Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 4: One-minute Speedrun [Psychic Power]

"Here, the two "volunteers" are clean and here they are."

At the end of the long corridor, through an open transparent glass door, a strong man was talking to someone.

Opposite him was a woman in a white coat. She looked to be in her early twenties, with outstanding appearance and short brown hair. She seemed to have purchased some kind of advanced artificial artificial skin, except for a circle of light golden lines around her neck. , the whole person looks no different from a natural person.

But this is impossible.

"Artificial glands" can deliver synthetic hormones including stimulants to improve concentration during work; "optical prosthetic eyes" bring high-precision vision more than ten times that of ordinary people, dynamic vision enhancement, thermal imaging perception, and network When the program is launched, a laser beam appears before your eyes.

The "alloy skeleton" can greatly improve the body's strength and at the same time serve as the "cornerstone" to bear the load of other implants, because some implants require prerequisites and cannot be directly implanted.

"Prosthetic arms" go far beyond improving strength, including data interfaces, integrated tools, and improved sensitivity. Doctors only need to replace their arms once to obtain a pair of precise surgical hands that can be compared to more than ten years of practice. Personally customized prosthetic arms of cyber security consultants can greatly improve the efficiency of information warfare.

all in all.

A "natural person" without implants would not be wanted even if he works illegally in a factory. After all, even if you are unloading goods and moving bricks at the dock, it still depends on your strength. If someone else moves it once, you can move it ten times. If you are a boss, you know what to choose.

"Vidani! I guarantee you will like this person! She is very energetic!"

The strong man laughed, and his tone was quite attentive: "If you want me to say it,"


The woman the strong man called "Vidani" stepped forward.

She slowly looked at the two people following each other.

Song Shi clicked his tongue in his heart.

Because the way the other person looked at him was not like looking at a human being, but more like staring at an anesthetized frog spread out on the experimental table.

The sight that swept across Song Shi's body from top to bottom made people think of a cold scalpel planning a route and about to penetrate.

After about a minute, Vidani finally raised her head and nodded slightly.

She pushed open the glass door and motioned for several people to follow.

Behind the door is a rather large laboratory. The air is filled with the strong smell of disinfectant. There are various complex equipment scattered around, but it can still be seen that it is used for medical research.

There weren't many people inside.

Including Vidani, there were only five people, all researchers wearing the same white coats.

Perhaps due to his "rebirth", Song Shi's five senses are sharper than ordinary people even if he has not yet awakened his spiritual power.

So, when he followed Vidani into the laboratory, he was pitiful, indifferent, and sighing. He could vaguely feel the emotions contained in the sight cast from a distance.

"Well implant psychotolerance."

Vidani suddenly stopped and turned around.

Seeing this, the strong man wisely put away his stun gun and stepped aside.

This woman is the favorite student of the director of the institute, "Kenger", and the two have very similar personalities. They hate others interrupting research and speech. As an ordinary armed security guard, he didn't want to make the other party angry for no reason.

"My colleagues have already mentioned the relevant introduction before, and I will not repeat it again."

"In principle, the cause of 'implant tolerance' is mental decline, or mental breakdown. As for the definition of "spirit" and "mind", there is currently no sufficiently unified statement in the academic community."

"Some people think that "mind" is the same as "spirit" and have the same meaning. Others think that the two only partially overlap and cannot be completely equated. "Spirit" is just the outer manifest part of "mind."

Vidani paused:

"Personally, I agree with the second theory."

Then you are pretty good.

Song Shixin said.

In fact, even more than twenty years later, there is no conclusion that can convince everyone about the definition of "mind" and "spirit". But for Song Shi, who is a fourth-ring psychic, he definitely agrees with the second theory.

A high-level psychic on the [Consensus] path can tamper with other people's memories with a single thought, or overwhelm a person with a huge amount of negative emotions and malicious memory fragments.

