
At this moment, Haezhi is the center.

The "dark lights" transformed into seven short blades crisscrossed each other, like butterflies flying. However, each wisp of dark light burst out from the silent flight with terrifying power!

One blow.

Finally seizing the opportunity, a wisp of dark light hit Lapis Lazuli. With just this blow, the armor shield held up by the latter was dented and deformed with a heart-breaking roar!

But that's all.

Lapis Lazuli completely ignored the short blade that was close at hand and almost penetrated the armor shield. He controlled multiple gravity balls to fight back. Under the greatly enhanced gravity environment, the opponent's movement became obviously obscured, and he controlled and flew around with single molecular lines. The seven short blades that were dancing around also had their kinetic energy reduced and their trajectories slowed down.

The two sides had been fighting for less than a minute, and they had exchanged dozens of moves at high speed. The water in the surrounding lake was violently churning, and the boat was falling apart and crumbling.

——No, if you delay it any longer, you really won’t be able to leave!

"Haizhi" took a deep breath, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, the spiritual energy began to surge, the knuckles of his ten fingers cracked, and even the seven short blades hovering around him seemed to feel the control of the driver. The will began to tremble in unison.

——We must give it a try!

At this moment, a fire suddenly rose in the distance, and immediately after, spiritual energy fluctuations that were too strong to be ignored violently attacked towards him.

The red gold from the distance had just appeared in Haechi's pupils. The next moment, the red gold had completely filled his pupils and arrived in front of him!

"It's late——"

Song Shi had already put away his heavy sword. The moment he passed by Haezhi, he broke through the latter's defense. He let out a long laugh and led the opponent with one hand to flee into the distance: "Let's go!"

"Thieves, please leave—! Cough! Cough!"

The captain was so angry that his roar echoed. However, he was hit twice by Song Shi. He was already powerful and skilled in martial arts. However, serious injuries were unavoidable. He could not continue to pursue. He could only watch the opponent turn into a stream of fire. , quickly disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

After vomiting a lot of blood, he finally recovered. The captain leaned his spear on the ground and looked at the belated police car nearby. He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Immediately! Immediately! Notify the 10th Bureau!"


After driving for dozens of miles, Song Shi finally stopped after confirming that he was temporarily out of the "monitoring network".

This is a bridge opening over a small river, in a remote location and inaccessible.


Song Shi let go of his hand, and "Xie Zhi" rolled over on the ground and jumped up again. He stared at the former while seizing the time to adjust his breathing.

Even though as a second-level psyker, his body strength has been more or less enhanced, and a part of his enhanced prosthetic body has been implanted, he is [Balance] after all, not [Transcendence], and he was carried wildly for dozens of miles by the opponent. , I feel very bad now.

I really want to find a place to lie down quickly

"Thank you for the rescue." He observed the young man, spoke slowly and whispered: "But your Excellency, you can do whatever you want."

While he was talking, he had managed to tidy up his messy clothes, fumbled around in his arms, and took out a black peaked cap. He put on his hat and lowered the visor slightly, half covering his face.

At this moment, Song Shi was also sizing up the person in front of him.

Due to the high speed, most of the makeup the other party used to disguise himself was destroyed, revealing his true appearance. It was a rather handsome face, but because it was too young, it had a slightly youthful look.

At this point in time, you have just turned twenty?

It's really small enough.

Well, actually it’s not too small.

Song Shi thought about it for a moment. In his previous life, he met the other person and walked together for a short time, which was three or four years later.

At that time, both sides had just entered the third ring, but now, Song Shi had already made a judgment that it had not been long since the other party had entered the second ring.

This time, I am far ahead...

But since it was achieved through rebirth, it is not something to be proud of.

"How about I think about this?"

Song Shi finally spoke: "You ask me a question, and I ask you a question. Use this method to clear up the confusion."

"Okay." Haezhi said concisely and concisely: "You come first."

Song Shi was not polite and directly asked a question that really interested him: "Why did you want to kill Zhang Binbing?"

"—Because he is a wicked man."

At the mention of this name, Xie Zhi's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and he said word by word: "He relied on his power, accepted bribes, acted unscrupulously, and manipulated urban construction projects. He was implicated in causing the destruction of at least ten families. His actions should be punished and his crimes should be punished. Punishment, the person should be punished——"

"Okay, no need to say more, I completely understand." Song Shi raised his hand to signal, interrupting the other person to continue reading.

The first problem is solved.

A mere coincidence. In fact, it is not a coincidence.

【獬豸】, has been a mythical beast in the myths and legends of the Eastern Continent since ancient times. The big one is like a cow, and the small one is like a sheep. It looks like a unicorn. It has a horn on its forehead and a pair of divine pupils with the meaning of "knowing good and evil, discerning evil and evil". "The ability.

According to what the other party told him back then, he took the title "獬豸" to express his intention to reshape the good and evil in the world——

It's just that the other party believes that the efficiency of doing good deeds is too low and cannot support "goodness", so he must be a killer. He firmly believes that as long as he kills all the evil people in the world, he will be able to suppress "evil" and help the right path in the world.

Song Shi's evaluation at the time was whether you were a little too unbalanced.

According to the other party's thinking, "Zhang Binbing" will indeed be selected sooner or later. Now it seems that the other party was ambushed in the previous life and failed to assassinate, but he still stood out from the encirclement.

And then, in order to save his roommate, he rushed into Zhang Binbing's house alone.

"It's your turn." Song Shi nodded.

Xiezhi asked directly: "Why rescue me?"

"If I say I can save you if I want to, can you accept it?"

Xiezhi pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "I see."

"Please continue." He said.

"Forget it, I have nothing to say." Song Shi sat down on the spot and spread his hands: "Just ask directly, ask anything."

"Intelligent machines." Hearing this, Xiezhi first looked at the lapis lazuli next to him, and then looked at Song Shi again: "There are few intelligent machines in the East Land Republic. Are you outsiders?"

"Well... you can say that."

"You were there at the scene. Was it accidental or intentional?"

"Accidental, it may be too strange, but it is indeed accidental."

"I also have a hunch." Xiezhi shook his head: "I believe this answer."

"Your psychic power." He asked carefully: "Has it reached the third ring?"

Song Shi smiled but said nothing.

So Xiezhi understood.

After a few seconds,

".You." Xiezhi paused, and asked in confusion from the bottom of his heart: "Are you not going to ask about my identity?"

"Oh, the killer turned out to be 'Xiezhi'."

Song Shi nodded: "I thought it was Ailu, a second-ring [Balance] psychic who came from the rule of [Sihuangtian] and chose the path of 'Baihuang', and came to the East Land Republic to support the righteousness of the world."

Ailu: "?"

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