Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 278: Ambition of Blazing Light

The canyon of colorful dust has been almost flattened. The battle between multiple Abyss Lords and an Abyss King, even though this is a network domain located at depth 5, but in the face of the earth-shaking strong impact, even its underlying structure has been penetrated, and it began to crumble and could fall apart at any time.

The tide of military forces is colliding.

The five Abyss Lords have opened the data door connecting to their own network territories, and continuously deployed the "derivatives" that have been domesticated and used for their own purposes. They are either flying dragons made of glass or miniature legions like dolls - however, these derivatives The combined forces that are enough to overwhelm the firewall of a medium-sized company are clearly at a disadvantage at this moment.

"Everyone, come on!"

The high and bright voice was fully displayed, shining brightly, in the center of a large stage that could be called a floating island. The girl with long golden hair and silver-white highlights grabbed the microphone made of pure neon, made a heart shape with her hands happily, blinked her eyes, waved her hands vigorously, and sang again.

With the floating island stage as the center, a large number of derivatives waving cheering sticks, wearing ornaments all over their bodies, and roaring in all kinds of strange shapes, launched a fearless charge forward in the song that shook the sky.

And looking down from the sky, it can be clearly seen that the neon-colored wave crashed into the joint forces fiercely. It was clearly one against five, but it did not show any signs of decline, and even on the contrary, it faintly suppressed the latter!

"Awesome, really awesome." The Abyss Lord of [Doomsday] exclaimed: "It's only been a few years since I last saw her, and Zen Liu Shanna has made another step forward. Should I call her the support group instead of her derivative army?"

"This is almost the 'Prayer Army'!"

The Abyss Lord of [Transparent Iron Curtain] also sighed: "She has gone deep into the path of faith, and now she has begun to try to combine the power of faith with the derivatives. No wonder our derivative army is no match for her. Even if she is not the King of the Abyss, we may not be her opponent if she is replaced by the Abyss Lord."

"——Fuck, stop talking! Come and help!"

With Borage as the center, the area with a radius of hundreds of meters suddenly solidified, and the neon color instantly immersed everything, like a ball of colorful amber, trying to wrap it up. Borage roared and forcibly broke free from the shackles, but the price she paid was a large number of cracks on her body, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Who told you to mess with her?"

The last Abyss Lord who did not belong to an organization gloated: "Even someone like me who has been coding for thirty years knows not to reveal a woman's true age."

"I @#(¥%##%"

Liuji was about to curse when Zen Liu Shanna's attack came again, forcing it to shrink its head and deal with it.

I really spent a lot of money this time! Among the four Abyss Lords, only I am really trying my best! The rest are just paddling!

Damn it, I can't stand it anymore.

Liuji avoided the attack from afar and shouted in his heart, Cha Ke Luo, I can help you delay for another twenty minutes at most, you better hurry up, otherwise you Enlightened Ones will be on your own

The battle of Casting Light City has entered The battle became intense.

After deciding on the tactical plan of a quick attack, the terrifying productivity of the giant enterprise was fully revealed. With the momentum of a tsunami, it wantonly poured a storm of destruction on the control area of ​​the Enlightened One.

Under the cover of the endless bombardment, the giant mechas that [Southern Heavy Industry] was proud of had officially entered the battlefield. These creations, which were at least ten meters high, were equipped with the usual saturated firepower and heavy armor of Southern Heavy Industry. When they began to move, they were like monsters in monster movies, easily destroying fortifications, defeating any obstacles, and advancing straight ahead.

Heavy firepower in the conventional sense did not have much effect on these monster-level mechas. Instead, they would be traced back and located. A burst of fusion energy would The artillery fired, blasting the people and nearby buildings to pieces and vaporizing them.

There were psychics who wanted to use their extraordinary individual force to carry large-yield explosive devices and paralyze them at close range, but the company also sent special individual soldiers to protect the giant mechas. They intercepted the former and created a sufficient environment for these war fortresses to perform.

