"According to the fourth agreement of the 'Medical Experiment Volunteer Service Contract' you signed, the relevant subsidy of 150,000 credit points for this medical experiment will be deposited into the designated account within seven days. Please handle it as soon as possible."

"Note: This contract fully complies with the standards of the Ethics Review Committee. If you have any objections, please submit an appeal within two days."

"——In summary, please go to the 'Third Institute of Plosser Mental Psychology' in three days to receive the last preoperative maintenance to adapt to this medical experiment."

Song Shi closed his eyes.

He will directly project the "Medical Experiment Volunteer Service Contract" on the retina through the eye implant, and the unfolded "Medical Experiment Volunteer Service Contract" will be closed.

Maybe it was because the surprise of his resurrection was too strong, or because he lost the powerful spiritual power he originally mastered, and he felt uncomfortable with his current too fragile body.

At this moment, Song Shi was in a subtle mood.

He adjusted his breathing and slowly opened his eyes.

This is a not-so-big room, the surroundings are spotless, the white walls make people uneasy, and the light cast from the ceiling is quite gentle, but this can't make Song Shi feel better.

At this moment, he was sitting on a row of chairs against the wall. On the right side of him, there was a man in a suit and tie, with short brown hair, his fingers clasped together and his head bowed.

There were only two of them in the room.

No. That's not quite accurate.

Song Shi glanced at the door. Although the door was closed, he knew that there was a security guard with a gun standing outside. It was the other party who brought him to this room not long ago.

His only responsibility was to ensure that "volunteers" like him would not give up and run away because they could not bear the pressure when the medical experiment was about to begin.

Facing "volunteers" who had been locked up with implants and blocked from accessing the Internet beforehand, a stun gun could make them behave again.

In this situation, of course, the other party could not use live ammunition. If they accidentally used too much force, the carefully selected "volunteers" would be injured or even killed. Few people could bear the accusation of maliciously damaging company property, even if the other party was originally a security guard employed by the company.

—— But none of this mattered at the moment.

Song Shi slowly sat up straight.

Although Song Shi's signature and personal certification are clearly visible at the end of this "Medical Experiment Volunteer Service Contract", the signing process is recorded in full and in accordance with the principle of voluntariness. However, Song Shi feels that he should still have some room for appeal.

Because he is not the real "Song Shi".

Or at least not the "Song Shi" in this body, who has the same name and surname as himself for some reason.

He is a fourth-ring psychic of the [Dayuan] path, a free bounty hunter, and a murderer of the imperial family.

Not an orphan from an orphanage in a city called Parrowser in another country [Enterprise Alliance].

Of course.

Looking at his right hand with an implanted data interface on his wrist and obviously modified by a semi-prosthetic limb, Song Shi understands that there is no difference between the two now.

". Tsk."

There is no need to close his eyes, the memory of the last moment is still vivid in his mind.

Because the assassination of the imperial prince, especially the other party is not a branch of the royal family, but a "Emperor Chosen" who has the official right of succession to the empire and ranks third in the sequence.

So he suffered unprecedented revenge. Facing perhaps the most powerful country in the world, even though he had reached the pinnacle of a fourth-ring psychic and was powerful enough to change the terrain of several miles with one blow, he still couldn't resist.

So he died, on the seventh day after successfully assassinating the Emperor Chosen, in a deserted wasteland, he was surrounded and killed by the madmen of the Empire who were obsessed with religion.

Song Shi was sure that facing a fourth-ring psychic and the other party's last blow with all his strength, his body collapsed, his soul was destroyed, and his psychic path was broken. He was absolutely dead, shattered and burned to death.

Even using the "brain in a jar" to can himself and create a cognitive illusion, he couldn't do it.

But the next second, when he opened his eyes again, he appeared here.

From the [Vampsta Empire] that ruled one pole of the world, the holy emperor, and the integration of politics and religion, he appeared in the territory of the [Corporate Alliance] composed of nine giant companies that dominated the western region of this planet.

