The total war is over.

After the news of the death of a series of decision-making members headed by "Emanuel Groden", the aerospace carrier "Groden Glory" had no news and was temporarily offline. The space-based weapon "Solar Radiation Focusing Array" failed to work in the first strike and lost its second strike capability.

The armed forces of [Fubo Energy] suddenly became unsustainable and began to withdraw from the front battlefield. Seeing this, [Southern Heavy Industry] and [Zero Degree Network] also quickly gathered their troops, recovered their net assets, and then destroyed a batch of weapons and equipment that could not be taken away on the spot, and also withdrew cleanly.

However, the Enlightened Ones were unable to take advantage of the situation to pursue.

Faced with the company's saturated firepower coverage and a large number of ground advancement troops, their casualties were also heavy. The more critical point is that the control area - at least the outer area, was almost completely razed to the ground, riddled with holes, and completely destroyed.

The only thing to be thankful for is that at the beginning of the war, the Enlightened used tough measures to relocate most of the residents in these places to the rear, and few died.

Thanks to today's advanced engineering construction technology, these seemingly devastated ruins are not difficult to rebuild as long as they are willing to invest resources. More than four construction companies have secretly contacted the Enlightened, expressing their willingness to help with the construction, and can't wait to get such a large order.

But at this point in time, the Enlightened has no time to care about them.

——The Enlightened is seizing the time to consolidate its rule.

Yes, "rule".

In just a few days after the end of the total war, the Enlightened integrated the remaining forces while forcefully entering all the outer city areas, and even began to deploy to the inner city areas. What really surprised people was the attitude of the giant companies, or more accurately, the attitude of the giant company [Fubo Energy].

They compromised.

It can even be said that Fubo Energy admitted defeat at this moment and handed over "Casting Light City"!

They quickly announced a series of production line reduction plans in Zhuguang City, closed down a large number of related institutions, and carried out a large number of layoffs.

Although there was no direct letter of notification, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Fubo Energy would abandon the cornerstone of decades of cultivation here and withdraw from the market in Zhuguang City and surrounding areas.

It was incredible.

You know, with the huge productivity of giant enterprises, as long as they take a breath for a while, Fubo Energy can organize a strong armed force again - in the same period of time, the breathing effect of the Enlightened is definitely lower than theirs.

The only really tricky thing is that those Groden executives who died here and could not fill the vacancies in a short time, but this reason for withdrawal is still not convincing enough.

But not only Fubo Energy, but even Nanyu Heavy Industry and Zero Network have begun to pack up and inventory their own industries, and it is obvious that they are also going to withdraw from Zhuguang City.

Most people are just shocked and confused, but in the eyes of a few people with some status and strength, they naturally came to the answer.

It was Chakoro indeed.

That day, the opponent rose from the horizon and forcibly defeated the "Solar Radiation Focusing Array", but the video went viral on the Internet. Although it is not clear why the opponent stopped in the end, maybe it was not strong enough? After all, it reached its limit?

But so what.

No matter how "not enough", it was only under the premise that the opponent had already intercepted the space-based weapons! Unbelievable, totally unreasonable! How can a person be so strong?

Faced with such a terrifying opponent, it became a very normal thing for Fubo Energy to compromise and give in.

".Do you want to smoke?" The middle-aged man in dark blue work clothes took out a cigarette box from his arms and was about to open it. He seemed to suddenly think of something, stopped his action, and looked at the young man.

"Well, I rarely smoke. But give me one."

"Any requests?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Oh, yes, you are the 'factory', you can process at any time." Song Shi touched his chin: "How about a fresher one, with a fruity aroma?"

The middle-aged man nodded, knocked on the cigarette box, and two cigarettes without logos popped out automatically. He threw one to the other party, picked up the remaining one, twisted the cigarette butt, and bit it in his mouth.

Song Shi took the cigarette, lit it silently, and took a light puff: "Citrus flavor, not bad."

"How is your injury?" Song Shi took only one puff and put it down, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him: "You give me a feeling of instability."

"I had sex with Bafus, it's okay, it will be fine after a while."

Xu Yudu's cigarette power was obviously greater than Song Shi's, and his body was surrounded by quite thick white smoke. He paused and said the result directly: "Cha Keluo's injury is much more serious than mine, and he must sleep to recover. Now I will take over the garrison of Zhuguang City. This is what he asked me to give you before he fell asleep."

He handed over an envelope.

Song Shi took it and was about to tear it open, but was stopped by the other party: "Don't open it here, wait until you go back to see it."

Xu Yudu took a deep breath and said: "Your injury, do you want me to help?"

It can be seen that Song Shi at this moment has a lot of bandages tied all over his body, and there are many bottles and jars stuffed in the pockets of his coat. From time to time, he opens one and puts some pills and capsules in his mouth.

After successfully killing Emmanuel in the battle, things such as injuries in the battle and sequelae of "self-immolation" all came out at once. These superimposed together, even Song Shi could not ignore them, and he had to rest for a while.