After a large number of powerful extraordinary elites were dispersed to carry out decapitation, the individual tactics that the Enlightened had always relied on in the past have shown significant weakness on the front battlefield.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the air defense network that cost a lot of resources to build is still playing a role, intercepting most of the focused beams, plasma groups and thermal-melt aerial bombs fired by the armed shuttle group belonging to Fubo Energy. It flew into the air and did not fall to the ground.


The hot plasma lightsaber cut through the load-bearing wall. After the scorching red cut, an iron-colored silhouette suddenly rushed out and cut back.

It was not until the wall was cut that the Enlightened member reacted. He was caught off guard and just as he raised the muzzle of his gun, the plasma beam arrived in front of his eyes and rapidly enlarged in his pupils. But the next moment, a cold black suddenly inserted into his vision and forcibly knocked away the lightsaber at the critical moment.

The Enlightened member was still in shock and fired subconsciously.

Several streams of flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and then, when they were about to hit the target, they burst into a few popping sparks.

——The other party cut the bullet? !

"Leave immediately and go somewhere else."

In the deep voice, the burly man gripped the power sword with matte black paint and stared straight ahead. There, the red-haired young man flicked the lightsaber casually without directly launching a new round of attacks.

The man didn't look back and said solemnly: "You will be in the way."

The rescued members no longer hesitated, turned around and ran away.

The next moment, both sides disappeared from the same place at the same time. When they reappeared, the sword's edge and the edge of the sword were pressed together fiercely!

At the first touch, the red-haired young man took a step back, increased the power of the lightsaber by another level, and then pounced again.

The burly man's prosthetic eye pupils shrank, and he accurately captured the trajectory of the lightsaber. The black power sword successfully blocked it, and the thruster at the end of the sword grid roared suddenly, using great force to suppress the lightsaber and smash it.

"Not bad at all."

The red-haired young man twisted his posture to avoid the power sword. His wrist shook and turned, and the lightsaber took away its strength. He whistled: "Are you interested in joining Fubo Energy? Or you can be my personal security guard." "

What answered him was a brutal slash.

"——The technology is good, but the quality of the prosthetic body is still a bit low."

The red-haired young man's arms flashed, and the lightsaber edge instantly increased by half a meter, forcing the opponent to temporarily change his tactics and switch from offense to defense: "This is an invitation from Groden. How many people do you know who have been doing this all their lives?" Isn’t it a bit too hurtful not to say a word?”

The burly man held the power sword and waited for the coolant to buffer the temperature of the prosthetic body: "...are you a 'whole man'?"

The red-haired young man was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he smiled instead of being angry, stepped forward, and slashed with his lightsaber: "Ha! That day won't be too late!"

Boom - buzz!

Relying on the excellent performance of the prosthetic body and his impressive close combat skills, the red-haired young man had completely suppressed his opponent for a while. While swinging his sword, he sneered: "No! Maybe it will be tomorrow! I'll crush you all." For my achievements, the family will confer me the title of 'Quanren'!"

"Open your eyes! Take a good look! Your fortifications have been uprooted, and your people are turning into dead dogs!"

Another slash like a heavy rainstorm.

However, at this moment, the silent and burly man burst out with unprecedented strength. His prosthetic limbs and power sword were overloaded at the same time. Amidst the violent roar, he seized the gaps in the continuous slashes with astonishing acuity, starting from the bottom up. , slashed violently!


The slashes of the heavy rain and strong wind were instantly chopped into pieces. The lightsaber wrapped around the prosthetic leg did not stop the man at all. The power sword he held tightly rushed straight forward and stabbed into the chest of the red-haired young man!

Life and death are on the line, victory and defeat are decided.

There were melting cracks in the prosthetic arms of the burly man. Large areas of the carapace were shattered, parts flew out, and a series of electric sparks flashed. However, when the red-haired young man was stabbed into the chest by the power sword, he was almost split into two pieces. Along the gap in the chest, large globs of plasma and engine oil flowed out.

The red-haired young man looked unwilling.

"I can"

The burly man said nothing, and gripped the power sword tightly, about to complete the final blow.

At this moment, the ground under his feet suddenly lit up, and the burning white gold light filled his field of vision, accompanied by an uncontrollable strong feeling of heat. Even the man couldn't help but be startled. He looked at the young man suddenly, only to find that the latter had raised his head and looked towards the sky.


