Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 286: What you want comes true

When the red-gold flames streaked across the town, even the increasingly dazzling sunlight these days dimmed.

Old Som's mansion is located in the center of the town. The three-story villa with a large courtyard is so eye-catching among the dilapidated buildings nearby. And the next moment, the scorching flames broke through the air from a distance and directly smashed into the villa courtyard!


In the rising and splashing flames, Song Shi walked out and looked around.

Under his feet, with the landing point as the center, a large pit with a radius of several meters and a molten slurry appeared. Even if "Liaoyuan" was deliberately not used, the black and red pit was still slowly spreading.

"It's better to move a little."

Song Shi walked towards the main entrance of the villa. His steps were not fast, and he could even say that he was slow.

And in this slow pace, some people finally reacted. For their own safety and convenience of dispatch, these old Som's men almost all lived near the mansion to protect their boss.

The three sturdy men swallowed the pills and grabbed the plasma rifles to shoot. Another of their companions also drew the plasma lightsaber from his waist, ready to pounce at any time. As the former distribution agent of Fubo Energy, Old Som bought a batch of good energy weapons through this channel to arm his men.

But Song Shi didn't even look at them, just snapped his fingers.

With a "crack", almost at the same time, a series of arcs and flames exploded on the bodies of these people, puffing out - to be more precise, their prostheses.

"Hackers! Damn it's hackers!"

Looking at the dense scarlet pop-ups that suddenly filled the vision of the prosthetic eye, the sturdy man with a mohawk screamed in panic, and his whole body collapsed to his knees in an extremely awkward posture.

Damn! Where did the other party come from! He took over the prostheses of the five of them in one encounter. You should know that he spends a lot of money on the "prosthesis firewall" subscription business of Zero Degree Network every month? !

But there are exceptions!

Among the five, the one with the lowest degree of prosthetics barely maintained a certain degree of mobility. He gritted his teeth and was about to shoot, but the finger that pulled the gun suddenly exploded, blood splattered, and the rifle fell to the ground helplessly.

The next second, the belated sound of gunfire came.

"Have you checked the personal files? It's really efficient." Song Shi tilted his head slightly and praised. The information from Lapis Lazuli came from the headset. The criminal records of these five people were very rich, and each of them was qualified to be shot on the execution ground.

Then let's shoot them.

The vision of the prosthetic eyes was deprived, and the implants were paralyzed. At this moment, these men became pure live targets. Song Shi emptied a magazine and blew five heads in a row. He continued to move forward in the blood and oil all over the ground.


When Song Shi took a step, the control authority of the sentry gun tower hidden in the wall was tampered with, and they all misfired. The alloy baffle that had just risen and covered the door and windows was temporarily stiff and retracted again.

Unimpeded access.

"You are indeed quite rich, and you even have an intelligent control defense system." Song Shi casually turned the door handle and entered the villa: "But the more sophisticated things are, the easier it is to get out of control. Didn't the company that installed this defense system for you tell you?"

What greeted the young man was a heavy energy machine gun standing at the end of the corridor, roaring violently.

Without choosing to beg for mercy or take the opportunity to slip away, Old Som, a middle-aged man who hastily put on a bulletproof vest, sat on the gun rack with a bulging belly, and pulled the trigger with a fierce look on his face!

"That's more like talking."

Song Shi nodded slightly and finally used his psychic power.

Psychic Skills · [Scorched Earth].

The red-gold field unfolded silently, and those spitting and shining plasma rain curtains could only smash circles of red-gold ripples, but could not shake the scorched earth at all. In fact, as Song Shi stepped forward, the plasma rain curtain began to retreat little by little.

Even the fierce expression of old Som, who was fighting to the death, gradually froze in front of this scene.


When the shadow finally covered him, old Som was still pulling the trigger, but the overloaded red-temperature energy machine gun could no longer spit out bullets.

Song Shi grabbed the red-hot barrel, bent it 90 degrees with five fingers, and then extended his index finger, and a spark lit up from the fingertips.

Aim at the middle-aged man.

"I'll give you a chance. Do you have anything else to say?" Song Shi signaled old Som to speak.

"You, you are. The Enlightened One."

Old Som was stunned, and his eyes became resentful again: "You bastard raised by a bitch! You-"

"Sorry, I'm an orphan."

Song Shi sighed, and the sparks burst into a scorching light, engulfing the machine gun and burning the other party.

"I see my wife is divorced, and my daughter is studying in a company college in another city. Then you are the only one."

Song Shi browsed the message sent by Lapis Lazuli, nodded, turned around and walked out of the mansion.

At this time, Lapis Lazuli had already arrived.

Unexpectedly, a short figure suddenly appeared behind the intelligent machine, gasping for breath.

"Did you bring him here?" Song Shi raised his eyebrows.

Lapis Lazuli said concisely: "No, he followed by himself."

"So brave? And he is very good at seizing opportunities" Song Shi laughed: "I like him a little bit."

The child rushed into the courtyard, took a look at the mess in the courtyard, and then without hesitation, rushed to the young man in the center: "Sir! Sir! I want to help you!"

"No need to help, I don't need it."

And when the child tensed up and was about to kneel down, he heard the other party say: "But it's okay to teach you something."

He grabbed the other person smoothly and stood upright.

Song Shi smiled and said, "How about I teach you some psychic powers?"

Hearing "teach something", the child showed uncontrollable ecstasy at first, but after hearing the next sentence, he quickly shook his head: "Sir! I want to learn how to be a hacker!"


"I've seen everything -" he showed admiration on his face, and even gestured with his hands: "Just now! You just destroyed their prosthetic bodies! Madam is so amazing!"

"No, no, no, learn psychic abilities." Song Shi was stunned for a moment and said seriously.

"I still want to be a hacker! Just teach me a little!" The child shook his head vigorously and said sincerely: "I know I can't give anything! So just a little will do!"

".I take back what I just said."

Song Shi's face darkened: "Okay, I won't teach you psychic powers anymore, and you don't want to learn hacking skills either."

The other party was shocked.

But in the end, I learned something after all.

Lapis Lazuli provided a data card that stored an introductory tutorial on "network technology" and handed it to the child. It was at that moment that the latter realized that he had met an omnic.

With this tutorial, as long as you follow the steps step by step, and your talent is above the standard, it will be no problem to rely on network technology to make a living.

After leaving the crying child who was grateful for the kindness, Lapis Lazuli, who inspected the mansion, provided new information.

"Old Somme has been in contact with Chronology Tongxing? Just recently?" Song Shi was a little confused: "No wonder he didn't leave Rokar quickly. Chronology Tongxing probably gave him some kind of promise and wanted him to stay here as a trap. Why? Rocard will make advance arrangements for future admissions.”

"Greedy, bold, and a big gambler." Song Shi commented: "It's not a bad habit, it's just that he lost the bet this time."

"Don't you want to stay for a while longer?" Lapis Lazuli asked: "You just killed Old Som and his men, but the situation here is not stable yet."

"Am I still going to have to help them find jobs and arrange the planning of gathering places for them?"

Song Shi asked back: "That's enough for now, they will find their own way. Everyone has to find their own way. And they can live in the wasteland, they are not as fragile as you think."

".I know." Lapis Lazuli said after being silent for a while.

"Huh huh." Song Shi yawned: "But, I sent a message to Gwenlin. The returning enlightened people who pass by here in the next few days will pay attention to the situation here."

As they spoke, one person and one omnic walked across the street and returned to the open-air parking lot.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the luxury car that showed its original appearance faced the surging red clouds and crashed into the wasteland again, with smoke and dust billowing away.

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