Leaving is not a special thing.

However, after hearing that Song Shi was leaving, some people spontaneously held a farewell party or simply found an excuse to celebrate and have fun.

The atmosphere on the scene was extremely warm, even too warm. A bunch of people were drinking, singing, laughing and making noises. Some people even staggered to take out guns to set off fireworks. Fortunately, the people next to them were quick-witted and punched them in the face, knocking them unconscious.

At the end of the farewell party, no one even noticed that the theoretical farewell object "Song Shi" had slipped away.

The hot wind blew in the face. After the [Macro-state Light Energy Matrix] gradually closed and gradually withdrew from the Rokar area, the climate here has returned to its appearance thousands of years ago, hot and windy.

Some local merchants with a keen sense of smell have begun to plan future commodity procurement plans. At least the warming patches and self-heating cotton jackets that were extremely popular in the past are obviously not going to work in the future market.


Song Shi stood on the roof and snapped his fingers in disdain. The hot flame lit up for a moment, burning away the smell of alcohol: "Industrial alcohol mixed with medical alcohol, you might as well just drink gasoline directly, anyway, the liver can be replaced at will."

The next moment, Song Shi suddenly turned his head.

Another figure standing on the roof appeared. He smoked quietly and seemed to have been standing for a long time, but Song Shi was sure that there was no one here just a second ago.

"Nano particles. No, it should be said that it is your "cells."

However, there was no surprise on Song Shi's face. He looked at the other party: "You have scattered the "cells" that make up your body in the city. Each one can act as a fulcrum. Once encountering special circumstances, it can quickly absorb and gather nearby "cells" to form itself."

"But in this way, you will be completely dragged into Zhuguang City." Song Shi commented.

The person who came was Xu Yudu.

In a sense, after being promoted to the fifth ring, the opponent has completely transformed his life form and become a "nano-state aggregate". Every cell that was once a nanoworm has become an existence similar to a nanoworm.

At the moment, the opponent has clearly decomposed his body, spreading throughout the city like dust - but this level of decomposition, even if it is the fifth ring [transcendence], it will take a long time to reassemble it into a complete body.

In the past, Cha Keluo said that he was bound to the City of Light, but in essence he could still move freely.

And Xu Yudu's move was literally restricted here.

"It's just an emergency measure."

Xu Yudu took a puff of cigarette. His temporarily aggregated body was only about the strength of the third ring: "Our takeover is still progressing. It's very chaotic during this period. Some people want to fish in troubled waters, but there are not enough people. I have to ensure that there will be no problems. After taking over here completely, I will withdraw."

Compared to a city with a population of millions, the members of the Enlightened are undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, after the full-scale war ended and the situation in Forging Light City stabilized again, a considerable number of people couldn't wait to leave.

They were originally members of the local branches and were eligible to be transferred to Forging Light City. They were all elite.

However, because of this, after losing them, the branch lacked strength. In addition, the battle in Forging Light City not long ago alarmed the entire corporate alliance. After a brief surprise, those companies did not hesitate to increase the pressure in their own areas, making the situation of these branches even worse.

So we have to go back to support them.

"Hmm. So you are here to attend the farewell party in the middle of the night?" Song Shi smiled.

When he mentioned this, the middle-aged man looked unhappy when he saw the members of the Enlightened Ones staggering in the yard below, and said unhappily: "No discipline at all"

Xu Yudu took a deep puff of the cigarette, and then chewed the remaining cigarette butts: "I went to see Yvette and Paddy."

Chief of the Science Ethics Committee, Fifth Ring [Truth], Yvette Gregory.

Director General of the Security Bureau, Fifth Ring [Consensus], Paddy Morse.

"I'm listening." Hearing these two names, Song Shi suddenly became interested: "Tell me more."

"The Science Ethics Committee will station a supervisory group to provide us with public endorsement, and will carry out some unofficial cooperation in the future, but that's all. Paddy. Humph, still wavering as usual, saying some meaningless words, and can't see through his thoughts."

Then, Xu Yudu snorted again: "Consensus... Haha, consensus is like this."

"At that time, many people were watching, especially Ye Nan." Xu Yudu got to the point: "After that day, they made some new moves on the border. Now the situation is a lot more tense, but they have all been concealed. If you want to go out of the country and cross the wasteland, you may run into their people-I don't know what you think of Ye Nan, but my personal advice is to be careful."

On the day when Cha Keluo turned into a star and went retrograde, and hit the solar radiation focusing array, the terrifying energy level fluctuations swept the sky and shocked all directions.

As the closest country, the fifth rings of [Yenan] cast their eyes and even showed a restless attitude, forcing the fifth rings of other giant companies to confront them and unable to spare the spare energy to deal with Qimingzhe.

Obviously, the former is very happy to cause trouble for the corporate alliance, and for this, Qimingzhe has to thank the other party.

"Yenan?" Song Shi repeated the word and nodded: "Okay, I know."

After revealing this information, without saying anything about meeting again, Xu Yu simply dismissed this temporary incarnation, returned to dust, and dissipated under the night sky.

So it was time to set off.

The afternoon of the second day.

"I brought food, bagged water, and enough medicine, and the logistics supplies are sufficient." Song Shi glanced at the in-vehicle storage management panel, which clearly showed what was carried in the trunk.

Song Shi closed the panel casually, inserted the key, passed the fingerprint verification, and then twisted it hard.

The whole car instantly made a violent roar, and the body began to tremble slightly.

Although theoretically using nuclear power, this car does not have the loud sound of a working fluid engine, but considering the personal preferences of some users, the developer Margarita specially designed a set of controllable in-vehicle experience of "simulating internal combustion engines" to strive to bring users the most intimate enjoyment.

Lapis Lazuli sat, no, to be precise, it turned on magnetic adsorption and was tightly attached to the ceiling inside the car.

If it is still suspended by gravity, it will hit the rear windshield in a few seconds.

"Pan-Eastern Continental Union Yulai."

Song Shi knocked on the instrument panel, and the car audio started automatically. A bright and brisk female voice began to sound. Zen Liu Shanna's new album "Xing Xiang Trajectory" last quarter had achieved an excellent record of No. 1 on the seven charts.

Crossing his fingers, knuckles cracked.

Song Shi stretched his waist, put his hands on the steering wheel, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. In the wild laughter, he rushed out like an arrow from a bow! He swept through the streets, rushed onto the road, and headed straight in one direction!

"——Song Shi, I'm back!"

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