Psychics don't die from gunfire

Volume 2 End of Volume Summary

Hello everyone, this is Erchongyuzhe.

I am the type who advocates that "authors should not contact readers", but I actually like to communicate with readers, so I compromised and wrote a summary at the end of the volume. This is the second part I look forward to after each volume is finished, after all, it is the only chance for a volume.

Let's talk about the second volume.

[Burning Light Ambition] is me - since Erchongyuzhe has been writing, there has been no "unexpected" thing. This is my peak so far. The plot, characters, scenes and completion are all the best I have done.

I am very happy.

However, there are still quite a lot of shortcomings, such as the city government plot line, which originally had a high proportion, but because of the lack of control over the plot, it eventually became what it is now, becoming a pure background.

There is also the power of the text itself. Because my writing level is not good enough, it has dragged down, otherwise I think the two chapters of "Burning Light Ambition" and "■■" can have a better presentation effect, instead of being like now, neither up nor down.

Insert a setting that I didn't have time to write in the main text. The product style of [Southern Heavy Industry] has always been "heavy", "solid" and "tough". The caliber of weapons must be large! The armor plate of vehicles must be thick!

Therefore, the scale of "Transcendence" affiliated with [Southern Heavy Industry] is significantly larger than other "Transcendence", but this is like a fitness expert who has used technology. Muscles are indeed his own muscles, but if you want to maintain a big muscle figure, you must rely on technology to maintain it. Therefore, the Transcendence of [Southern Heavy Industry] is certainly stronger, but it is also very dependent on the logistics and industrial system of the enterprise.

There are actually quite a lot of settings and stages of [Corporate Alliance] that have not been written, such as the singularity technology of eleven giant enterprises (including bankrupt ones), the whole process of four full-scale corporate wars, the internal struggles among major giant enterprises, and the research and exploration of the abyss.

But let's stop here.

I must emphasize again that Psychic Does Not Die in Gunfire is not a pure, cyberpunk-themed work. Cyberpunk is just one of its components, and it is by no means the most core and underlying theme.

So the next volume, the third volume, will take place in the [Pan-Eastern Continental Union] - I believe I can write well here, and please rest assured that they also have their own hard work.

This volume should be longer than the second volume, but not more than two hundred chapters. Cyberpunk's [Corporate Alliance] has two volumes, and [Pan-Eastern Continental Union] will only have one volume.

Of course - of course!

The Corporate Alliance will definitely not be completely lost from now on, and it will definitely come back in the future.

But that will probably be a matter of the middle and late stages. If you are a friend who only wants to read Cyberpunk, then you can stop reading here. The first and second volumes are a very complete story. Not reading the future plot will not affect the reading experience of these two volumes.

By the way, here I repeat the forces mentioned in the text, [Corporate Alliance], [Pan-Eastern Continental Union], [Vampsta Empire], [Eden], [Yenan], [Silent Society].

- About the performance.

Actually, it is quite good. I am quite satisfied with it. After all, it is a masterpiece. If I update, I admit my guilt. I'm sorry. I will try to become a dual-update writer in the future.

Here, I would also like to express my gratitude to my friends who have been voting, reading, subscribing and rewarding me. I am so disappointed in the update, but I still get such love. Thank you. I am really grateful.

By the way, I will take a day off to rest, study the outline and settings, and wait for my return!

- Volume 3 [Liaoguang Star Region].

See you the day after tomorrow.

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