Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 282 Travel Planning

"Starting from the Rokal Plain, first arrive at Mafat, then cross the Oso Rift Valley, go all the way east, cross the wasteland, and reach the border of the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation. After that, you can choose Liujiang County or Nan'an The county enters.”

The voice paused, and Lapis turned his head: "Song Shi, are you listening?"

"Here, there, there!"

Song Shi quickly put down the data tablet and came closer. His hand passed through the holographic map projection on the electronic table in front of him: "How could you not listen? Uh, wait a moment and I will take a look. Okay, okay, what should I say, you The first half of the plan is okay, but the journey after reaching the border needs to be modified.”

"Looking at the overall map, Lijiang and Nan'an are indeed the borders of the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation. This is the closest route, but they are counties and provinces under the jurisdiction of the [Beiting Defense Front]. But we are going to the [Eastern Continent] Lu Republic of China], you have to go around a lot to get there from Lijiang and Nan'an, which actually takes more time. "

Song Shi knocked on the crystal table and lightly grasped it with his five fingers. The scale of the holographic map expanded silently and settled on another area: "We enter from here, Fengzhou County. After entering, we can cross the two counties to get there." Yu Lai'."

"Oh, one more thing, what is my goal - since I have to go all the way, theoretically I shouldn't hide it."

Song Shi's gaze paused somewhere on the map: "But...let's put it this way, Lapis Lazuli, I can only tell you that I want to go to 'Yulai' to confirm something. In fact, I don't know what it is specifically yet." grasp."

More than a year has passed since I was reborn in this life.

At this point in the previous life, he had been kicked out of the orphanage and began to rely on his own efforts. He was wandering around the counties, working on his own while studying psychic powers, and his whereabouts were uncertain, but this was not a big problem.

When a person has lived in a certain place for a long time, even if he leaves later, the traces left by his long life, like the brocade marks covering the walls and the wet moss dust in the gaps between the stone steps, will not be lost when he leaves. It dissipated in an instant.

I was born an orphan and stayed in an orphanage for more than ten years. As long as I returned there, there were many ways to confirm whether there was still a "Song Shi" in this life.

just these things

In less than two years, a high school graduate reached the third level as a psyker. Even for psykers of the same level as himself and Chakoro, the speed of promotion was astonishing - I had reached this point in my previous life. , but it took a full five years.

After that, it took twelve years to reach the peak of the fourth ring.

Therefore, both Chakoluo and Xu Yu, including Lapis Lazuli, more or less noticed something abnormal, but they just didn't care, it didn't matter, so they pretended that it didn't happen.

But as far as I am concerned, the matter of "rebirth" is too bizarre after all, and I don't want to really reveal it yet.

I had never cared about it before. Firstly, because there were things worth doing immediately, so I didn’t have time to worry about them. Secondly, my strength was still insufficient. Even if I wanted to explore the reason, I couldn’t do anything.

But now that everything is done and he has been promoted to the third ring again, he has initially gained the qualification to "use his skills to travel around the world" and is ready to set off.

——I hope I can find the answer after returning to Yulai.

"How deep-rooted is it?" After listening to Song Shi's words, Lapis Lazuli spoke after a while.

"Huh?" Song Shi looked away and looked at the omnic: "What?"

"The Situation of the Pan-Eastern Continental Commonwealth."

Lapis Lazuli tapped the holographic projection to continuously shrink the territory, revealing the territory of the entire Pan-Eastern Continent Federation: "I have read the information. During the Seven-Earth War, various forces in the Eastern Continent and surrounding areas sought self-protection and peace. A political system born of expansion and alliance cooperation.”

"But the Seven-Earth War has ended nearly seventy years ago. I originally thought that even if these forces still exist, they are just a combination of comprehensive interests similar to political parties that maintain a certain degree of influence. But Song Shi, judging from your statement, this does not seem to be the case. "

"It's not that complicated."

Song Shi disagreed: "The historical origins you mentioned in the first half are correct, but the second half is much simpler than you thought. Those forces have never been disbanded from the beginning to the end. You can just think of them as separatist warlords. Each party occupies These counties and provinces, and then all parties regularly elect a nominal leader of the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation based on the "Nine Counties Discussion" and put together a set of governing institutions, under which everyone is theoretically governed. "

"But the actual situation is that each county and province basically follows each force's own rules - of course, on the surface this is a legitimate 'autonomy' that is backed by the constitution."

"Well, that's right. Let me think about the attitude towards omnics." Song Shi suddenly thought of something and pondered seriously for a while: "The Eastern Continent Republic is definitely not good. Even we ourselves are engaged in division and discrimination there. You guys Omnics are only treated as pure tools and have no rights at all.”

"Four Huangtian is not very good either. I personally don't like the Knowledge Council. The Beiting Defense Front is not bad. As long as you are strong enough, you may have a say there."

"I do want to take action on this."

Lapis Lazuli interrupted Song Shi, and it did not say any words of refusal: "But the priority in this regard, at least at the current priority, can be lowered. We will complete your 'confirmation' task first, and then advance the omnic relevant actions.”

"That makes sense."

Song Shi clapped his hands decisively. He just happened to think of it and said a few words. If he really wanted to make an action plan now, I'm afraid he might not be willing to do it.

"in addition."

Lapis Lazuli then added: "There is another transportation plan. We can purchase time-series cross-border air services to reach the Pan-Eastern Continental Consortium directly."

"Huh?" Song Shi was slightly startled.

Cross-border aviation is considered a high-end service even in the time-series business sequence, and passenger files must be strictly reviewed.

If you sit on it based on your experience, you may be afraid that as soon as your front foot reaches the troposphere, a team of fifth-level units will fall from the sky and crash into the plane with a powerful force.

The next moment, Song Shi suddenly realized something.

"Have you downloaded the new interesting language module?"

"you guess?"

Song Shi took a good look at the other person and said weirdly: "That's okay."


Hearing the ringtone, Song Shi picked up the data tablet and connected to the communication.

"Gwenlyn. Well, are you ready? So soon? Okay, then I'll come over now."

The conversation was very fast. After a few breaths, Song Shi hung up the communication. He waved the data tablet towards Lapis Lazuli: "Gwenlin, the vehicle is ready. Let's go and have a look?"

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