Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 289 Weather, Ecology and Guidance

".That's it."

Bart said.


Song Shi stared at the bubbling pot and raised his finger slightly to increase the brightness of the flame, illuminating the surrounding area brightly.

Without taking the initiative to ask, Bart naturally revealed their purpose and the causes and consequences of contacting Song Shi in a casual tone.

Strictly speaking, the "Ranger" is not a regular armed unit in Yenan. Their most common duty is actually to investigate and map the wasteland.

The defeat during the Seven-Earth War caused many people to be forced to leave their hometowns, and a large number of forces lost their territory. Even though later under the leadership of the first generation Lord of Yenan, they were kneaded together and regained part of their territory. But that's not all.

Although some forces and people no longer care, the former are in the minority.

More forces, under the repeated emphasis and teachings of several generations, this vision of taking back one's "rightful place" has not faded yet, but has become more urgent due to decades of precipitation.

On the other hand, [Yinan] also has a basic strategy to restore the wasteland ecology - this was the pursuit of the first generation of Yinnan owners.

The Seven-Soil War caused serious damage to the world's ecology. Not only was the environment polluted, the land barren and uninhabitable, but the probability of extreme climates also increased significantly, and there were even "natural disasters"-level climate disasters.

Every time a natural disaster occurs, the terrain and environment of that wasteland will be changed.

Whether it is to restore the wasteland ecology or to take back the old land occupied by others in the future, [Yinan] must master the information of the wasteland.

This is why the Rangers were established. They run around in the wasteland all year round, surveying and mapping terrain, environment and other data to build a real-time and detailed database.

When the rangers sense that there is an opportunity to restore the ecology of a certain wasteland area, Yenan will send a large force there to officially start the wasteland restoration operation.

In a sense, Yenan's huge [wide-area weather control devices] are not only space-based weapons for them to control the wild areas, but also tools for ecological restoration.

——As Rangers, the three Barts are no exception.

Although action was taken on the border between the Enterprise Alliance and Yenan due to the Battle of Forged Light City, the superiors did not give the three Bart additional tasks and still asked them to survey and map the wasteland along the established route.

However, during the day, they judged that they were coming from the direction of the Enterprise Alliance, so they thought of pretending to be wanderers to see if they could get some valuable information about the Enterprise Alliance.

Moreover, even if the other party knows nothing about it, the deserted land is cold and lonely, and running around here all year round is quite mentally stressful. It would be good to chat with a stranger to relieve it.

Then I met myself

"--wake up?"

Song Shi suddenly turned his head and saw the car door automatically opening, and the spherical body slowly flying out.

"This is a regular cleanup of redundant data." Lapis Lazuli corrected.

Bart was still a little stunned when he heard the conversation.

Marvin on the other side had already reacted. He was a technician in the Rangers. He was responsible for wasteland surveying, mechanical repair, prosthesis maintenance, network technology, etc. He could tell in an instant that this was definitely not an anthropomorphic machine. The program’s smart companion drone is clearly a real “omnic”!

After a brief moment of surprise, a cold chill surged from the bottom of his heart and crawled up his spine.

Before the other party took the initiative to fly out, he was completely unaware of its existence.

This shows that there is a gap between our own technology and equipment performance and that of the other party, and we were easily blocked.

Devil? How deep is it? Depth 2? No, I'm afraid it's depth 3.

Marvin lowered his head to hide his throbbing Adam's apple.

Two strong second-level psychic players, including a depth 3 demon. Once the other party turns against them and takes action, the news about their team will not be able to spread.

"Can I ask, where are you going next?" Bart also realized a certain possibility, and he smiled: "Our route is to go east, to the Adat Mountains."

"Pan-Eastern Continent Federation, Fengzhou County."

"Then it seems we are lucky and can still go a long way." Bart seemed quite surprised and patted his chest: "Song Shi, uh, and this omnic friend, if you don't dislike it, why don't we all come together? Go? I dare not say anything else, but at least I still have some confidence in crossing the wasteland."