"You - you are all finished!"

The red-haired young man laughed wildly. He vomited blood and simply gave up his resistance. He lay on the ground and stared at the sky in ecstasy. Under the sunlight, his face turned pious: "Come on! Kill!" Kill me! But you will see it with your own eyes soon!"

There was only one color left in the sky of Casting Light City at this moment, which was pure brilliant platinum.

Not many people are even qualified to "look directly". The majestic brilliance of the infinite scorching sun can easily wipe out even the city, let alone the eyes of those who arrogate. The moment countless people subconsciously looked up, they triggered the overexposure warning of their prosthetic eyes and forcibly closed their field of vision.

The ultimate strategic deterrent of Fubo Energy, the highest creation achieved by technology in destruction.

When regional president Emmanuel died, even the "arbitration institution" could no longer reject Fubo Energy's black letter and recognized the legality of the latter's next moves.

Space-based weapon·[Solar Radiation Focusing Array], warm-up is completed and anchoring is completed.

The last time it was activated at full power, it left a city of burned glass for Dark Crystal Credit, and that was thirty-five years ago, during the Third Total Corporate War.

At this moment, even the battlefield came to a standstill. The opponents who were still fighting each other a second ago stopped their movements in unison, with awe in their hearts. This is not the so-called surrender, but an instinct that comes from the depths of the blood and has been inherited since ancient times when faced with an existence beyond imagination.

Thirty-five years later, under the will of the gods, the sun once again bowed its head, pouring down the power of destruction on the world.

What else in the world can block such great power?

The answer is no.

After a short period of panic, some people felt happy from the bottom of their hearts. Fortunately, they did not covet small favors and couldn't wait to move into the first and second districts. But more people were afraid. Some of them began to pray, chanting trembling prayers, and some fell into a long silence in the dazzling light.

"Hahaha-hahaha!" The red-haired young man laughed wildly and excitedly: "Xu Yu can't do it! Cha Ke Luo can't do it! No one can save you now! See it! See it! This is the true glory of Groden! Hahaha-"

The platinum torrent that filled all vision, after condensing to the extreme, began to fall, like the sky collapsing and sinking. The terrifying heat pressure overturned the earth, the scorching light swept everything, and the unimaginable huge impact shook the atmosphere and swept raging.

At this moment, a new bright light lit up.

A starlight rose from the horizon, and the powerful spiritual energy that surpassed the world at this moment bloomed a brilliant light that was no less than the sun. But its light was so soft that the scorching sun's majesty became a little dim, allowing people to look up and look directly.

Under the gaze of everyone, the starlight went up in the opposite direction, soared into the sky, and headed straight towards the overturned sky.

The bright starlight did not retreat or fear in the slightest. It just kept going up, and the endless platinum torrent stopped washing for the first time.

"That's your style, Chakolo." Far away, close to the border of the Rockal Plain, Yvette put away her cane and murmured in a low voice. Dwight in the distance also stopped moving. They looked towards the direction of the Lightcasting City at the same time.

The retrograde stars supported the torrent and blocked all the platinum-colored fierce light in the sky. This was not a simple defense, but a protection. It propped up an unprecedented barrier, supporting everything with its own strength, so that not even a ray of fierce light could really fall into the city below.

The Rockal Plain became brighter.

Those fierce lights did not disappear, but dispersed and overflowed with the retrograde of the stars. The sky, which had been dim and gloomy for decades, and the earth covered with frost and snow all day long, at this moment, welcomed the extremely brilliant sunshine at the same time.

From the vast ice fields in the far north to the frosty wasteland in the far south, from the magnificent buildings in the east to the sacred churches in the west, the whole world can clearly see at this moment that a bright star is rising silently in the distance, piercing the night sky.

It is still rising, as if it wants to grasp all the fierce light and sprinkle it on the earth, and all things cannot stop its pace.

So the power of the sun is separated in front of it, and the platinum torrent is completely defeated. With all the love and the desire to be loved, in the clear blue sky, the retrograde starlight finally reaches the end of the sky.

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