Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 2 Physical Links

["Lead Wire" prosthetic body unlocking program, current compilation progress is 32%]

If someone peeked at Song Shi's personal terminal interface at this moment, they would clearly see a progress bar like this at the top of the interface.

The only purpose of this program is to unlock the prosthetic body.

Most diseases harm oneself, and a small number of diseases can harm others. Among them, cyberpsychosis is undoubtedly the most harmful existence to others. News about a cyber madman turning a street into a plasma tertiary film, Palo Serko is never lacking.

Therefore, from the moment they enter the institute, all volunteers' prosthetics are locked, retaining only basic functions and blocking access to the Internet.

It's just that this research institute is not directly affiliated to the giant enterprise [Emerald Pharmaceutical], but a somewhat marginalized subordinate research institute with limited resource allocation. In addition, although [Emerald Pharmaceutical] is a giant in the field of bioengineering and medicine, but the network Not so good at technology.

Therefore, in Song Shi's eyes, this level of locking procedure seemed a bit crude.

Compared with information offensive and defensive warfare in the network field, defeating the opponent from the physical level with overwhelming saturated psychic firepower is what Song Shi is better at. Even to a certain extent, Song Shi's network level can only be called second-rate.


Although Song Shi was indeed not very good at cyber information warfare, he knew enough people.

For those lower-level network domains [Abyss] that swim outside the "domain firewall", are qualified to challenge the giant companies that stand at the top of the sky and look down on all living beings, and are top hackers who can individually usurp a city's network domain. There are never too many partners with strong frontal combat capabilities.

Under the influence of what he heard and saw, at least Song Shi had no problem with his vision.

And relying on some side skills taught by top hackers from time to time, or private programs used as rewards, his cyber warfare has taken a crooked path - probably similar to "sneaking a knife into the hilt during a sword duel" Muskets, others draw swords and I shoot."

Of course, it has no effect on top players, but it does have a miraculous effect on second- and third-rate people by surprise.


Although he no longer had the domain modules and related implants he had in the past, the current degree of prosthetic locking could not stop him. This "lead wire" program was the most suitable one that Song Shi selected from his memory. Countermeasure program for the current scenario.

A string of codes quickly appeared on the interface.

Compiled on-site.


Who said that this was for Song Shi himself?


"Hey, company people, it's now like this, why aren't you willing to take off your skin?"

At the same time that the "lead wire" program was being compiled, Song Shi spoke like this.

In Song Shi's eyes, this middle-aged man was in a suit and leather shoes. His clasped hands had an obvious metallic feel, and a closed brain-computer interface was exposed on the back of his head. Counting the implants hidden inside the body, at least 30% of the degree of transformation.

In Paloser, this is a very typical corporate look. Only the various abilities provided by implanted prostheses can meet the company's work requirements. Not to mention a clean natural person entering the company, even the illegal workers in the factory Not qualified to fight.

Of course, it would be more appropriate if the man had a black suitcase in his hand.

But this kind of dress shouldn't appear here.

This is not the dozens of high-end office buildings with dozens of floors that are brightly lit all night long in the Zhongtai and Baimen areas. This is the volunteer service area of ​​the Third Institute of Psychiatry and Psychiatry in Paloser, where the mice who are about to enter the test site should stay.

But after hearing Song Shi's words, the man still didn't react.

He still lowered his head, clasped his fingers, and said nothing.

"Don't you want to talk?"

Song Shi paused for a moment and then said: "Look at what you look like now, company man."

"Honestly, with your current mental state, I don't think you will have a chance to survive."

When he heard these words, the man finally raised his head.

The pupil of the man's right eye, which has not yet been replaced with a prosthetic eye, has obvious bloodshot eyes, and some hair on his forehead is stuck together. It is obvious that he has not taken care of it seriously for several days. A small part of his skin showed an abnormal paleness, which was a compensatory reaction to stopping taking certain stimulants, and it was conservatively estimated to last more than half a month.

But at this moment, the man's expression was quite ugly.

He stared at Song Shi, his voice hoarse:

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will pull your tongue out, tie it with a bow, and stuff it back into your stomach. So, little bastard, shut your mouth now."


Song Shi did not shy away from the other party's gaze, but instead faced him.

"Don't tell me, you don't know what "Implant Tolerance" is. Is there any day when there aren't a few murderous cybermaniacs in the Paloser Daily News? Haven't you ever played the Dead Man Lotto? Note?"

"Haha, I heard that the Security Bureau's morgue will hold a "dismemberment exhibition"! Ha! Now, tell me, can cyberpsychosis be cured?"

