Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 291 Fengzhou County


Song Shi gently pressed the front of the car: "It's only been driving for more than half a month."

"It can be placed underground." Lapis Lazuli said: "With a depth of ten meters, the safety rate can reach over 98%."

"That's not necessary."

Song Shi shook his head and sighed: "There is a high probability that it will not be opened again in the future - just tear it down."

"I have taken out the stored maintenance materials. After entering the East Continent Republic, it will be very troublesome to replenish them. By the way, I have to take the nuclear fusion reactor with me. Although it is not completely compatible with your interface, it can still serve as a function if necessary. Temporary power source."

More than half a month had passed since he left the Enterprise Alliance, and Song Shi finally approached the border of the Pan-Eastern Continent Commonwealth.

To be more precise, it is the border of "Fengzhou", one of the nineteen counties under the jurisdiction of the Donglu Republic.

At a time like this, you definitely can't drive through in an unauthorized limousine.

Fengzhou's border defense system is not that useless. When the guided artillery hits, although it will not threaten Song Shi now, the original entry operation will definitely be ruined.

"What are you going to do?"

Lapis Lazuli said cautiously: "With the 'monitoring network', if we sneak in directly, even with my technical support, it will be difficult to guarantee completeness."

"I know I know."

Song Shi thought about it for a while, but gave up and burned it directly. He chose to use psychic flames to melt a big pit and bury the dismantled car in it. If a lucky person with a metal detector finds it in the future, he can probably find it. A windfall.

When in town, do as the Romans do and take advantage of opportunities.

After finishing all this, he casually said: "Ha, the 'Supervisory Network' is the foundation of the East Continent Republic. If you want to make a big move against that thing, you have to ask the Abyss Lord."

"So, let's go through the formal channels." Song Shi patted his chest and said with a smile: "Be a legal citizen."

Six hours later.

Fengzhou County.

Border patrol station, immigration checkpoint.


"Song Zhi."


"Well, a homeless person. But I don't want to be a homeless person anymore! I want to live in a house! Drink clean water! Eat enough cheap food! Get a fashionable prosthetic body! In fact, I--"

"Okay, okay."

The inspector at this immigration checkpoint was a balding middle-aged man. He interrupted the chatter of the young man opposite him expressionlessly. He opened and closed the palm of his prosthetic right hand and stamped an electronic seal on the form.

"The temporary household registration has been completed. The inspection period is two months. The scope of activities is limited to Fengzhou County. During this period, there must be no illegal records. After the inspection period, you will become an official citizen of the Pan-Eastern Continent Federation."

After finishing the official rhetoric quickly, the young man opposite him was stunned for a moment. His face showed joy at first, and then quickly restrained it. He seemed to hesitate for a few seconds, but finally couldn't hold back his curiosity. He only heard the other party cautiously say: "That .grown ups."

"I heard that citizens have different levels of status. I'll tell you when that happens."

"Oh, then you know a lot."

After entering the room, the expression of the bald middle-aged man changed for the first time. He looked at the young man. The latter was ragged and dusty, and his whole body was filled with the vicissitudes of traveling all year round.

Only those wide-open eyes were filled with intense excitement.

It was as if I had glimpsed the outline of heaven.

After a while, the middle-aged man sneered, pressed the button on the table, and the window closed with a snap. The guard with guns and live ammunition next to him immediately stepped forward and signaled to the young man that he could leave.

In a blink of an eye, the young man found himself standing at the door of the patrol station. He subconsciously turned around and saw the fence closing with a swish.

A kinetic assault rifle, a pistol, and a dagger were all seized on the grounds that "dangerous goods are prohibited." The crumpled stack of coupons hidden in his waistband was also 90% missing during the body search.

The only thing that was not missing, but instead appeared in excess, was an electronic shackle tied to the ankle of the right leg. It had real-time positioning inside, and any attempt to remove it would trigger an electric shock.

But it’s too late to be confused! It was a van that rushed to the scene!

The street behind the outpost was suddenly filled with several vans, with heads twitching on their sides, staring at him eagerly!

"Brothers, brothers! This way, this way!"

Next to a gray van on the roadside, I saw a squatting man in a floral shirt. When he saw someone coming out, he suddenly took off his nicotine atomizer, jumped up, and waved to the young man at the gate: "I am -"

"It's your mother!" Before he finished speaking, another strong man appeared. He relied on his huge mechanical arms to squeeze the man in the cardigan first, and then approached the young man with a smile on his face: "Don't listen to that bastard's nonsense! Brother! Welcome to Fengzhou! Are you confused now? Come and let me arrange it for you!

"Hey! You don't follow the rules, do you?"

"Do you understand what first come, first served means?"

"Zhang! I think you really want to see blood!"

"Who are you bluffing? Then let's show off! What the hell -"


A sharp whistle suddenly sounded, suppressing all words.

Behind the fence of the guard post, the armed security guard from earlier turned around again. He spat out his whistle and said impatiently: "What are you arguing about! Do you really think this is your home? Be careful to accuse you of obstructing official duties!"

"Hey! I understand!"

The noisy people on the street were not afraid. After replying, they just stopped arguing.

They looked at each other and gathered around him. The young man's expression suddenly became alert. He took a half step back and made a vague fist-clenching gesture. Even his whole body temperament changed accordingly, revealing a somewhat ferocious feeling.

"Relax, take it easy bro."

Seeing this, the man in the flower shirt showed a hint of undetectable joy in his eyes. He waved his hands repeatedly and stopped, indicating that he did not mean any harm.

"Then what."

As if hesitating for something, the man in the flower shirt scratched his head, and finally sighed: "Oh! Let's put it this way."

"Brother, I won't hide it from you. I definitely can't hide it from you anyway." The man in the flower shirt shrugged: "Who can really pass through the wasteland and treat him like a fool?"

"Tell me the truth. We are considered intermediaries. After introducing you to the job, the other party will pay us some introduction fee, and we will make a living from this thing."

He said sternly: "But we can really help you with a lot of things, such as arranging a place to live, introducing local conditions, etc., and with our help, others won't kill you when you go shopping - merchants are very important to you. This kind of outsider will not show mercy."

"I know what you are worried about. Are you worried that we will take you to a remote place and cut off your organs?"

The man in the colorful shirt laughed twice and shook his head: "How is that possible? This is the Eastern Continent Republic, Fengzhou! Do you still think we are in the wasteland? Let me tell you, you have to change your habits as soon as possible."

"There is that thing..."

"——There is a 'monitoring network' watching."

The man paused, raised his hand, pointed at the sky, and spoke word by word.

"Who dares to do such a thing?"

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