Two completely different countries.

Even the bodies are different.

No, maybe not "next second", such a light name.

Deep in the brain, there is a kind of looming pain, as if to tear the whole head apart.

Even without closing his eyes, Song Shi's eyes are like a split screen, two completely different scenes overlap alternately, as if a road suddenly splits into two, leading to different worlds-

Song Shi looks to the right.

The first time he walked on the street, awakened his psychic power in a fight, mastered the art of "psychic power" for the first time, and felt this extraordinary power. At first, he used parts from the scrapyard to piece together guns, and then earned money for the first time, replaced implants, and continued to deepen on the path of psychic power.

Learning, fighting, bounty, power.

Twenty years later, when he officially entered the peak of the fourth ring of psychic power, no one ignored him, whether as a bounty hunter or a psychic, and he even had a certain qualification to participate in the world situation.

In the end, Song Shi, a famous bounty hunter, was surrounded and killed by the imperial team because he successfully assassinated an imperial prince.

Song Shi looked to the left again.

From an abandoned baby in the street, to one of the propaganda products of the "social resettlement project" of the coalition government, he was lucky enough to enter the Romond Welfare Home, so he would not freeze to death at night, and be picked up the next day to be boiled into egg white paste, or waxed to be made into a specimen statue.

However, after the initial propaganda period, the financial allocation for the Romond Welfare Home built by the coalition government began to decrease again and again.

Because the propaganda project that no one pays attention to is meaningless.

In the more than ten years after the establishment of the welfare home, in the city of Plosser ruled by the [Enterprise Alliance].

Whether it is the unemployment wave brought about by the explosion of the old industrial zone, or the company war between the subordinate departments of the two giant companies [Southern Heavy Industry] and [Time Sequence Pass] to compete for rare minerals in the suburbs of the city, which almost destroyed half of the city, they attracted the attention of the people of this city far more than the situation of the vulnerable groups.

Because of this, although it was established by the coalition government, the situation of the welfare home has been getting worse over the past decade. Even though it has moved from the "White Gate District" where the rich gather to the "Deep Moss District" in the urban slums, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain expenses.

The coalition government has turned a blind eye.

And the children who have walked out of the welfare home and have officially entered society have either cut off justice early or have not been doing well themselves, and the help they provide is a drop in the bucket. If nothing unexpected happens, in another two years, the entire welfare home will no longer be able to support itself and will be sold off.

"Is this the reason why you come to this institute as a 'volunteer' in exchange for medical experiment subsidies?"

Two completely different scenes, confused in the mind, surging in the memory, make people feel at a loss.

But these scenes contain emotions.

——The first time I killed someone, I was at a loss, and the first time I earned a bounty. In the seventh year of awakening my psychic power, I was full of vigor and vitality when I entered the third ring of psychic power. After seeing my hometown burned to ashes by the flames of war, I decided to take revenge on the initiator of the war, and finally cut off the prince's head with my own hands.

——The care and kindness of the welfare home in the past; I heard Aunt Nancy and the old director's conversation by chance, and felt deeply helpless when I knew the real situation of the welfare home. I cried when I saw the old director who was always serious and frightened the children for the first time; I chose to secretly become a drug test volunteer in exchange for remuneration, hoping to help the welfare home overcome difficulties, and I was tossing and turning and afraid before making the decision.

Only these things beating in my heart are true.

It is difficult to tell whether all this is just the memory of others or my own experience? Is it "Song Shi of the bounty hunter" who was reborn here, or is it "Song Shi of the welfare home" who got the memory of the former?

Song Shi took a deep breath, tapped his chest gently, and slowly suppressed these surging emotions.

At this moment, his head still hurt a little, and he had all kinds of doubts about this "rebirth" happening to him, and even wary, but at this time he couldn't care too much.

Yes, "rebirth".

Through the eye implant, it can be directly projected on the upper right corner of the personal terminal interface of the retina, clearly displaying the current time.

November 23, 2150, 21:20 p.m. on the universal new calendar.