Song Shi sneered: "I'm being very polite by not calling you the company dog! You're a company person, don't tell me you don't know what the company likes to do the most!"

"Ah, that's not right." Song Shi suddenly stopped.

As if he suddenly remembered something.

"I apologize for what I just said. After all, you may really not understand the company's affairs now, otherwise you wouldn't be a guinea pig like me."

Song Shi patted his forehead and showed a mocking smile:

"——Am I right, my respected "former company man"?"

This sentence seemed to really offend the man.

He stood up immediately, grabbed Song Shi's collar with one hand, and lifted the latter up. Even though his prosthetic body has been locked due to the upcoming medical trial and only retains the most basic functions, the composite metal prosthetic arm that can be covered under bionic skin can still easily break a natural person's head.

Song Shi didn't resist, just stared into the man's eyes.

It seems like a stalemate.

After a long while, the man's fist finally did not fall. He released Song Shi's collar and sat back on the chair.

Song Shi adjusted his collar and sat down as well.

At this time the door suddenly opened.

The security guard pushed in the door. He was a 1.8-meter strong man, and his bullet-proof suit without the ceramic baffle looked quite shriveled. There is an obvious silver etched circuit on the man's face, and his two eyes glow red. He has obviously been replaced with implanted prosthetic eyes.

He strode into the room and looked around, obviously hearing the movement just now.

"What were you guys talking about just now? It's so lively."

The strong man held up the stun gun in his arms and said in an exaggerated tone.

"It's this time, why don't you look back on your life?" His eyes swept up and down Song Shi and the man, and he sneered: "You're still in the mood to play around? I already admire your strong energy. "

Song Shi and the man looked at the strong man coldly and said nothing.

"Ha, it's really scary. I hope you can keep it up later."

The strong man didn't take it seriously either. He smiled, shrugged, looked around again, and after confirming that nothing happened, exited the room again.

When the security guard left, the man's voice sounded again.

"Huh, you're right."

The man crossed his fingers but still lowered his head: "Ex-company man, huh. Desperate and fired ex-company man, I really don't need to get angry."

Especially for a little bastard from the deep moss area who can't live long.

The man did not say the second half of the sentence.

He sighed inwardly and was about to lower his head again when he suddenly found a hand stretched out in front of him.

The owner of this hand said seriously: "Song Shi."

The man was a little surprised and hesitated. He didn't shake hands, but just uttered a few words: "Mariko."

"what you up to?"

Marico paused for a moment, came to his senses, and said hoarsely: "Don't say nonsense like "I want to find someone to chat with before I die." Ever since I was admitted to the Vocational Engineering College affiliated with "Condine Manufacturing" when I was twelve years old, You can’t fool me anymore.”

"Actually, you're right, but you're only half right."

Song Shi's expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "I do intend to consider things before my death."

"What are you here for? Don't say it's for yourself."

Song Shi took a deep breath, as if he was caught in some kind of memory, and his voice could not help but grow lower: "I was born in the Lomond Orphanage, and was an orphan placed by the coalition government. I won't go into the rest of the story, it's just the same thing."

"In short, according to the volunteer service contract, the money will be paid into the public account of the welfare home."

"Are you afraid that someone is eyeing this money?" Marico interrupted, his expression changed slightly: "Wait, you don't want to say that you want me to handle it for you, do you?"

"Let's not talk about whether we can survive after this damn experiment. Even if I am really alive, why should I help you deal with such a mess?" The man couldn't help but sneer: "Just two little white mice signing up before they die. To warm this trivial "friendship"? Then you are more ridiculous than I thought."

"You don't need to deal with it completely." Song Shi said calmly: "You only need to ensure that more than two-thirds of the money is used in the welfare home. In return, you can get 20,000 credits for that part of the money."

"Also, this is not a unilateral request."

Song Shi slowly shook his head and stared at the man: "No one wants to live. Although there is a high probability that we will all turn into cyber madmen and die here, who can say for sure? Maybe in the end, I will be lucky enough to survive. Coming down?"

"You also have funeral matters to deal with, otherwise we wouldn't be here." Song Shi said, "Let's make a deal. If we all die, then of course we won't talk about it, but no matter who it is, as long as one of us survives , you have to deal with the other party’s funeral affairs.”

"Of course it's paid."

Song Shi looked at the man: "If it's really free, I'm afraid we don't believe that the other party will comply."

Marico was silent for a while.

