
Hearing what the other party said, Bart laughed and shook his head: "I want to be a member of Yenan. How comfortable it is to have a powerful person to protect me? Unfortunately, my family members are all stubborn."

"But there is no way, right?" Bart knocked on his chest: "After all, we are family."

Song Shi nodded.

He pulled out his gun and fired a shot into the distance. The red-gold flames broke through the air and fell to the ground in an instant. With a bang, it turned into a sky-high fire stream that rose several meters and surging like magma. From a distance, it looked like a ball of high-explosive bombs exploded.

It was not until the flames shot up into the sky that the three people realized what happened. The two people beside Bart suddenly drew their guns.

"I have no problem with Ye Nan, and you can admit it now." Song Shi turned the gun and put it back to his waist casually: "But if we continue to play the game of hiding our identities - in a place like the wasteland, what does 'hiding identity' mean, and what consequences will it lead to? I don't need to say more, right?"


The sound of the gun just sounded, Bart reacted and forcibly pressed down the muzzle of his companion: "Calm down!"

"--My fault! Sorry!"

Glancing at the blazing fire in the distance, Bart clasped his hands together and said in a deep voice: "Sorry! But we really have no ill intentions! You also said that, after all, this is in the wasteland!"

He took a deep breath and said word by word: "You guessed right, yes, we are indeed Ye Nan's rangers."

"That's right, ask a question." Song Shi suddenly knocked on Vansta: "Do you like this car?"

Bart was startled.

However, a few seconds later, the man next to him named "Qi Lang" realized something and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He stepped forward: "I"

"The ability to conceal your eyes needs to be improved."

Song Shi commented that the Vansta had not turned on the camouflage module at the moment, and it was the original luxurious appearance. After seeing the car, this "Qi Lang" showed a brief resentment. Although it was well concealed, how could it be hidden from himself.

Then, Qi Lang, who was nervous, heard the other party say leisurely.

"If I say that this car was snatched from the company, would you be happier?"


Half an hour later.

In the backlight of a large wind-eroded rock wall.

Bart stuffed a piece of solid fuel into the folding furnace, and the bright flames rose, bringing some warmth.

"The temperature in this area is very low at night, and it is much more comfortable to roast a fire." Bart explained, and paused again: "But you probably don't need it?"

"What do you guess?"

Song Shi glanced at the folding furnace, and the red-gold flame emerged silently, turning into a stream of fire, with the crowd as the center, drawing a "circle" with a radius of four meters on the ground. The temperature of the environment rose rapidly and finally settled at a warm level.

Seeing this, Bart chuckled and said nothing more. He just took out the compressed food block from the trunk of the motorcycle, set up a pot, and started to cook.

The other two lowered their heads, sat silently, and said nothing, obviously giving the right to negotiate to Bart.


Bart was cooking with a focused look on his face, as if he had no time to talk for the time being, but his mind was always thinking fast.

His skills were definitely not bad. The first ring [Transcendence] psychic power and a fairly good implant configuration, the two together, can also touch ordinary third-level units. Even if there are two companions to assist, it may not be impossible to kill the latter.

But the opponent's strength, just the part that was shown, obviously exceeded his own.

A pistol shot out a power comparable to a high-explosive bomb. Flame, [Dayuan]? I'm afraid that in the second ring, this young guy in front of me can also be considered a master.

Fortunately, the other party did not show any malice for the time being.

The initiative is definitely not back, so just deal with it for the time being.

"Well, let me ask a question." Bart finally finished fiddling with the stew pot and raised his head: "I want to know how you can tell our identity? Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't answer, I just can't help being curious."

While Bart and others were thinking about Song Shi, Song Shi was also observing the former.

A three-person team, two members specializing in force, and a technician responsible for equipment maintenance and use.

A very standard configuration of the Yenan Rangers.

After hearing Bart's words, Song Shi said concisely: "Temperament."

"Although there are no identical individuals in theory, the same occupation, the same environment, and the same growth experience can bring about a 'similar' temperament. Your appearance is disguised well, but your temperament is not very similar to that of a wanderer."

"But there are indeed traces of long-term wasteland running, so the only thing I can think of is the Rangers."

"Ha temperament?" Bart swallowed the other party's words in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face: "This kind of explanation, this is the first time I've heard of it."

This time, Song Shi did not speak.

He looked at the three people for a few seconds, and suddenly said: "What kind do you call him?"

Bart was really surprised.

He looked at the other two who had been silent. The former's expression gradually became strange, and he actually said with some sincerity: "You know Ye Nan quite well."

"Ma Wen and I are both 'tribal leaders'." Bart said: "Qilang is the 'president'."

"Tribal leader?"

Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then you didn't completely lie to me at the beginning. At least your grandfather's generation was a real wanderer."

Long before the Seven Lands War, there were groups that pursued anarchism, gave up their identities and settlements, and chose to wander outside the territories of various countries. That was the prototype of today's "wanderers".

After the Seven-Earth War began, war swept across the world, cities were razed, and political power collapsed. In order to stay away from the war as much as possible and seek survival, more and more people became wanderers.

When the scale of the wanderers reaches a certain level, a "tribe" is formed. The wanderers call each other family members and are united by non-blood family relationships. Different tribes have different cultures and systems, but the leaders of these tribes are basically called "tribe chiefs".

Bart waved his hand: "It was all decades ago. Now I can only verbally miss it. Not many of my family members would be happy to let my family start wandering again."

"By the way." Bart's tone became serious: "It doesn't matter to us wanderers, you can call the patriarch whatever you want. But some guys, especially in front of those religious guys, you can't call the patriarch by his name - that's An insult to their 'popes' and 'saints'."

"Thank you for reminding."

Song Shi laughed lazily: "I will pay attention."

If we calculate the time, the current generation of the Lord of Yenan will look like he has just succeeded to the throne two or three years ago?

But looking at the demeanor of Bart and others, they already have considerable respect for them.


In the past Seven Lands War, the earth was shattered, blood flowed, and the country and power fell apart. Every day, people woke up one night and found that they had become useless and became a person who had lost his country and lost his family.

It was on this fragmented land that the original Lord of Yenan was born.

He rose up with extremely high force, gathered the people who had lost their country and lost their families along the way, accepted various defeated forces, and then conquered and regained the territory, and actually grew up to be one of the final winners of the Seven Lands War.

After the Seven Earth Wars, with his unparalleled reputation, he forcibly united all the forces under his command and announced the establishment of [Yenan].

But even the [Pan-Eastern Continental Federation], a political integration that lives in a region and has a cultural consensus, is full of internal contradictions, and the disparate forces, countries, and races that make up [Yenan] have And the difficulty of integration is more than twice that of the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation?

Even some of the forces had historical grievances, but they both became losers and their country was ruined and their families were destroyed, so they were forced to come together and accept the leadership of the Lord of Yenan.

In such a complicated situation, even if there is a buffer from the experience of fighting together during the Seven-Earth War, it will not be enough.

Far from enough.

——There must be something to bind all the people and forces together.

So, the original Lord of Yenan made a choice.

He is an emperor and a president, he is a pope and a patriarch. Saint, marshal and khan are all aspects of his title.

He is the most noble King of Kings and the Chief Executive Officer. He was crowned as the Maharaja and also assumed the honorific title of Saint and the position of Speaker.

Since then, the disintegrated people have had a common and only leader, and under his banner, they have embarked on the road to the future.

[Yinan] is far more dispersed than the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation.

It is also far larger than the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation.

More cohesive.

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