Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 292 Black Boxing Eighth Level and Monitoring Network

"Surveillance Network."

Hearing this word, the young man's face suddenly became more cautious, but before he could speak, the man in the flower shirt smiled.

"Brother! What are you going to do? I just said it all the time, why don't you just choose me? Let me earn some hard-earned money, isn't it? It's no problem if I give you some back!"

".What job do you want to introduce?"

Hearing this, the man in the flower shirt knew that he was safe. He quickly waved his hand to indicate that the others could leave, and at the same time hugged the other person - the latter made a slight mistake in his steps and avoided it.

The man in the flowered shirt was not annoyed and was still smiling.

"Don't worry! Brother, get in the car first! We'll talk on the way! I'll pick you up and have a meal by the way!"

Just like that, under the regretful gazes of others, the young man got into the van and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

"Tsk, let the person named Chen take the lead."

Watching the van go away, the strong man smacked his mouth and said unhappily: "It's rare to find a good fighter who can fight. This is much more valuable than those old, weak, sick and disabled people."

"You can talk now."

In the van, a fat man was in charge of driving, while the man in colorful clothes and the young man were sitting in the back seat.

Watching the young man get into the car, and while talking, he still kept a distance not too far from himself, as if he could unleash his strength at any time, the man in the flower shirt's eyes became more and more satisfied.

"My surname is Chen, you can just call me Fatty Chen."

Man in a flower shirt, no, Fatty Chen smiled and said, "What do you call him?"

"Song Zhi."

"Okay, okay, Brother Song." Fatty Chen raised two fingers: "Let's put it this way, there are basically two ways to work. One is to enter the factory and fill in the manpower assembly line. The literal meaning of the assembly line, cheap labor, pure line filling That kind of thing.”

Hearing this, the young man frowned.

"Don't think I'm bluffing you." Fatty Chen clapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Think about it, your temporary household registration is only for two months, who knows if you can really stay? Become a member of our East Continent community , a citizen of the Pan-Eastern Continent Commonwealth, who would be willing to hire you in this case?”

"Don't even think about living on the streets and surviving for two months. One of the conditions for your household registration to be regularized after two months is that you must have a stable capital circulation record."

"Do you know skills such as mechanical maintenance? If you know these, then I can introduce some slightly better jobs, but again, it is better to die than to work on the assembly line."

"What's the second way?"

The young man narrowed his eyes: "This is what you really want to say."

“It’s easy to talk to smart people!”

Fatty Chen complimented him and said seriously: "Brother, how long did it take to get here?"

"A week and a half."

"Crossing the wasteland for a week and a half, it's awesome, it's really awesome!" Fatty Chen clapped his hands: "Let me put it bluntly, fight! How can you waste all your good skills on the assembly line? I can introduce you to the black boxing ring. ! Earn money quickly and enjoy a lot! ”

"The arena. Black fist?"

The other party's frown deepened: "The prosecutor has said that if you want to become a regular employee after two months, you must not leave any illegal records. Black Boxing. No, I won't go."

Unexpectedly, Fatty Chen burst out laughing after hearing this.

Seeing this, the young man suddenly thought of something and his face changed slightly: "Could it be that you can hide this from the surveillance network?"

"Haha. Ha, how is that possible?"

Fatty Chen laughed even louder, but after noticing that the other party was a little unhappy, he stopped laughing: "Who can hide it from the surveillance network? Even if someone can hide it, it is definitely not accessible to little people like us."

"But, who told you that our 'black boxing' is illegal?"

The other party was stunned.

"We have applied for a sports competition license! A formal and legal competition, okay!" Fatty Chen said with a smile: "It's just not on the surface. Most people in this place don't even know that such a thing exists. Isn't that?" Black boxing'?"

"I'll just tell you the truth, Brother Song."

Fatty Chen suddenly stopped laughing, and his expression suddenly became serious: "In black boxing, as long as you have the ability and are appreciated by the people above, you can get money, coupons, prosthetic bodies, food, drink, entertainment, and beautiful women, what else can't you get?"

"Don't take this household registration thing too seriously. Believe it or not, you won a good match today and at this time tomorrow, someone will help you get your official household registration."

The young man opened his eyes wide: "It's actually like this."

"Besides, you know, if you go to the factory assembly line, you will get your household registration two months later, and you will be the lowest-level 'eighth-class person'. Anyone with fart power can step on you. If you work hard all your life, maybe you can be promoted to a 'seventh class person' when you are about to die."