The latter often collapse directly, cry bitterly, lose all hope, and even commit suicide. Their mental state can be said to be extremely broken. However, even in this case, "cyber psychosis" is not necessarily triggered.

Although the probability is indeed very high.

Of course, as a psyker of the [Great Source] path, Song Shi would directly use psychic flames to burn all the space into glass with the other party as the center and a radius of one hundred meters before the other party tampered with it.

But in the final analysis, I am not a researcher who works hard all day long, so I don’t really care about the differences between “mind” and “spirit”.

"This is the drug you are about to use, a synthetic targeted enzyme that acts on neural circuits."

Vidani walked to the table and pointed to a cube-shaped white refrigerator. Through the small transparent window, a row of glass tubes could be seen with scrawled labels on them.

At this moment, a male researcher came over, holding two unmarked chips in his hand.

"When you get on the machine, insert this into the chip interface behind your ear." The researcher looked cold.

However, seeing the two people in front of him still making no move, he spoke reluctantly: "Preoperative maintenance is divided into two parts. The first is to insert this memory chip, and the second is to board this equipment."

He did not explain what memory the chip stored, nor the effects of the hospital CT-filming equipment not far away.

But Song Shi and Marico understood.

This is what is about to transform them into "cyber psychosis."

"There is only one machine, which one of you will come first?"

The male researcher's eyes moved between Song Shi and Marico. When he noticed that there was no movement between them, he couldn't help but frown: "You should feel honored for yourselves."

"The standard selling price of this 'Third Map Mind Adjustment Device' produced by Jade Pharmaceuticals is 7.4 million credit points. Even if it is purchased through internal channels, it will not be less than 5 million - you had no hope of touching it in your life, but now you can." Here, bathe in the glory of technology.”

"What's more, you are about to contribute to the great cause of medicine and give your past poor life a truly noble value. At this moment, you are hesitant and hesitant?"

No wonder, these two people can only appear here, everything is their own fault.

Thinking of the volunteer files he had seen before, the male researcher shook his head in disappointment and once again confirmed his thoughts.

But he didn't say these words - he never had patience with stupid and stubborn people.

"Then, let's start with you." He looked at Song Shi.

"Let me do it."

Marico interrupted and took a deep breath.

His face trembled, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, Marico just closed his eyes and opened them again, and then stepped forward suddenly.

"Fuck! Get the results early so you won't suffer the consequences! I'll do it!" Marico grabbed the chip and said nervously: "Just get on, I'll try this damn machine - I hope your medicine is really effective."

Hearing this, the male researcher looked a little displeased. He made a cold snort of unknown meaning and waved his hand.

Several other people in white coats immediately came up and took Marico to lie down on the "Third Atlas Mind Adjustment Device" while fixing the latter's hands and legs with two straps. Although the implant has been locked in advance, certain precautions are still required to prevent it from moving later.

The same is true for the strong man who has not left so far. If Marico moves too much later and cannot be restrained by the belt, he will use a stun gun to hit him.

Marico lay down on the platform, and a helmet-like thing connected to more than ten wire tubes hung down to cover Marico's head.

All the light faded from the surroundings and it was pitch black.

The world became quiet for a moment.

The pungent smell of disinfection, the ups and downs of the stock market, and the complicated emotions in my heart all suddenly disappeared.

In a daze, Marico could only hear his own slow and rapid breathing.

[Memory chip has been placed]

[Start reading internal memory——]

[Mental adjustment begins——]

The next moment.

The man fell into the abyss.

"I-I want to go to the toilet."

When he heard these trilling words, the male researcher who was staring at a data tablet turned his head.

He looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw one of the two "volunteers" in this experiment, the boy who had always been relatively calm, but now his face was obviously pale. With the help of the prosthetic eye, the researcher could clearly see the other person. Beads of sweat continued to form on his forehead, and his hands trembled unconsciously.

The other party's eyes were fixed on the "Third Map Mind Adjustment Device" not far away.

It is now the third minute that the volunteer named "Mariko" has entered the adjustment machine.

