Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 303 [Sparse Day]

The Eastern Continent Republic may be the most rule-abiding force in the entire world.

Even gangs such as the "Red Blood Society" and the "Iron Gate Gang", those so-called underground boxing rings, sugar bars, singing and dancing workshops, all have applied for official licenses and registered with the national management agency. A well-known formal industry.

Those truly unlicensed and illegal industries do not require official intervention, and these gangs will work hard to eliminate them on their own.

One of the reasons why these gangs must rely on big shots is that only with the latter's connections and approval can they obtain formal licenses, run businesses legally, and earn large amounts of money in banknotes.

And if one day you have some unwanted thoughts, or even have the idea that "maybe you can negotiate terms with the other party," then in an instant, relevant agencies will come one after another, and the latter's property will be seized and confiscated, and disappear overnight.

When the sun rises the next day, there will be new gang members holding the head of their boss, eager to offer their loyalty to each other in exchange for new nods of support.

Under the ubiquitous observation of the "surveillance network", those who did not follow the rules in the Eastland Republic died.

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

Just like in order to avoid accumulating too much pressure and causing unexpected surprises that the people above are not happy to see, there is a real "black market" in the Eastland Republic. The surveillance network will deliberately set aside some places to acquiesce in some illegal transactions and realize artificial Clear channels and bring everything “uncontrollable” within controllable range.

The same is true for those aristocratic families in Tianhuang.

It is good to obey the rules, very good, everyone is obeying the rules and the family is reunited.

But sometimes, after all, there are things that cannot be solved by the rules - not to mention, I follow the rules, what if the other party doesn't?

If you suffer a loss because of this, then even if you get revenge later, the loss is still there, so it is better to take the lead and not abide by the rules for a while.


——[Shu Ri] was born.

The original "Suri" was not called "Suri" and had no official name. They were just a group of dead men raised by aristocratic families to deal with some matters that could not be solved by explicit rules. However, as time went by, some of the dead men began to of fear.

They clearly understand that they know too much dirty information about their master, and they will definitely not be able to end it well. Methods such as "memory deletion" are, firstly, costly and there is no need to be used by low-class people. Secondly, they are not safe enough, at least not as good as The dead are safer.

And they don't want to die.

Scholars died for their bosom friends, but they were just "dead soldiers", and their masters were far from "bosom friends".

In order not to be silenced in the future, these dead men tried to contact other aristocratic families, hoping to get a chance of survival——

Then they were silenced.

The master's family would not tolerate it, and the other aristocratic families would never approve of this despicable act of seeking glory behind the master's side. After hearing the information, they sentenced the other party to death on the spot.

However, the existence of this kind of death warrior group gradually spread.

After a series of intricate evolutions, today's "Sparse Sun" has been created. It is not only a black glove used by upper-class families to deal with some dirty things, but also a dagger used to attack each other - this is not recorded in any written records. , the "official agency" of the Touriku Republic.

The internal structure of Shuri is loose and even chaotic. The colleagues on this mission may be opponents ordered by two rival families the next time they meet.

In fact, even the major families who need them don't think highly of them and despise them for dirtying their hands - What's your last name?

Because of this, there has been a lot of dissatisfaction inside [Shu Ri] for a long time, but the aristocratic families above just let it go and didn't care. Until today, [Shu Ri] has an unprecedented plan.

——Return to the Lord and be self-reliant.

Not that it's the other way around.

It’s just that I no longer act as a black glove for the people above, at least I can’t just give away things casually, or even force them to work for free without giving them anything. In short, we can no longer be as bluffing as we are now, but our status is actually low.

"He Shuri."

Song Shi's expression didn't change much.

Ten years later, after a series of events, [Shu Ri] can be said to have almost achieved its goal of independence.

It's a pity that then, under the emperor's will, the huge military force of the Vampusta Empire's "Pure World Holy War" was overwhelmed. The entire Pan-Eastern Continent Federation engaged in battle, and [Shu Ri] could not care about anything. No longer self-reliant, he immediately turned around and joined the war against the empire.

"Let's not talk about what you can come up with." Song Shi supported his neck with his right hand and said calmly: "Even if I am moved, do you really dare to risk the disapproval of the world and thwart the plans of those aristocratic families?"

"We dare."

The boss answered quickly.

"You have the appearance of an immortal and a born Taoist. You should ask, why don't we dare?" The boss said with a smile: "A psychic who has the potential, no, is extremely promising to reach the fifth ring. We are not blind even if we are separated from each other. If this is not possible, If you don’t dare to leave, then just bury it on the spot.”

He decided to go straight for it.

"Since you know the name 'Suri', you must also know what we do."

"——Our current goal is to go against the top!"

After a few seconds.

Seeing the other party's expression without any change, even the "boss" couldn't help but feel confused and muttered.

Such a big secret.

Why aren't you surprised at all?

"Very good." The other party finally responded and clapped his hands: "Support, support."


The boss paused, but chose to continue: "I dare not say that all the Shu Ri are innocent and all the blame lies with them, but there are indeed quite a few who are just poor people who have no choice but to do so. We want to rebel against the family, and we have made some plans in recent years, but to be honest, the effect of these plans is not as good as yours-"

He said word by word: "A fifth-ring psychic."

"Where is he?" Song Shi said.

The boss smiled unchanged: "I believe this day will not be far away."

"So, you plan to establish a relationship with me now, so that I can support you in the future, or help you."

Song Shi laughed slowly.

"If it is the custom of the corporate alliance," the boss said solemnly, "it can also be called investment."

"Of course, if you are willing to join Shuri, we will do our best to cultivate you. After all, we don't mind having an extra leader above us - it is better to say that having a fifth ring is a good thing."

"It doesn't matter if you don't join, but you have been killing people all the way, and you have long been enemies with those noble families. We Shuri also want to rebel. We have the same goal, and we will benefit from it. "

"Believe it or not."

Song Shi interrupted the other party, raised his index finger, and pointed to the ceiling: "As long as I walk to the center of the street now and express my intention to join, I will appear at the banquet in the palace tomorrow evening, and the noble ladies of the family will rush to me, hoping that I will marry her as my wife?"

Before the other party spoke, Song Shi raised his head and stared at the ceiling.

The half-broken ceiling fan was shaking intermittently.

Because of years of water leakage, most of the wall has already peeled off, and the remaining is like the skin of an old man, wrinkled and full of inferior mold spots.

"You are right about one thing." Song Shi retracted his gaze and stood up: "Hehe... Kill all the way."

"From today on, cover my whereabouts for seven days, and I will accept your favor and help you escape from the control in the future."

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