He sat up straight and took a good look at the young man in front of him for the first time. After a long time, he said, "It would be a pity for a boy like you to die here."

"If you enter the company, you will definitely go farther than me." The man shook his head and showed a hint of self-mockery: "At least you can live a good life before draining out the value, which is better than being a guinea pig here. "

He closed his eyes and opened them again, taking a deep breath.

"Now that we don't have access to the Internet, how can we sign a contract? Mere verbal promises can't convince others."

Glancing at the top of the personal interface, there is a line of text saying "The "lead wire" program has been compiled and can be released".

So Song Shi stretched out his left hand, pulled out a data cable from the metal interface on his wrist, and looked at Marico.

“Let’s connect physically.”

Song Shi said slowly.

"Signing with our personal certification will still have legal effect even if you have not applied for the witness service of "Anjing Credit"."

[Dark Crystal Credit] is also one of the nine giant companies in the [Enterprise Alliance]. Unlike the "Emerald Pharmaceuticals" which is also a giant company, the former's fields are credit platforms, commercial investment, financial services, and market regulation.

The contract was signed very quickly.

At this time, neither party had the mind to set any text traps.

And Song Shi also knew about Mariko's situation - after confirming that [Lead Wire] was successfully put into use through physical links, he had enough time to listen to the latter's story.

Two months ago, Mariko, a third-level engineer working for "Kangding Manufacturing", was completely cancelled because of the poor market environment in the past two years. The human resources manager took advantage of the situation and connected a large number of people to flexible employment.

Because of the non-compete agreement, Mariko could not find a job in the industry within a year. He originally secretly took on some private work, and with the non-compete subsidy provided by Kangding Manufacturing, he could barely maintain it. Unfortunately, the bankruptcy of a listed company a month ago destroyed everything.

Mariko holds shares in this company.

This listed company, which mainly manufactures heavy industrial equipment, was originally thriving, but due to a series of internal scandals and decision-making errors, its cash chain was on the verge of collapse. It was just that it had been forcibly covered up for years - until recently, everything could no longer be covered up.

Many people were shocked to find that this company, which was still well-known in the industry, had long been just an empty shell, and the senior directors had left early, leaving only a mess.

When they rushed to the building of the company's headquarters, they found that there was only an intelligent customer service robot that kept repeating the service voice.

However, this had nothing to do with Marico. He just heard everything from the news the next morning when he was about to open a tube of coptis mustard-flavored protein cream. Then he opened the stock market software and found that the stocks he had invested a lot of money in had turned into a pile of waste paper.

Originally, this could only be said to be "injured bones", not "the bottom of the high building".

But the premise of all this was based on Marico's original position as a third-level engineer.

Whether it was his own housing loan, the installment bills for the implants he had purchased in the past to improve his competitiveness at work, or his daughter who had just been admitted to a corporate-affiliated middle school and needed high tuition fees, now they all became extremely terrifying pressures in an instant.

As for another loan.

Marico lost his job, his assets shrank significantly, and his personal credit rating dropped by two levels. It was impossible for formal institutions to provide loans.

And those "quick loans, emergency loans, and happy loans" that hid various erotic websites, Marico didn't dare to consider them. The background of these underground usury loans was all street gangs, and the interest rates were ridiculously high. Once they couldn't be repaid-

Now Marico could still hope that the new drugs in this research institute might really be useful, and if they didn't work, he would die alone.

But if he couldn't pay back the gang's usury, he would either have his organs dug out to pay off the debt, or act as a "zombie technician" without self-awareness, and his daughter would be taken away to be an ordinary sex doll, which would be a good ending.

If he was unlucky, because of the special preferences of some people, he was forced to undergo various body modifications, which would be forever falling into the abyss, and life would be worse than death.

So Marico still came here.

At least this is one of the giant companies standing at the top of the Enterprise Alliance, a subordinate research institute of [Emerald Pharmaceuticals]. Big companies are always more reliable than gangs, right?

Song Shi didn't say anything.

In his previous life, he was not very active in the territory of [Enterprise Alliance], but he had stayed there for quite a long time, and even accepted the employment of a giant company and participated in a corporate war. Song Shi has seen too many such things.

The collapse of a listed company can only occupy the headlines of the news for less than a week, but who knows how many cockroaches will flee in the ruins of the collapsed high-rise buildings because their homes have been destroyed?

Although he sneered at "talking to someone before dying", after talking about it, Marico's spirits were obviously better, and even his tone became much gentler, and he even talked about his past experiences.

But Song Shi knew in his heart.

- In a short time, Marico will die here.

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