Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 283 Vehicles and Psychic Skills

Song Shi opened the door, sat on Lapis Lazuli, and drove across the skyline of the city toward his destination amidst the roar of construction machinery.

The impact of that battle is far from dissipated. The most obvious point is that the first and second districts were devastated. However, they are currently repairing and rebuilding day and night, and they have barely restored a bit of the original city outline.

In order to avoid commotion, Lapis opened the optical simulacrum, but within a moment, the two of them were at the place.

Song Shi jumped to the ground and burned the ruins of an apartment building next to him that was about to be completely demolished to ashes. The driver who had just driven the bulldozer looked at it for a moment. After burning the apartment, Song Shi was satisfied, nodded to the latter, and entered the base ahead.

After the threat from the company headed by Fubo Energy was temporarily gone, Enlightenment was finally able to show up openly. In order to expand its influence, it has begun to relocate some bases to the ground one after another. This logistics base is one of them.

However, once we entered, there were quite few people inside, sparse and sparse. They probably all went out to work. A tractor-navigation drone that had been waiting for them quickly came forward to guide Song Shi and Lapis Lazuli.

A few minutes later, the end was reached.

There was only one vehicle parked in the huge and empty garage at the moment.

It was a car painted entirely in black, with a streamlined body that perfectly complied with aerodynamics, yet was filled with a strong sense of power. Violence and luxury, two completely different visual styles, are very self-consistently integrated in the creation of the senior art director.

"Let me take a look at the fourth-level embedded armor plate, the fourth-level anti-electromagnetic interference module, the ultra-road condition balancer, and the zero-day intelligent control system." Song Shi circled the car and raised his eyebrows: "This kind of structure still uses No working substance power?"

"Those plus this." Song Shi's eyes turned to the car logo again, which was the pattern of "Margarita", a high-end vehicle sub-brand that is popular in time: "How can this thing cost tens of millions of credit points to start, what are you enlightened people?" Are you so rich now?”

"After the defeat of Fubo Energy, a considerable number of people were afraid of being liquidated by us, so they immediately sold their assets and tried to leave Cast Light City as soon as possible. They had many things that they had no time to take away, so they were forced to stay."

Gwenlin's voice came from the drone: "We dragged this car from an underground private garage. The previous owner went bankrupt due to the collapse of Fubo Energy's stock price and the liquidation of the property."

"He wanted to leave Casting Light City and change his appearance, but he was caught by the tax inspection team of [Dark Crystal Credit] on the way. Originally, the car was going to be auctioned by them for repayment, but we 'negotiated' and suppressed it. ”

"Margarita's 'Festa' replica last season was sold in a limited edition of 12 units across the entire network, priced at 34 million points." Lapis Lazuli also finished searching for the consultation and accurately stated the parameters, etc. Information: "One of the biggest highlights is the medium-free power, which uses a lightweight nuclear fission engine set. The top speed exceeds 700 kilometers per hour, and the acceleration from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour is 0.7 seconds."

Song Shi estimated the lethality of the self-destruction and nodded subconsciously.

"Considering that you are going to drive ultra-long-distance cross-country, we disassembled some components and focused on strengthening the load-bearing and pressure-resistant capabilities." Gwenlin paused and asked the drone to throw a key over: " Anyway, it's yours now."

While Song Shi took over the key, Gwenlin added: "In addition to basic supplies, we also put a set of standard units of mechanical materials. If there is a problem with the car on the road, you can ask Lapis Lazuli to repair it. "

[Southern Region Heavy Industry]'s Singularity Technology "Universal Printer" is claimed to be a universal industrial machine. As long as it has a technological blueprint and sufficient materials, it can produce any corresponding technology, equipment, and devices. As long as there is a "universal printer", even if the world falls into ruins overnight, human beings can rebuild civilization on top of the ruins.

As a second level [Transcendence] omnic, although Lapis Lazuli is far from reaching this level, it also has similar functions. At least it can be used as a temporary mechanical repairman.

"I'm so well prepared. I've considered everything."

Song Shi walked around the car and smiled: "Then why don't we just leave today."

Gwenlin completely ignored the young man's words, paused, and said: "There are only so many logistics we can do. But one thing is, are you sure you don't plan to inscribe a few more psychic skills before setting off?"

In order to break through the company's suppression and consider its own limitations, "extraordinary individual soldiers" have always been the core development direction of Enlightenment. However, there is a technical gap between Enlightenment and the company in things such as prosthetics, weapons and modules. Therefore, when it comes to extraordinary individual soldiers, Enlightened Ones rely more on psychic energy than other things.

Therefore, they have quite a wealth of spiritual skills and rituals in reserve, which Song Shi can call upon at will as long as he wants.

"No need." Song Shi said without hesitation: "I already know the next combination of psychic skills, and to be honest, I'm not in a hurry."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Song Shi raised his head and looked at the drone: "——Gwenlin, do you have any records of the 'Forging Heart' ceremony?"

After one point and three seconds, Gwenlin's voice sounded, and she said cautiously: "No, at least in the database that I have permission to search, no relevant records were found. Do you need this psychic skill? We can pay attention to it later. , if there is any news, please pass it on to——"

"Oh, that's not necessary." Song Shi nodded: "I'll just tell you."

"Hmm?" Gwenlin was silent for a while and slowly uttered a syllable.

"——Follow your will and never regret it even if you die nine times."

Song Shi tapped his chest: "The most fundamental point to obtain the 'heart of practice' is that your heart cannot be changed. In other words, your heart can only change because of yourself, and cannot be bent and changed by external things - no, even shaking is not allowed."

"It is a universal psychic skill, not limited to a certain path. The source cannot be tested for the time being, but I personally speculate that it may be created by [Truth]. The specific content of the ceremony is 'travel thousands of miles without changing your heart'."

Song Shi looked at the car and said casually: "Its ceremony is a relatively wonderful one. It can be very troublesome or very simple, depending on the person. But no matter which one, it takes a long time."

"Included." Gwenlin asked: "Is there anything else to add?"

"No. No, there is really a little bit." Song Shi thought about it and suddenly laughed: "It can be used with 'Burning Blood' and 'Forging Flame', the effect is..."

Song Shi knocked on the car door and said leisurely: "——Very strong."

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