Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 304: Please join the network

"Uh, I feel a little dizzy."

The boss blinked, and felt a little dizzy for some reason. In his sight, the young customer not far away just finished eating and stood up, nodded to him, and walked out of the noodle shop.

Maybe he didn't sleep well at night.

Watching the other person's back as he went away, the boss thought about it, came up with an answer, and quickly put it behind his mind.

"Means of consensus"

The evening wind was already quite cool, blowing the dirty plastic bags on the street corners trembling.

Song Shi had roughly figured out how the other party was guarding him.

The other party calculated his approximate route, and in order to avoid being directly observed by the "monitoring network" to see Shu Ri's end, he did not show up in person, but spread his consciousness - according to the tradition of Donglu, or "divine consciousness", in advance to the creatures in this area. Once the latter noticed the special psychic reaction, their original consciousness would come and meet him.

The range of spiritual awareness differentiation is so wide, and the means of control can be called proficient and powerful. He even noticed the spiritual power that he had restrained and hidden, and saw through his identity.

The third ring peak [consensus].

In the ancient East Land, before the peak of spiritual power broke through the fifth ring, this level of spiritual power was already a veritable living immortal Buddha.

Even now, no matter how strict the standards are, no matter how big the power is, it can be regarded as a master.

The other party's status in [Shu Ri] is definitely a core senior.

Such a character, it is no wonder that he is unwilling to be just a black glove of a family

However, in his previous life, he had little dealings with [Shu Ri].

When he returned to the East Land Republic in his previous life, the military officers and generals of the four departments of Zhongdu, the elite cadres of the tenth bureau, the guests of each family, and the pillars of the family who came to block the way were all the military officers and generals of the four departments of Zhongdu, the elite cadres of the tenth bureau, the guests of each family, and the pillars of the family. Shu Ri's people really almost never showed their heads

As soon as his thoughts turned, he had sorted out the whole story.

As for that deal.

The other party naturally agreed, and vowed that as long as you don't go to kill the eldest son of Longyuan Feng in the next seven days, the monitoring network and the pursuit team of the Tenth Bureau, [Shu Ri] will be responsible for covering and delaying.

Of course, only seven days... or try to be seven days.


Song Shi stood under the old and dilapidated eaves, turned his head and stared in one direction: "I'm going back to Linjiang."

The final destination of this trip.

At this moment, the sight seemed to cross the shackles of time and space, passing over the tall and short buildings, passing over the wasteland, to the Jiulai River, the city built on the mountain and facing the river.

And in the corner of the suburbs of this city called "Linjiang", in the dilapidated welfare home, at this moment, are there still traces of "Song Shi" left?

"Your emotions are fluctuating." Lapis Lazuli suddenly spoke and asked cautiously: "Do you need a sedative?"

". If your emotions are fluctuating, just give me a sedative?"

After a few seconds, Song Shi's subtle voice sounded: "Fortunately, you are a demon and not a doctor, otherwise you will kill three-digit patients sooner or later. Jade Pharmaceutical should really invite you to give them a guidance lecture and teach them what medical safety is."

"Let's go. Before going to Linjiang, I have one last account to settle here."

Song Shi buttoned up his coat again and walked to the west side of the city: "--All injustices will be killed, and I will do what I want."

"Oh? The person has been located? It's very efficient. Let me check the location."



"My lord, everything is ready."

In the middle of the vast blue lake, a classical and exquisitely decorated painting boat slowly passed by.

There is a small pavilion built in the pleasure boat. The man reported to the figure sitting cross-legged in the pavilion in a steady voice, respectfully: "The security equipment nearby has been set up and connected to the monitoring network. Captain Wang's subordinates are also in place."

"What about him?"

"Captain Wang said that he stayed in the bottom of the pleasure boat to avoid alerting the enemy. He also asked me to say, 'Please rest assured! We will not miss the opportunity!'"

"Sir." The man's tone was a little more excited: "A group of soldiers from the mountain tribe, led by Captain Wang himself, will surely achieve success in one fell swoop and kill the lunatic who calls himself the so-called 'Xiezhi'!"

The four divisions of Zhongdu, "Wind", "Forest", "Fire", and "Mountain".

These are the four most elite armies in the entire Donglu Republic. They are well-equipped and have experienced many battles. They are absolutely strong and brave. The commanders of each division are all fourth-ring psychics.

Regardless of the number of troops under his command, the commander alone is a terrifying existence that can destroy mountains and cities and change the local topography.

Three days ago, the [Monitoring Network] issued a warning to Mr. Zhang in the pavilion, the "fifth-class person", that is, the director of the city's Urban Construction and Planning Bureau.

——Someone may want to assassinate.

A more specific rehearsal inference is that the assassin is the killer who has recently become famous and calls himself "Xiezhi".

A psychic of the second ring.

But the [Monitoring Network] only made a rehearsal inference, and it failed to lock the whereabouts of the other party for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Mr. Zhang thought that there was no reason to "guard against thieves for a thousand days", not to mention that the [Monitoring Network] temporarily failed, and it was probably that there were other hostile figures behind the other party.

Instead of being trembling with fear and precautions, it is better to use oneself as a lure to come to a remote place like Changhufangsi to lure out the other party and kill him on the spot.

——There are rules among the noble families.

It is not in line with the rules to hire a murderer to commit an assassination. If you try to do this and try to do it again after failure, that is completely unruly and you will be subject to joint pressure from all parties.

So, only once, only once.

Yes, he has already seen that this so-called "Haizhi" sounds good, but in fact it must be a killer hired by one of his opponents - the [Monitoring Network] provides him with early warning, but cannot pinpoint the opponent's specific location. This is the best proof.

This means that the authority of both parties is wrestling.

——Then the battle is completed!

First capture or suppress the murderer alive, then slowly pry out the information and wait for an opportunity to strike back at the opponent.

For this battle, he specially spent some favors to invite the sergeant Yamabe who was personally led by the school captain, a group of six people. With such a strong force, no matter how hard the "Xie Zhi" struggled, he would not be able to break free from his grasp.

[——The fish has been caught in the net. 】

Mr. Zhang was about to pour another cup of tea when a pop-up window suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and his whole body was shaken.


Then I will sit in the center, stay calm in the face of danger, and remain calm and contented!

With a subtle "click" sound, the vision in the prosthetic eye flickered and switched to a display interface with a camera perspective.

On the shore of this artificial "Long Lake", a waiter wearing a service uniform, carrying a stack of documents, was walking slowly through the bank of the shore, approaching the boat parked in the lake.

If not, this waiter always has his back to the camera, making it difficult to capture his face.

Master Zhang sneered lowly.

“Hmph, is this ‘Xie Zhi’?”

The dragnet is in place.

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