It can be seen that the exposed lower body of the other party is shaking constantly, as if it is bearing some kind of weight. At the same time, a suppressed roar that is reminiscent of the howl of a beast suddenly sounds from the other party's mouth and echoes throughout the laboratory!

The researcher showed an unhappy expression and said coldly.

"At this time, you-"

"Let him go."

Behind a display screen showing complex data graphs, Vidani raised her head.

The suppressed roars echoing around her did not cause any fluctuation in Vidani. She looked indifferent and said calmly: "-Let him go. I don't want to see excrement appearing in the experimental site later."

The male researcher's voice stopped suddenly, and his expression changed. He seemed to want to say something, but he swallowed it after all.

However, when the strong man not far away saw this, he burst into laughter as if he couldn't hold it back.

"Brorick, take him to the bathroom and be back in ten minutes."

Vidani glanced at the strong man, then lowered her head again and continued to stare at the display screen in front of her.

"No problem, no problem, I promise to complete the task——"

The strong man shrugged, picked up the stun gun in one hand, and motioned for Song Shi to follow him.

When the latter stood up, he seemed to be still in fear and almost staggered, which made the researcher's eyes become more contemptuous.

The moment he left the laboratory and came to the corner of the corridor, Song Shi felt his shoulders suddenly sink.

A cold metal arm suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

The strong man held a stun gun in one hand and hugged Song Shi's neck with the other, like a pair of close friends.

But the voice that sounded in Song Shi's ears was filled with undisguised impatience.

"Don't think I don't know what you want, little bastard."

Because of the difference in their physiques, the sturdy man hugged Song Shi, and with just a slight movement, the latter seemed to be crushed in his arms.

"I've seen a lot of guys like you." The sturdy man sneered, stared at Song Shi's eyes, and lowered his voice: "You think about regretting it when the time comes? Ha, how can the company's money be so easy to make? If you are so afraid of death, you should go to Cindy Street to sell your ass instead of coming here."

"I, I'm not." Song Shi curled up, revealing obvious fear.

"Remind you, the windows of the toilets here are all sealed, so go to your toilet or just use a pipe, anyway, don't think about causing trouble for me. I don't want to waste time to shoot your thing down there."

"--Don't cause trouble for me."

The sturdy man stared at Song Shi, almost sticking to the latter's face.

After saying this, he retracted his right hand, slapped Song Shi's back hard, and pushed him to the bathroom in front: "Little bastard, get out of here."

The young man shuddered and subconsciously looked behind him - the strong man swayed his body, held the electric shock gun, smiled frivolously again, and whistled.

So, the young man rushed into the bathroom as if escaping.

Then, when Song Shi entered the cubicle and closed the door.

His expression changed instantly, the fear he had just shown disappeared, and his trembling hands clenched and loosened.

Song Shi raised his open right hand, put two fingers together and crossed his chest.

In the end, it stopped at the position of the heart.

In the long development, there are countless ways to awaken spiritual power, such as masters giving you initiation, individuals having an epiphany at a certain moment, being struck by lightning and not dying, training meditation step by step, and precious spiritual power objects forcibly awakening you.

The most common one is "extreme stimulation".

For example, turning back to the past when seriously injured and dying, feeling disheartened and abandoned by the whole world, and committing suicide due to depression in the face of various blows that come one after another - although most people in the above situations died, or nothing happened.

But there are also very few lucky ones who awaken their psychic powers through this.

——It is said that the first psychics were awakened in this way.

Extreme stimulation.

In the current situation, what else can compare to giving the heart a blow?

Since there is no time for other methods, then take the most traditional route.

The next moment, Song Shi clenched the copper plug that he had taken out not long ago, aimed at the bottom of the heart, and cut it without hesitation!

The chaos caused by Marico alone is not enough to ensure escape, and a greater weight must be obtained, that is, one's own strength.

If the prosthesis is not enough, psychic power will make up for it.


One minute, speed through [Psychic]!

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