make a choice as soon as possible.

[Fire], [Elemental Resistance·Fire], [Invigorate Spirits].

Song Shi recognized the meaning of these three balls of light in an instant.

[Ignite] does not require fuel, and summons a flame with your bare hands through psychic power; [Elemental Resistance·Fire] reduces the damage caused by fire. If you choose this, you will feel pain only after burning your skin with a lighter for several seconds; [Invigorate] can keep people in high spirits and reduce the fatigue caused by long-term work.

No, not enough.

Song Shi knows the learning principles of these psychic skills. At the same time, the prerequisites are not high, and you can master them after spending some time! Moreover, these abilities are of little help to his upcoming actions and cannot provide timely combat power!

Stronger psychic skills are required.

The sense of peeling around the body increased again.

Song Shi took a deep breath.

Only some other means can be used.

In a sense, the Tao is "alive".

And "alive" means that you can communicate. In the long exploration, psychics of all generations have summarized various ways of communication. Until today, these ways are collectively called "rituals".

Fortunately, as a fourth-ring psychic of the former [Dayuan], Song Shi knows the operating steps of many rituals.

He suddenly raised his right hand, bit the inside of his palm, and tore a deep wound that could be seen to the bone, and blood immediately flowed out!

Song Shi raised his hand high, clenched his five fingers, and let the blood flow through his tightly closed fingers through his forearm and drip down.

Like burning firewood, the blood began to burn, gushing out red-gold flames!

"——I swear!"

"Before the nineteenth sunrise, I will burn the enemies of this body with flames! Dedicate the blood of the enemies to the Tao! Sacrifice the spirits of the enemies to the Tao!"

Staring at the starry sky ahead, stepping on this road that he had already walked once, Song Shi roared loudly:

"I swear an oath in the name of Song Shi! I will bear witness on the road! If you violate the oath, you will be punished by burning your internal organs with fire!"

——Ritual·【Blood and Fire】!

The three light groups paused for a moment.

Then, these three light groups exploded with a bang! Turn into countless overflowing points of light!

And from among the countless flying light points, three obviously larger light groups jumped out, dragging the stream of light towards Song Shi!

Dao Tu recognized Song Shi's oath.

The entire starry sky began to tremble, like an illusion about to be shattered.

Song Shi tried his best to open his eyes wide and looked directly at the three light balls flying towards him - when he saw the third one, he didn't hesitate anymore and clenched it tightly!

The next moment, the starry sky completely collapsed.

The young man's consciousness began to fall back into reality——

[Dayuan] Dao Road, the first-level psychic, Song Shi.

Possessing psychic skills, [Forging Flame]!

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