Twenty years ago when he died in battle.

Twenty years ago, at this time, those artificial intelligences hiding in the abyss had not yet launched the [Second Freedom Revolution], and the [Purification Holy War] proposal of the Vampsta Empire had probably just been handed over to the emperor's desk, and had not yet turned into a terrifying military force sweeping the future world. The group of giant companies like gods in the [Corporate Alliance] still looked down on all living beings and the world, and the ideal country [Eden] had not yet fallen -

But at the moment, these have nothing to do with Song Shi.

Song Shi's eyes moved away from the security guards outside the door, and he looked around again, and finally looked to the side, fixed on the man who had been silent and lowered his head.

——The first priority now is to get out of here as soon as possible.

Just now, he had seen the "Medical Experiment Volunteer Service Contract" signed by "himself".

The goal of this medical experiment is [Implant Mental Tolerance].

It has a more popular name, called cyber psychosis.

Because of the continuous implantation of prostheses and various modifications to the body, the individual's mental breakdown and mental decline have become a poor wretch with no self-awareness. This is cyber psychosis.

In this era where implantation of prostheses is commonplace, in the city of Plosser, videos of cyber madmen killing people can be seen on streaming media every day.

And this research institute, which belongs to the giant enterprise [Emerald Pharmaceuticals], is to gather a group of carefully selected volunteers to conduct clinical trials of a new inhibitory drug.

This drug inhibits "cyber psychosis".

So where are the cyber psychotics?

Right here.

According to memory and the contents of the contract, this medical experiment with a subsidy of 150,000 credit points will first force volunteers to become "cyber psychopaths" and then conduct clinical trials of new drugs.

The 150,000 credit points provided by this institute are more like an expense that directly buys out your entire ownership rather than a trial subsidy!

From the moment the volunteers of this experiment enter this institute, whether they can survive or not, they will be controlled by the institute from now on and will no longer have any personal rights.

Like a commodity.

Therefore, we must prepare for a strategic shift.

Song Shi thought.

No matter what the reason for his "rebirth", whether it is true or false, whether there is any conspiracy, in any case, being a guinea pig is not Song Shi's wish.

Especially becoming a "cyber psychopath".

He had seen too much of the bad behavior of those giant companies in his previous life, and he did not have any expectations for the character of those high-ranking directors.

He even killed a few people.

But that was all in the past.

Looking at the "implant list" on the personal terminal interface, Song Shi could not help but feel helpless.

The limbs are original, and the organs in the body are also original, with blood flowing instead of oil and coolant.

The only thing that can be regarded as a "prosthesis" is the right hand that has been modified to a certain extent, with a data interface and enhanced skin implanted, as well as a brain-computer interface.

And now.

An orphan who was half-tricked, born in an orphanage, and has just reached adulthood, does not even have a complete implant. On this list of scattered and pitiful implants, the most valuable one is probably the personal terminal chip provided by the United Government.

In fact, one of the reasons why the institute let Song Shi pass a series of tests and become a volunteer for the trial of the new drug for "cyberpsychosis" was that Song Shi was at the level of "having implants but not many" - they needed volunteers in different states to serve as enough samples.

Not to mention psychic power, he was not even at the first ring [awakening] stage, just an ordinary person.

The power of materialism is weak, and the power of idealism is even more absent.

This experiment will start in twenty minutes.

In this case, even if Song Shi has a lot of psychic skills in his hands, as well as the selection and matching of various implants, it is impossible for him to kill out of this institute alone and wipe out all the obstacles on the way.

Could it be that because of a person's strong will, he can stop the large-caliber steel core bullets of the intelligent rifle?

Oh, it really works.

But that has to take the path of [consensus], at least the third ring stage, and the psychic power that has begun to affect reality can do it.

In short, if you want to leave here.

You need to find a partner.

Song Shi looked at the silent man in a suit and tie sitting not far away and greeted him.


"Company man, at this time, are you still unwilling to take off your skin?"

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