"It's not necessary. I have Forging Flame and Burning Blood, and the medicine can be absorbed quickly enough. These injuries don't particularly affect my movements." Song Shi chewed a pill carelessly and clicked his tongue the next second. : "It's so painful. I should have asked the doctor to give me some sugar."

"Song Shi." Xu Yudu's cigarette was about to burn out, and he suddenly said: "You have to prepare to leave, right?"

"Absolutely. How can you tell?"

"You didn't hide it." Xu Yudu casually crushed the last cigarette butt and said, "Pan-Eastern Continental Federation, the Eastern Continent Republic."

But soon, the middle-aged man put away his disgust and took out a double-layered silver ring like a keychain from his arms. It has a silver metallic sheen, and the radius of the ring is barely enough for an index finger to pass through.

"Take it." Xu Yu threw it over: "Chakoluo told me, didn't Yao Xing 3's projection give you a pendant, which represents the approval of omnics. This thing is similar to that one."

"Well, of course there is a difference." Xu Yu snorted: "Yao Xing San is gone, but I am still alive. When encountering special circumstances in the future, you will crush it and I will try my best to come over. This is between the Enlightened One and me. promise."

When he said this, the middle-aged man paused, thought for a moment, and then added: "Chakoluo is asleep, and now I am the commander-in-chief of the Enlightened Ones. There is no problem with this."

After pondering for a moment, Xu Yudu added: "Of course, considering that you are going to the Pan-Eastern Continent Federation next, you may need it there."

"I don't have the singularity technology 'Space Jump' developed by Aragu, and my spiritual power doesn't have much depth in 'space'. There are also those troublesome guys in the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation itself. Therefore, I can't put you on the spot as soon as you press it. Falling from the sky”


"So my suggestion is, you'd better crush it earlier."

"Haha...a promise from a fifth ring." Song Shi raised his eyebrows, turned the ring over, and laughed: "So generous? If it were put up for auction, even giant companies would be interested, and maybe they would be willing to take one. The city will change it?”

"There's no need to say such things."

Xu Yudu looked like he wanted to smoke another one, but finally gave up on this plan.

"Speaking of friendship, I have read the action files. Without you, Fast and the others cannot kill Emmanuel. If that guy is allowed to come to the frontal battlefield in person, the consequences will be disastrous, and all our plans may be ruined. . Your contribution is undoubtedly a great help to us. ”

Xu Yu tugged on his work clothes and raised his eyes to glance at the young man: "For practical reasons, Song Shi, you are destined to see the scenery that Chakoluo and I have seen one day. With this little venture capital, we will still Done. No."

When he said this, Xu Yudu's face showed a smile for the first time.

Even if it was a sneer.

At this moment, Song Shi also showed a happy smile.

"——Then let us take a look." Xu Yudu pointed to the sky, stared at the young man, and said word by word: "Who set foot there first."


".As expected, we have reached the fifth ring of 'transcendence'."

Song Shi was in a pretty good mood.

To a certain extent, from a strategic perspective alone, this time, the Enlightened Ones achieved an unimaginable victory.

——The [God's Throne] on that day gave Chakoluo the promise of "one city in seven years".

It was precisely because of its promise that Fubo Energy had to swallow this bitter pill and left the city they had built with their own hands in anger and pain.

Even from now on, the Enlightened One, as the Lord of Casting Light City, will be subject to all kinds of secret means including but not limited to spies, overseas premeditation, indirect armed assistance, etc.

But in the company behind these methods, the name [Fubo Energy] will probably not appear for a long time.

The space carrier Groden Glory was destroyed, the space-based weapon solar radiation focusing array was moderately damaged, and the proud core fulcrum "Forging Light City" was lost.

In just three days, the stock price of [Fubo Energy] plummeted, circuit breaker occurred several times, and a large amount of market share was taken away - behind those energy companies that suddenly appeared, there were often other giant companies, and even Some are eager to imitate the past achievements of [Chronological Passage], shadows of challengers.

There is no doubt that the loss of muscles and bones, and even if the bleeding cannot be stopped in time, [Fubo Energy] may really fall from its position on the gods!


Song Shi breathed out gently.

——As for Chakoro.

In order to rush back to the Forged Light City in time, he forcibly destroyed the "Groden Glory" in a short time, and then defeated the space-based weapons and faced the attack of the [God's Throne]. Even the "rebel" reached his limit, suffered severe injuries, and had to fall into a deep sleep.

But so what.

Although Chakoluo will not be able to lead the Enlightened Ones for a long time and can no longer serve as a strategic deterrent, it is also impossible for that guy to fall silent because of this kind of thing. When he wakes up again, his psychic powers will surely destroy him. Go one step further.

"Isn't Lapis Lazuli here?"

Opening the door, the room was empty.

Song Shi sighed and simply sank into the sofa without turning on the light.

He slowly took out the envelope, lit it and removed the envelope.

Inside the envelope, there was only a piece of white paper.

There is only one short line above, and the content is very simple.

"The stars are false."

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