Fatty Chen opened his sleeve and revealed the luster of an alloy. It was a purely mechanical prosthetic limb.

He raised his voice a little: "Did you see it? If I hadn't been appreciated by my boss and became an intermediary, I would have been an eighth-class person all my life. How could I be like this now, eating whatever I want and getting a prosthetic body? Allow the indicator to be implanted, and even if I work for a few more years, I can be promoted to a seventh-class person!"

"Brother Song! You are a capable person - I still have some discernment. If you go to the ring, let alone two games, as long as you win two games, I guarantee that you will change the situation! If it hadn't been like this, sir, I’ll supply it to you!”

When a person shows his heart and soul and is so sincere, how can there be any room for rejection?

So with Chen Fatty's joyful expression on his face, the van traveled along the elevated road, passing through the city with varying heights, and finally stopped at a street where the buildings were obviously a little lower.

Fatty Chen got out of the car. After a few seconds, he found that the other party had not followed him. He circled the car and saw the young man standing on the cracked old cement floor, looking around.

Then he seemed to smile.

"What a long-awaited air."

Fatty Chen was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of understanding. He laughed: "What is this place? You haven't been to a real prosperous place yet! But after all, it is definitely much more comfortable than in your wasteland!"

Everyone on the street obviously knew Fatty Chen, and several people immediately came over to greet him, but more eyes were on the young man aside, scrutinizing him unabashedly. There were also people whose eyes showed the interest of watching another good show.

"Brother Song, don't be anxious. You have a good rest today and recharge your batteries. I'll go make some arrangements for you first." Fatty Chen turned his head and waved to a man: "Brother Wang! This Brother Song is new here. ! Take him for a meal and a place to sleep, and the money will be on my account!"

The man didn't talk nonsense. After Fatty Chen left, he took the young man and finished everything neatly.

The residence is a three-story room in an apartment on the street. It is relatively clean, but the interior furnishings are quite shabby.

After leaving a greeting of "call me if you have any questions", the man left the room and went downstairs.

“It’s a pretty standard process.”

After a few breaths, he fell into the quiet room again. The young man stood up. He walked slowly to the window and opened the curtain. He could see that a thick layer of rusty barbed wire blocked the window.

"It's a formal procedure, a legal citizen." Song Shi knocked on the black necklace hanging around his neck: "How about it, everything is legal and compliant?"

"It's so simple."

Lapis Lazuli's voice rang out - or rather, its voice and Song Shi's voice only sounded between each other, without even a trace being transmitted.

That was one of the many functional modules, the "soundproof room" provided by the Enlightened One before leaving Casting Light City.

"Why are the entry inspection procedures so simple?" Lapis Lazuli pondered the words: "Rudimentary."

The window with several cracks reflected a young and somewhat fierce face.

One of the modules carried by Lapis Lazuli, the "makeup box", can perform quite in-depth cosmetic surgery that lasts for several days.

——One of the racial superiority of [omnics] is that they can carry more equipment modules that far exceed those of humans.

"Well, 'circulation' is the wonderful thing here. Who dares to make a fuss about it?"

Song Shi looked into the distance: "And there's no need to stop it, right? Just like the Eastern Continent Republic under our feet, there is a surveillance network, and they are not afraid of anyone causing trouble."

"I can feel it."

Lapis Lazuli's tone became serious.

"Such a huge and special network domain, incredible design and theory, but here it is actually realized."

"That's all...well, it's quite powerful."

Song Shi supported the edge: "In network technology, the enterprise alliance has gone the furthest, and it is undoubtedly the leader in the world. Only in the ultra-large network domain, the Eastern Continent Republic can be said to be no inferior to, or even better than, the enterprise alliance. "

"The surveillance network is watching. To be honest, if I was the only one coming in, it would actually be quite troublesome. I would be tied up."

"Have you such high trust in me?" Lapis Lazuli's screen flashed, and a rare smiley emoticon popped up.

"Hmph." Song Shi raised the corner of his mouth: "Monitoring network troubles is trouble, but a devil who has studied in the Enterprise Alliance and reached Depth 4 is not a cabbage that can be seen everywhere. Not to mention that you are not yet Humans are omnics.”

"There's nothing to do for now. You can go surf the Internet and rest."

Lapis Lazuli said, "How long do you expect to be here?"

"Anyway, I won't really fight with these people." Song Shi stretched out and let out a long and comfortable sigh: "I still want to go to Yulai. This place in Fengzhou is damp and wet, but Can’t wait any longer.”

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