Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 3 Cyberpsychosis and Water Plug

——Marico will die here.

Cyberpsychosis is not an irreversible terminal illness. In the early and middle stages, it can be suppressed and slowed down by chemical drugs. Even if it develops to the late stage, it costs a lot to perform "mind adjustment" surgery or ask high-level psychics of the [Consensus] path to take action, and there is still hope to save everything.

But even after more than 20 years, Song Shi has not heard of any drug preparation that can cure the late stage of cyberpsychosis. The contract signed by Song Shi only said that they would be transformed into "cyberpsychosis", but the specific stage was not mentioned.

But with Song Shi's understanding of the company, this is enough for him to make a judgment.

"Not mentioned" is equivalent to "really there", this research institute is more presumptuous than Song Shi expected, and it attempts to challenge the late stage of cyberpsychosis.

Of course, even if the above are just Song Shi's personal malicious speculation, how exquisite and magnificent is the "mind" of a person?

Song Shi does not think that in such a not-so-famous city and a not-so-famous research institute, the degree of transformation of "cyberpsychosis" can be accurately controlled.

I don't want to take any risks.

So, I have to leave.

And Marico——

Theoretically, according to the calculation of the load of all muscle fibers in the human body, the strength limit of a natural person is "4500 kilograms", but due to the flesh, pain, and self-awareness, no one has ever really achieved it. Even if you can achieve one-tenth of this number, you are still a rare strongman.

The same is true for non-natural people with implanted prostheses.

The arm prosthesis "Thunder Fist Fire Light" produced by Nanyu Heavy Industry is said to be able to throw a one-ton punch, but most of the time, the strong burden brought by half a ton is enough to trigger the pain threshold, causing people to faint directly or urgently deactivate this prosthetic arm.

But this kind of thing is not a problem for "cyber psychosis".

Madmen will not talk to you about reason, theory, or discuss whether it hurts to throw this punch, whether it will tear their artificial skin directly, and synthetic plasma will splash everywhere. Even if this will greatly reduce the durability of the prosthesis and cause damage to themselves.

This is one of the reasons why once a "cyber psychosis" breaks out, the patient will easily turn the street into a pornographic film scene.

But at this moment, Song Shi needs this.

Through the physical connection of the data cable just now, the "lead wire" program has been inserted into Mariko's body. Only a pre-set command is needed to instantly unlock his and the other party's prosthesis.

When entering the laboratory and officially starting the medical experiment, an unrestrained "cyber psychosis" - even if Mariko is just a civilian engineering prosthesis, it is enough to stir up a chaos.

That is his chance to escape.

"Why don't you talk?"

Mariko frowned.

He suddenly found that at this time, the other party actually looked a little distracted.

"Thinking about something, and there is nothing to say, right?"

Song Shi looked at the other party, paused, and suddenly spoke.

"It doesn't seem like there is something to say."


Mariko was a little confused, because when the other party said this, this kid who looked like he had just reached adulthood became serious.

You know, even when the two parties signed the contract just now, the other party didn't seem to be so serious.

Marico thought so, but he didn't show it, but said calmly.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

"I will definitely take care of your daughter's affairs." Song Shi paused for a moment and said seriously: "This is my promise."

Hearing this, Marico was silent for a while, and slowly, his expression became weird.

"What are you talking about? What you just thought about, it's not a superhero movie or TV series, right?"

Marico said in a strange tone: "Also, you said this. Ha, it's not certain who can survive, maybe I am more suitable for that broken medicine."

"To be honest, based on what you just said, if I met you on the street, I would definitely think you are the kind of poor guy who is addicted to virtual online role-playing, putting himself into games or something else, and can no longer distinguish reality."

"Fuck, promise. What a disgusting word."

But soon, looking at the surroundings and himself, Marico shook his head again: "Forget it, I am not qualified to say them."


The door suddenly opened.

And before it opened, the high voice of the security guard had penetrated.

"Hoho! Gentlemen! It's time to get ready!"

Looking at the two people in the room, the strong man patted the electric shock gun in his hand, and an ugly smile was squeezed out on his face with etched circuits.

"The equipment has been debugged. Now I will take you to change clothes and then go to the laboratory."

Song Shi and Marico stood up together and followed the strong man.

This Palose Mental Psychology Third Research Institute is not very big.

In the memory of "Song Shi of the Welfare House", from the outside, this research institute covers an area of ​​more than ten acres and is located in the urban area of ​​Palose [Rota District], which is commonly known as the [New Industrial District] locally.

There is not much information about this research institute on the Internet, and it is not well-known in Palose. If it weren't for the documents shown by the other party to prove that it is indeed affiliated with [Emerald Pharmaceuticals], "Song Shi of the Welfare House" really didn't dare to come.

After all, the organs of a healthy adult male are not cheap. Every morning in the Deep Moss District, people see hollowed-out and abandoned bodies in the dark alleys.

Along the way, Song Shi took note of the thumbnail map of the building posted on the wall at the corner, while sizing up the strong man in front of him.

The strong man's left arm is still the size of a normal person, but his right arm is significantly larger. It is not even covered with artificial skin. The surface of the black and gray metal skeleton is shiny, and the carbon muscle fibers wrapped inside are vaguely visible——

With normal strength, you can probably twist a length of steel bar into a bow tie.

As for the opponent's weapons, the stun gun held in his arms should be a civilian model. According to the size of the energy storage module, the power will not be too high. However, there was a bright pistol stuffed in the holster on the opponent's waist. It was probably a live ammunition weapon used as a "final warning".

——Third-rate level.

After observing for a while, Song Shi made a silent judgment in his mind.

This level of combat power, placed on those medium-to-high-intensity battlefields, is probably only slightly better than temporary cannon fodder that is roughly inserted into the tactical memory. If the security forces of this institute were of this level, then escaping from prison would be easier than expected.

Soon, the strong man stopped.

The lights in the corridor were still pale.

The strong man took out his employee ID card and scanned it, and the automatic doors on the side opened to both sides.

Walking into this room, there are two sets of large white clothes in disposable plastic bags on the table in front of them. On the other side are shower stalls separated by partitions, each of which can accommodate only one person.

"I'll give you three minutes."

The strong man yawned.

"Remember to wash up and put on this hospital gown after washing. Let's go to the laboratory. Don't try to delay it. I don't want to drag you out directly. I am not interested in a man's bare buttocks."

In the shower room, Song Shi took off his clothes neatly, adjusted the water temperature to the lowest level, and let the cold water rush down.


One minute and thirty seconds.

He couldn't tell whether it was the cold air or the exhaled breath. In the cramped space, dense white air rose. Song Shi took a deep breath, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Through the flat mirror on the wall, this was the first time Song Shi saw his current appearance clearly.

He has short black hair, a thin build, and a better appearance than most people.

"Why does he look like me?"

At this moment, Song Shi was a little surprised to find that the appearance of this body was almost the same as that of himself in the previous life, with only some minor differences.

However, Song Shi quickly suppressed these thoughts. He had to leave here as soon as possible, and he would think about the rest later.

He opened the plastic bag and put on a pure white hospital gown. Then his eyes swept across the shower room and finally settled on the sink.

To be precise, it's the water sealing plug at the bottom of the sink.

Song Shi pulled out the plug without hesitation.

This is a standard water sealing plug, a cylinder, made of some kind of composite copper material, with a ring of ridges on the edge, and it feels slightly tingling to the touch.

Looks like good luck.

Song Shi pinched the plug, slowly moved it across his chest, feeling the cold touch, and whispered.

"Sure enough, compared to fingers."

"It will be more convenient to use this when digging out the heart later."

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