"Okay." The other party replied quickly: "Then let's go together."

Song Shi spread his hands and looked at the man with a smile: "There is a free guide to lead the way, which saves effort and worry. Do I still want to refuse?"

A second later, Bart coughed and showed genuine joy: "That's great."

After a simple dinner, as the night got darker, Bart and others had something on their minds and lost interest in talking for a while, so they each set up a temporary camp and fell asleep. Song Shi also returned to the car, watched two simulator movies, and played games for half the night.

The psykers who have been promoted to the third level are no longer human. Song Shi can now maintain a strong mental state even if he doesn't sleep for a week. But out of personal habit, he still sleeps for an hour or two every night.

At dawn the next day, the group cleaned up the traces of their overnight stay and hit the road again.

"Speaking of which, I forgot to ask yesterday -"

Signaling Marvin to lead the way, Bart slowed down the motorcycle and wiped the window: "Friend! Yesterday you said that this car was snatched from those company dogs! It's very exciting! It's inconvenient for me to tell you!"

"I worked for Enlightenment for a while." Song Shi pressed the window sill with one hand and said slowly: "I was doing well, so before leaving, they gave me this car - I heard it was a collection of a big real estate developer."

"Enlightenment?" Amid the whistling wind and sand, Bart raised his voice: "Wait, damn, it can't be Casting Light City? You participated in that battle?!"


"Then have you seen Chakoro! That day, he really shattered the solar radiation focusing array of Fubo Energy?"

Hearing the other party's words, Song Shi pondered for a few seconds and nodded: "How to say it, you can say that."

"Amazing! Amazing!"

Bart nodded repeatedly, and there was a little fascination in his brown eyes.

The abyss and the network firewall have fragmented the former public network domain into pieces, becoming isolated islands separated by pieces, making ultra-long-distance information transmission quite troublesome.

Therefore, even though Ye Nan is adjacent to the Enterprise Alliance and the battle of Zhuguang City has a huge impact, he has only received a few scattered messages while running around in the wasteland. Even with such a small amount of information, a large amount of cross-domain long-distance traffic charges has been consumed.

Suddenly, at a certain moment.

"It's coming." Song Shi raised his head and suddenly spoke.

The others were stunned when they heard this. It was not until a few breaths later that Ma Wen, a technician, suddenly realized something. He quickly operated the equipment a few times, compared the surrounding environment, and his pupils shrank slightly. He shouted: "- No! The sandstorm is coming soon!"

And at a speed visible to the naked eye, the sky was like an angry giant god. Not long ago, it was still a blue sky. In just a few breaths, it changed color. The deep black that was so thick that it could not be dissolved was like a huge black dragon surging and engulfing everything in the world.

Natural disaster.

Under the dim and gloomy sky, the air flow suddenly accelerated, mixed with sand and gravel, and the wind was fierce, raging in all directions!

"I am 'Dayuan'." Song Shi looked at the sandstorm that was forming and said casually: "Compared to your 'transcendence', our perception in this regard is still much stronger."

"There is no shelter." Bart didn't bother to talk. He quickly scanned the surroundings and found that there was no shelter. He said decisively: "Get off! Dig a hole! We bury it! It's not too late now!"

The motorcycle braked suddenly, and the car also stopped.

Bart urged his psychic energy to increase the power of the prosthesis. Just as he was about to dig a big hole on the spot, he saw the car door opened and Song Shi walked down.

The hem of his coat snapped in the wind, and he paced forward.

"No need, no need."

"You should take a break first."

While speaking, Song Shi was still watching the sandstorm in front of him. He could see that in the rolling dust, a wind column connecting the sky and the ground was rapidly forming and expanding.

The winding stream of fire bloomed silently, and then solidified in an instant, turning into a pitch-black straight knife.

"Things like natural disasters."

Song Shi raised his hand with interest, stroking the blade inch by inch, and scarlet-gold blood flowed from under his five fingers.

"Just cut it open."

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