Song Shi leaned on the sofa and read the note. After a while, a sigh suddenly sounded in the room.

"Although I noticed it back then, is it true?"

The flame ignited quietly from the edge, and escaped from the palm of his hand while muttering to himself. Like a flying flame butterfly, it turned into little embers and scattered out the window.

Song Shi stood up and decided which pizza to eat tomorrow.

By the way, handle the communication of point accumulation.

After the Battle of Forged Light City, Harold, Flashing Star and others from far away in Palother immediately sent a communication, asking about the situation of the battle and caring about Song Shi's situation.

However, the situation in the past few days has been tense and chaotic. Song Shi himself went into the operating room for medical surgery. He really couldn't spare the time to reply. Until now, he was sitting in this street pizza shop called "Glory Pult". I only have time to reply one by one.

"Well, the situation is not bad. Fubo Energy has begun to withdraw from Casting Light City. Oh, me? It's pretty good. The injury is not too serious."

"Humph, I just made a small and insignificant contribution - you ask what specifically? Oh, I killed Emmanuel." Song Shi made an understatement: "Your leader? Chakoluo's words are only based on mine. From my personal perspective, this time may not be a bad thing.”

"Sir, your super large luncheon meat cheese pizza is ready!"

The waiter carried the big paper box and pressed it to Song Shi's table.

"So fast?" Song Shi was a little surprised: "Are you so efficient today? Did the boss give you a salary increase?"

"How is that possible?" The female waiter, who was probably in her early twenties, said with a smile: "Regular customer bonus! I see you come here to eat often!"

"Why don't I remember that many times?"

Song Shi nodded, thanked him, and left the pizza shop with the carton in hand.

After about a few minutes, there was an unexpected explosion in the pizza shop that was finally uncontrollable.

"Oh my God! I actually met Song Shi——!!!"


Song Shi climbed up the building, looked around, and chose a rooftop to sit down.

He was sitting on the edge of the rooftop and was about to open the lunch box when his movements suddenly paused: "It's really true that they are all gathered together."

Song Shi turned his head, and the omnimachine's body passed by in the sky in the distance, sailing quickly towards here.

"Wait a moment." He raised his hand and said, "I forgot to buy something to drink. How about you buy some first and then come up? You can buy some for yourself. The engine oil and other things are all mine."

Without saying a word, Lapis swooped into the street, returned with a large bag of drinks from the vending machine.

"Oh, the new product of 'Butt Orchard', the Ultimate Explosive Vine Dragon fruit-flavored soda, is good." Song Shi took it and opened a can: "Are you done? Let's talk about it first, and don't ask me how my injury is. 'That's the problem."

“You should define ‘finished’.”

The lapis lazuli was floating on the edge of the rooftop. The power of the balancer should not be turned on very high, but the machine body was swaying gently with the airflow: "If it is based on my definition, my task has not been completed yet."

"Then you are really busy omnic." Song Shi disagreed and took a bite of the pizza, with a soft texture and a strong aroma of oil: "Then why are you here now when you have time?"

"Although the tasks are arduous, the most priority ones have been completed." Lapis replied naturally.

It floated at the same horizontal distance as Song Shi. Looking from a distance, it seemed like two people were sitting side by side on the edge of the rooftop.

"The Enlightened One is going to change the name of 'Forging Light City', do you know?"

"I heard Gwenlin mention it, and she also revealed a few alternative names to me, such as 'Wofa Soa'." Song Shi pinched the drink can: "In the myth of Rokar, the light thief Dada Soya It’s not a bad choice to endorse the city with its final burial place.”

"Did Gwenlin tell you the specific meaning of the name?" Lapis Lazuli seemed a little surprised.

Hearing this, Song Shi was rarely choked.

He was speechless for a while: "I'm not illiterate. I have a decent high school diploma. Besides, whoever has stayed in Forging Light City for so long would know something about Rokar's mythology."

"But the name change will definitely have to wait for a while. The most important thing for them now is to spread their influence quickly, take over and unify the whole city, and at the same time promote a group of officials who are pro-enlightenment. I think Gwenlin Now I am so busy with these things every day.”

Yes, city government is not gone.

Even the hot election process for core positions such as mayor has continued to advance with little delay.

Even though most people now know that the real owner of Casting Light City has been changed from [Fubo Energy] to [Enlightened One], the official side has always been the government from beginning to end.

In the past, Fubo's energy was at its peak, and the same was true when authority enveloped the entire Rokar Plain.

If the enlightened people directly dissolve the city government on the spot and reorganize the governing body themselves, it will no longer be a controlled area with the tacit consent of all parties, but an outright independent rebellion, which is bound to set off a violent wave. The current situation of enlightened people no longer allows extraneous matters to add to these troubles.

"When are you going to leave?" Lapis Lazuli asked.

"It's coming soon, but we won't leave in a few days."

Song Shi opened another can of soft drink and stared into the distance: "What? Are you going to give me a farewell party?"

Lapis Lazuli said concisely: "Together."

"Huh?" Song Shi put down the drink he was about to drink, turned his head, and said after a while: "Are you sure? The next Casting Light City is a good opportunity for 'Lapis Lazuli' to do something. The omnic is still there. I’m waiting for you to come back strong and return to the world stage.”

"There is no contradiction." Lapis Lazuli said: "I can complete most of what the Enlightened Ones can provide, but there are some things that they cannot provide to me."

"The translation is that you value my potential and plan to start from humble beginnings, share weal and woe, and increase your favorability so that you can draw some support for the future omnic community-"

Song Shi lazily stretched out his final tone, and suddenly said, "Can you say it in a more touching way?"

Lapis Lazuli was silent for a moment and said, "I will not breach the contract before the one-year service period is up."

"I'm touched." Song Shi clapped his hands and said, "Then let's come together. To be honest, if we go to the Eastern Continent Republic, I really need your ability as a 'demon'."

"Do you think I should just sit on top of you and fly over, or should I find Gwenlin to get a car first? I feel like it's all right."

"I recommend a land vehicle." Lapis Lazuli replied: "Of course, if you insist on flying over, I can do it too."


Song Shi unscrewed another can, seemed to have thought of something, and shook it towards the other person: "Do you want to drink it?"


"The atmosphere is so good, you really don't plan to have a can?" Song Shi said seriously: "Or are you afraid of a short circuit?"

So Lapis Lazuli took over the can of "refreshing dandelion thorn ball flavor" soda, a dent appeared on the top of the machine, turned it upside down, and began to gurgling downwards.

The two drank soda and ate pizza.

For a moment, no one spoke anymore, and the rooftop became quiet, with only the sound of the wind beating on the outer wall.

".It's still pretty good."

After a long while, Song Shi suddenly spoke.

Lapis Lazuli has been looking down.

The war a few days ago seemed to have affected a lot, but it seemed to have no effect at all.

On the street below, neon lights are still circulating, people in suits are still rushing to work, and advertisements promoting new implants are all over the streets. However, for some reason, the various loan sharking businesses that were originally densely populated are not. Disappeared overnight.

"Yeah." Lapis Lazuli said.

On this street, which is still the same as before, the only thing that has changed is probably that the thick accumulation of frost and snow that used to cover the ground is gone. Today is a rare good weather. A ray of brilliant golden glow flows straight from the blue sky, through the surging sea of ​​clouds, into the earth below.

There are little golden ripples.

The sky that used to be dull and gloomy suddenly became brighter for several days, and even the frost that I thought would never melt gradually dissipated.


Song Shi threw away the finished aluminum can, stretched and stood up.

"It's more comfortable under the sun."

——Volume 2·【The Ambition of Burning Light】·End

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